ublic Employment Review General Manager contract GC 54957 990391 The Board came back into Open Session and reported a Upon motion of Director Mendoza and Seconded by Director Blair the Board approved the contract with Boyle Engineering to Provide Supplemental Engineering Services for Water System Evaluation and for Boyle to bring a report to the Board after the completion of Tasks 100 400 Vote 4 1 with President Kaye dissenting 300.00 vehicle allowance to the Manager's salary by amending Section 4.2 of
omo Recreation Center thanked the Board and introduced Lisa Marie the Committee Chairperson agenda Presentations are limited to three 3 minutes or otherwise at the discretion of the Chair There were no public comments 0 Review possible sources of a supplemental Back Up water supply for the District Information was presented to the Board with suggested options for Supplemental Water During this agenda item the following member of the public spoke Lowell Davis 1775 Calle Arroyo Grande asked who would be v
of the Board relating to any matter within the Board's jurisdiction provided the matter is not on the Board's agenda or pending before the Board mInutes D ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS The following may be discussed and action may be taken by the Board D 1 Supplemental Water Calle if Answer D 2 WATER AND SEWER RATE STUDY comments Upon motion of Director Mobraaten and seconded by Director Mendoza 00 A WATER Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
taining Cypress Ridge and spreading the costs to the rate payers Legal Counsel Jon Seitz explained the process to wishes to intervene it should consider the cost issues on annexing Cypress Ridge Costs to consider Attorney purchase annexation process Supplemental Water infrastructure improvements During this agenda item the following member of the public spoke John Snyder 662 Eucalyptus Rd Nipomo Stated that this was the second application Cal Cities has sent to the PUC to acquire Cypress Ridge He feels tha
e for Cal Cities to pay 1.6 million and charge that to their customers Upon motion of Director Winn and seconded by Director Mobraaten the Board unanimously directed staff to write a letter as a legal brief to PUC stating the District's position on Supplemental Water supply and the payment issues A request was received for water service to an 8Yz acre parcel on Pomeroy Rd There were no public comments Upon motion of Director Mendoza and seconded by Director Winn the Board unanimously approved and Intent to
Manager Doug Jones presented information on the following DIRECTORS COMMENTS Director Winn reported on the NCAC Growth Management meeting One of the speakers was Ken Penngroth using the abandoned oil pipe lines The directors asked the staff to place Supplemental Water Study on the next agenda Directors agreed that October 4 2000 in the morning would be acceptable for a Study Session including the Rate Study report by Perry Louck District concerning the matter below CLOSED SESSION WITH a The Board came back
tal Zone Answer No by directed staff to send letter to LAFCO that the District would look favorably on annexation of Tracts 1802 1808 and 1856 upon receipt of a formal annexation req uest and provided they meet all District requirements Vote 4 0 0 4 Supplemental Water Proposed study to evaluate Supplemental Water sources Several options for a Supplemental Water supply have been investigated by the Board It has been suggested that a study would be helpful to evaluate possibilities During this agenda item the
following members of the public spoke Evan Evanoff 490 Brytec Nipomo Talked with John Wallace about tertiary treated E Water evaluate Supplemental Water supply alternatives Vote 4 0 E E 1 CSDA BOARD ELECTIONS Voting For CSDA Board of Directors Mobraaten from Templeton CSD Vote 4 0 F CONSENT AGENDA The following items are considered routine and non controversial by staff and may be approved by
iefly explained vesting Would like NCSD's help to understand District's expectations The following members of the public spoke George Layman Nipomo Mesa resident The Mesa needs a supply of water Jim McGillis 1291 Division St Nipomo District needs Supplemental Water Jim Tefft 1245 Dawn Rd Nipomo What happens if private water companies go dry Ans Some companies would be taken over by a public entity Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com MINUTES NOVEMBER 15 2000 REGULAR SESSION 10 30 A M BOARD ROOM
f Director Mobraaten and seconded by Director Simon the Board unanimously approved the issuance of an Intent to Serve letter for water and sewer service to Project D000076D 80V with the conditions as outlined in the Board letter E OTHER BUSINESS E 1 Supplemental Water SUPPLY STUDY Review proposals to evaluate a Supplemental Water source for the District Supplemental Water supply for the District The Board's Sub Committee Directors Blair and Simon recommended Kennedy Jenks The following member of the public
hillips of the Regional Water Quality Control Board about changing density and putting septic from 1 acre parcels to acre parcels on the Nipomo Mesa Feels the District needs to look at this policy Director Wirsing would like to see an update on the Supplemental Water review Mr Jones noted that the consultant Kennedy Jenks is currently working on that and will contact Director Winn noted that the Water Forum will be held Monday Feb 12 2001 at 6 30 p m here He also mentioned some Brown Act rules Editor Black
