Making Public Comments

How to talk to the Board Members at Meetings

At regular meetings there is time for the public to talk to the Boards.

The Boards give you three minutes on most items.

If there is a item on the agenda the board will ask for public comment at some point during that item.

If what you want to talk about is not on the agenda there is the public comment period.


NCSD normally  meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at 9 AM. The public comment period is normally at the start of the beginning of the agenda shortly after 9 AM.

For NCSD’s 2011-12 agendas on NCSD's website   Click Here

For NCSD’s 2010-11 agendas  on NCSD's website   Click Here

For NCSD’s 2009-10 agendas on NCSD's website    Click Here

For NCSD’s 2008-09 agendas on NCSD's website    Click Here

For NCSD’s 2007-08 agendas on NCSD's website    Click Here

For NCSD’s 2006-07 agendas on NCSD's website    Click Here

For NCSD’s meeting location Click Here

San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors (SLO BoS)

The County Board of Supervisors normally meet on the first and third Tuesday at 9 AM. The public comment period is normally at the start of the beginning of the agenda shortly after 9 AM. It’s normal to fill out a slip (provided in the back of the room) to let the board know you want to talk.

For SLO BoS meeting calender Click Here

For SLO BoS meeting agenda and Archives of past meetings (audio and Video) Click Here

For SLO BoS meeting location Click Here

Check the agendas to be sure of any schedule.

Note that if it’s a “special” meeting there usually no public comment on items not on the agenda.


The RWQCB has meetings at different locations and times the Public Forum is normally at 11 AM.

For the RWCQB schedule, agendas and location Click Here