eeting There were no public comments Upon motion of Director Mobraaten and seconded by Director Winn the Board approved the items on the Consent Agenda with the correction in the Minutes Section H where Director Wirsing asked to see an update on the Supplemental Water review and not Director Winn as stated Vote 5 0 G MANAGER'S REPORT General Manager Doug Jones presented information on the following G 1 BOARD WORKSHOP The Board discussed holding a study session first before hiring a consultant Date will be s
ere were no public comments Upon motion of Director Winn and seconded by President Blair The Board unanimously approved the items on the Consent Agenda G MANAGER'S REPORT General Manager Doug Jones presented information on the following G 1 WOODLAND SUPPLEMENTAL EIR REPORT G 2 CSDA LEGISLATIVE UPDATE H DIRECTORS COMMENTS The following Board members commented on the following topics Woodland Black Lake and CSA 1 G Town Division water added to Black Lake Division water Study Session on redevelopment landscape
the discretion of the Chair President Blair opened the meeting to Public Comments There was no public comment D ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS The following may be discussed and action may be taken by the Board D 1 KENNEDY JENKS CONSULTANTS DRAFT REPORT ON Supplemental Water Presentation by Lynn Takaichi of Kennedy Jenks Evaluation of Water Supply Alternatives for the Nipomo CSD Lynn Takaichi of Kennedy Jenks presented the draft report Evaluation of Water Supply Alternatives for the Nipomo CSD It was suggested t
MINUTES SEPTEMBER 5 2001 Page 2 of 2 E OTHER BUSINESS E 1 REVIEW DRAFT WOODLAND SPECIFIC PLAN SUPPLEMENTAL EIR REPORT Review District's comments on the draft supplemental EIR report The Board reviewed the draft Woodland Specific Plan Supplemental EIR Report The following members of the public spoke George Layman 2025 Halcyon Rural Arroyo Grande Would like to send NCSD sewer water to Woodland Golf Course Upon motion of Director Winn and seconded by Director Wirsing the Board unanimously agre
ed to send the comments included in the draft letter to John McKenzie SLO County Planning and Building Department concerning the Woodland Specific Plan Supplemental EIR Report Director Trotter requested that his comments be placed into the minutes He commented that the report's definition of an overdraft is astounding The text of this erroneous and inaccurate report could possibly be used for future developmen
ise at the discretion of the Chair Vice President Mobraaten asked for public comments The following members of the public spoke Vince McCarthy 191 E Dana Nipomo Asked Director Trotter if he prepared his comments to McKenzie concerning the draft EIR supplemental report on the Woodland Specific Plan Mr Trotter answered that he decided that the Board's comments were sufficient for now D ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS The following may be discussed and action may be taken by the Board D 1 PUBLIC HEARING ASHLAND SEWER
appointed Director Winn and Director Trotter to the Flood Zone Committee and requested they meet and report back to the full board at some future date D 5 EVALUATION OF WATER SUPPLY ALTERNATIVES Receive Final Report from Kennedy Jenks Consultants on Supplemental Water The final report from Kennedy Jenks was presented to the Board of Directors Staff requested that a Study Session be set up to review the report in detail The following members of the public spoke Jesse Hill 1910 Grant Ave Arroyo Grande Asked
e direction to legal counsel c Holliday Hill vs NCSD CV 010563 Board heard update and gave direction to legal counsel ADJOURN President Blair adjourned the meeting at 12 20 p m A Special Board meeting will be held on November 9 2001 Study Session on Supplemental Water The regularly scheduled Board meeting for November 21 2001 has been canceled The next regular Board Meeting will be held on November 28 2001 Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
y item on the Special Meeting Agenda Comments are limited to 3 minutes or otherwise at the discretion of the Chair President Blair asked for Public Comments There was no public comment ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM STUDY SESSION Kennedy Jenks Report Review of Supplemental Water supplies for the District General Manager Doug Jones presented information on the Kennedy Jenks Consultants Supplemental Water Report The Board discussed the report and the alternatives The following members of the public spoke Jessie Hill 191
d concerning their position as commissioners on LAFCO The Board thanked them for attending and invited them back to other meetings in which LAFCO would be interested It was agreed that NCSD agenda items that involve LAFCO should be sent to LAFCO D 3 Supplemental Water OPTIONS Review Study Session Supplemental Water options The Board reviewed Supplemental Water options from the Kennedy Jenks Consultants Report which were discussed at the November 9 2001 Study Session There was no public comment Upon motion
inn and seconded by Director Blair the Board unanimously agreed to direct staff to proceed immediately in negotiations with the City of Santa Maria looking at desalination of sea water and leaving open the possibility of hard rock drilling to obtain Supplemental Water Vote 5 0 D 2 NIPOMO COMMUNITY CLEAN UP PHASE II FUNDING Request from the Clean Up Committee for an additional 2,000 for expenses A request was received from the Nipomo Community Clean up Committee for an additional 2,000 for expenses incurre
utes IWMA meeting G 2 CSA 1F connected to District sewer system H DIRECTORS COMMENTS Director Winn a Senate Bill 210 b Lighting District c Flood Control d WRAC e Nipomo Valley Mutual Water Company State Water f Housing meeting g Black Lake Supplemental Water use Director Trotter asked that his comments about Woodlands be added to the minutes This District is in an overdraft There is in existence a draft study by the DWR to determine the true nature of our groundwater reservoir I suggested several
air voting no G MANAGER'S REPORT General Manager Doug Jones presented information on the following STREET LANDSCAPING LEGISLATION H COMMITTEE REPORTS Chamber of Commerce Director Wirsing attended Director Blair High School some unresolved issues Supplemental Water Director Winn said he and Director Wirsing discussed several options I DIRECTORS COMMENTS Director Blair APCD Town Meeting March 6th 7 00 p m Dana School BoS Robinson General Plan Amendment Director Winn Sheriff's Dept Ranch Watch meeting
to grow rather than building infrastructure which allows for more annexation The Board had comments and questions about the report and had suggestions to be incorporated into the final report ie Woodlands not a part of NCSD State Water replaced with Supplemental Water included reference to inter tie with Black Lake time line of 5 growth rather than 2.3 report designed with 30 psi minimum included Upon motion of Director Winn and seconded by Director Trotter the Board unanimously agreed to direct Boyle Engin
the meetings be brought back to the Board for discussion I DIRECTORS COMMENTS Director Winn reminded everyone of the Town Meeting at Dana School concerning the APCD He also asked about the Board Room Use Policy He also asked that all the studies on Supplemental Water be summarized for possible public viewing Director Blair suggested a possible deposit for use of Board room Save the Mesa meetings are now open to the public Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel announced the need to go into Closed Session to disc
on of Director Winn and seconded by Director Blair the Board approved the Intent to Serve letter for water and sewer service to one lot created by splitting Lot 4 Vote 5 0 with Director Wirsing abstaining due to our groundwater source and not having Supplemental Water in place D 5 WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN 2001 UPDATE Receive and file the Water and Sewer Master Plan 2001Update by Boyle Engineering There was no public comment Upon motion of Director Winn and seconded by Director Blair the Board agre
mally it’s against the Brown Act to discuss things with more than one Board member I’ve kind of gotten a more positive view of what each Board member stands for My main thing is that I live in Nipomo and I have my business in Nipomo and until we get Supplemental Water or find out where we’re going we’re all at risk here until we find out the truth until the litigation is over to find out what direction we can go in this District can go in There was no Board action taken D 3 ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SOLID WAST
GET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002 2003 Resolution adopting the District's FY 2002 03 Budget Resolution adopting appropriation limitation A Public Hearing was held to discuss the FY 2002 03 budget for the District There was some discussion about budgeting for Supplemental Water in the future There was no public comment Upon motion of Director Winn and seconded by Director Trotter the Board unanimously approved Resolution 2002 817 adopting the budget Vote 5 0 RESOLUTION 2002 817 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
ion 2002 834 approving Annexation No 21 Knollwood Vote 3 2 with Directors Trotter and Wirsing voting no Director Wirsing asked to have her comment in the record She is voting no because she continues to be concerned about a reliable water source and Supplemental Water is not in place yet Director Trotter agreed Director Blair asked to have his comment in the record He felt that the annexation fees should be lower RESOLUTION NO 2002 834 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NIPOMO COMMUNITY SERVICES
OR ANNEXATION ROBERTSON Request to annex approx 60 acres 8 parcels on Lyn Rd at Pomeroy Rd Director Blair says he cannot vote for this annexation until the restrictions secondary residence are lifted Director Wirsing asked if we should be pursuing Supplemental Water The following members of the public spoke Don Hilliard 1731 Pomeroy Rd outside District Neighbors have had to haul in water for several summers He is a co defendant in the SMVWCD suit Jessie Hill 1910 Grand Ave AG outside District Find out a
urces Advisory Committee October 18th relative to the Nipomo area’s future water supplies as NCSD director I request that the issuing of all NCSD or other commitments be tabled until it is determined that there is sufficient groundwater resources or Supplemental Water to meet the present and future needs of the community This applies to the future discussions for Will Serve letters on the agenda I’ll sanitize this thing and give it to Donna Copy attached Director Wirsing asked that her comments be added to
the water problems at Woodland’s the last paragraph it states If the basin is in Level 2 severity the scale is from 1 to 3 with 3 being the most severe Nipomo will be out of water within 7 years according to the Resource Management System unless a Supplemental Water source is secured I am extremely worried about our water to be able to before we run out of water that will cause us to have mandatory conservation I’m just really concerned about a project of this size and all the other projects that we have
st for water and sewer service for a 7 unit development on S Frontage Rd Steve Cool developer discussed the proposed project Tract 2513 with the Board Director Wirsing made the motion to table all new hook ups so this Board can aggressively pursue Supplemental Water Director Trotter seconded the motion with the addition of tabling Intent to Serves until study in February and April release of court orders The following members of the public spoke after Director Wirsing’s motion Jim McGillis Nipomo surveyor
fair that Woodlands was turned down just to approve this project Director Trotter feels it is premature for annexation Director Winn made the motion to table this annexation request until a comprehensive plan is presented to the District including a Supplemental Water supply outside the basin not in the Nipomo Mesa Sub area Director Wirsing seconded the motion Vote 3 1 with Director Blair voting no President Mobraaten called a break at 11 55 a m and reconvened at 12 02 p m Copy of document found at www NoNe
ng Agenda Comments are limited to 3 minutes or otherwise at the discretion of the Chair There was no public comment ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM Review and consider approving Memorandum of Understanding with Woodlands Project related to well interference and Supplemental Water Jim Markman Special Water Counsel discussed the Memorandum of Understanding with Woodlands The following members of the public spoke Istar Holliday 577 Sheridan Rd Nipomo Urged the Board to look at a few thing before signing away rights Se Se
d to Ms Holliday Hathem Dawlett representative for the Woodlands Project spoke in favor of the MOU Upon motion of Director Blair and seconded by Director Winn the Board agreed to change best to reasonable It was asked if Woodlands has to search for Supplemental Water Mr Markman answered yes Vote 5 0 with Director Wirsing abstaining President of Troxler Ventures Partners Inc a California corporation Bryan P Troxler and Michael Winn NCSD Board President pro tem signed the agreement ADJOURN President pro tem
rd's agenda or pending before the Board Presentations are limited to three 3 minutes or otherwise at the discretion of the Chair The following member of the public spoke Ed Eby Inside District Suggested to the Board that the theoretical concept of Supplemental Water for annexations need a thorough study D ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS The following may be discussed and action may be taken by the Board D 1 REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION OAKRIDGE NEWMAN Request to annex approx 285 acres north of Sandydale Rd west of Hwy
Inside District Would like to see large lots next to Hetrick Upon motion of Director Wirsing and seconded by Director Trotter the Board agreed to table this item until a contract for supplement water is in place and that the developer is to pursue Supplemental Water Vote 4 1 with Vice President Winn voting no D 2 REQUEST FOR VARIANCE TRACT 2456 KING VENTURES Request to construct common sewer laterals for a 41 lot development Mr Dave Watson representative for King Ventures spoke to the Board about the pr
rict will require the payment of prevailing wages for such construction and if so shall comply with all applicable requirements 2 Paragraph 2 A include the word FIRM in the sentence The parties shall work cooperatively to identify a FIRM available Supplemental Water source for providing water to the project The motion by Director Blair and seconded by President Winn was to approve the annexation agreement with the modifications made to Paragraph 2 A and 5C The motion failed on a vote of 2 3 with Directors
s and Markman Water Attorney are saying regarding forming mutual water companies Ed Eby NCSD resident Has no problem with this annexation however annexation agreement should distinguish between those that are sitting on water and those that are not Supplemental Water should not come from Santa Maria Basin Greg Nester agent for Pudwill Both parties need to agree on the agreement The language is too open ended He suggested that all annexations should be denied until these issues are resolved D 5 ANNEXATION
proposed policy If hardship considered then he asks that mitigation measures be taken Jesse Hill NCSD Customer Property Owner Commented on the proposed policy and the City of Santa Maria groundwater rights Jim Kinninger Pres of NCAC asked that the Supplemental Water aspect be nailed down James Pudwill Nipomo resident said his well level has dropped from 133 ft to 75 ft and feels that Nipomo is taking his water He feels he should not have to provide Supplemental Water for his annexation Greg Nester NCSD C
four annexations including Item D 4 Director Trotter seconded The following members of the public spoke Greg Nester NCSD Customer and developer Asked the Board to consider property rights and that it was unrealistic to have small project pay for a Supplemental Water search George Newman Nipomo resident Would like some direction whether the Board will annex Ed Eby NCSD resident asked for the Board to deny request for the Newman annexation His letter handed to the Board earlier also contained comments on
the proposed Newman annexation Erik Benham developer for Maria Vista Asked the Board to do the Supplemental Water search instead of each development Homer Fox NCSD Resident Asked if Mr Pudwill would have to give up water rights Mr Seitz will refer this matter to the special water counsel George Newman rebuttal to Mr Eby’s comments There is nothing new i
on He used to have water on his property but it is now gone He and the other property owners have agreed to the restrictions put on the annexation The Board discussed the matter Director Trotter feels the District should be the lead agency to pursue Supplemental Water Director Wirsing agrees that NCSD needs to find Supplemental Water Would like to have report on search for Supplemental Water on the next agenda Director Vierheilig understood that the applicant MAY not will or shall find Supplemental Water un
times Th crux of their meeting has been discussed New Community Services Committee will be reporting on April 9th I DIRECTORS COMMENTS Director Vierheilig spoke about some correspondence received from Conoco Director Trotter continues to ask about Supplemental Water information Would like to see more information presented at the Board meetings Director Winn Reports there was no Water Forum meeting this week but dialogue continues with Christine Ferrara about water planning Appreciates Mr Trotter’s commen
S LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT THEREON AND ORDERING CERTAIN LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS TO BE ACQUIRED AND MAINTAINED AND DESIGNATING THE DISTRICT GENERAL MANAGER AS THE TREASURER OF THE DISTRICT TO COLLECT AND RECEIVE MONEY PAID PURSUANT TO SUCH ASSESSMENT D 2 Supplemental Water SUPPLY Review supply alternatives negotiations The following member of the public spoke Ed Eby NCSD customer Discussed written questions presented to the Board attached Vince McCarthy NCSD customer Asked about approval from CCWA DWR The Bo
to the Board of Directors He is concerned about paragraph 8 of the agreement regarding adequate supply of water Donna Mehlschau applicant for annexation Handed out her comments to the Board of Directors She asked if all annexations have to pay for Supplemental Water even if they overly the basin She also asked about the 80 of the O M costs for capital infrastructure Jon Seitz explained that there are two cost components 1 infrastructure from Supplemental Water source to NCSD distribution system and 2 NCSD
distribution system to customers NCSD has doctrine of public trust to negotiate the best deal on behalf of the annexation even if the applicant is paying 100 Jim Pudwill applicant for annexation He is not sure why he should get a bill for Supplemental Water when he has plenty of water on his property Director Winn had modifications to Sections 5 a and 8 2 Upon motion of Director Trotter and seconded by Director Wirsing the Board unanimously approved the concept draft annexation agreement as modif
r Wirsing She is concerned about drainage basin in park and mosquito abatement Director Trotter He and Director Winn met with 2 Blacklake residents regarding Blacklake representation at NCSD Blacklake would like a presentation by Mike and Cliff on Supplemental Water Director Winn He reported on CSDA meeting held the previous Friday evening the WRAC tour will be May 21 Olde Towne groundbreaking ceremony is May 22 UCLA seminar was very good and recommends it to the other Board Members it will be held in Sa
s a farmer on the east side of Nipomo He stated that he is concerned with the pumping for the wells on the east side because the farmers have had real challenges for years with fluctuating well levels Director Blair stated he would like to know what Supplemental Water will cost customers Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
centage Director Wirsing stated that she is against a moratorium but would like to have some restrictions such as the County’s 2.3 growth cap Director Trotter stated that he too is against moratorium and the answer to some of these water problems is Supplemental Water Director Winn had the following suggestions for a refined report a Urged Mr Seitz to use the word connection rather than customer in his report b Check per parcel potential usage c Difference between production and consumption is about 4.5 In
to work with the County Flood Control District to map groundwater on the Mesa on a twice a year basis He stated that he will be making a one page summary on the MoA water policy and to add to the draft to link the MoA with the District’s Annexation Supplemental Water policy These will be submitted to the Board in its next meeting Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel announced the need to go into Closed Session to discuss the following items There was no public comment on the items to be discussed The Board adj
irector Trotter commented that he was still concerned that the District does not have a sound source of water Vote 3 1 with Director Blair being absent and Director Wirsing voting no and commenting that there is a serious water situation and we need Supplemental Water D 3 REVIEW EXISTING ANNEXATION POLICY Review possible modifications to the policy The Board reviewed the proposed Annexation Policy Some minor grammatical changes were addressed first The following members of the public spoke Ed Eby NCSD resid
ent stated that there was a loophole that should be changed in V C 1 The Supplemental Water should be in Nipomo and not just available Vince McCarthy NCSD resident stated that there should be an emergency clause included Also there is no well history required Mr Seitz explained that the District does not intend to use wells Jim Kin
hair stated that he supports the MOA Ed Eby NCSD resident stated that he still believed this to be a hollow document with no enforcement power He also suggested that the document should be accurate In the 9th Whereas all annexations do not require Supplemental Water In Exhibit A 4 serving area to be determined by LAFCo is open ended Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
Robert Dimmit NCSD resident stated that he questioned how the Story Street sewer line reimbursement was spread The Board suggested that he come into the office for a detailed explanation Ed Eby NCSD resident requested that the Board agendize the Supplemental Water situation that the Board can report on regularly such as plans etc D ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS The following may be discussed and action may be taken by the Board D 1 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW OF A SEWER LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN MARIA VISTA Public
de the District boundary I believe that there is not a sufficient overlying supply within the Nipomo hydrologic sub area For those projects that are entitled within our boundary I will be glad to consider them when this District has a contract for a Supplemental Water supply in hand that is a guaranteed plentiful source that is affordable and clean I do not believe that a community should be forced into restrictive water conservation program while the District continues to actively commit to more water cons
he following items A SitRep Situation Report What's next and where are we now re Completing the Urban Water Management Plan ASAP possibly by contracting it out Completing an agreement with the City of Santa Maria for a reliable and cost effective Supplemental Water source Developing a multi tiered rate structure to encourage responsible water use and discourage wasting of water without punishing responsible ratepayers possibly by contracting the rate study out Completing assumption of Nipomo Lighting D
NIPOMO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING STUDY SESSION OCTOBER 21 2003 TUESDAY 8 30 A M BOARD ROOM 148 S WILSON STREET NIPOMO CA PAGE TWO B Develop a supplemental source from our well site on the Santa Maria River negotiating a pump tax with Santa Maria for Twitchell Dam Consider a replacement well on Carriage Homes subdivision Initiate the process of building a desalinization plant that could be expanded as
the community grows possibly in cooperation with a neighboring community C Policy re Supplemental Water required for ALL density increases inside NCSD allowed by changes in zoning or planning standards possibly including hookup fees for granny units Coordinate a well monitoring plan with the County Public Works Dept of Health Services and the
estionnaires President Winn said the questionnaires have not yet been compiled Ms Wirsing also asked that an item be placed on the agenda a hypothetical rate structure for current rate payers and annexed rate payers with regards to the purchase of Supplemental Water from Santa Maria and broken down to what the rates would be using the very close numbers that are under consideration and to include the cost of infrastructure and where realistically we would obtain the funds to finance the cost along with th
Counsel clarified that staff is not denying approval of an Intent to Serve letter but is asking the Board for direction Staff does not consider General Plan amendments Judgement concerning the groundwater adjudication will be soon Discussions about Supplemental Water will be forthcoming Then the Board will be better informed about water availability Staff recommends a continuance until the information is received Mr Newdoll asked Mr Seitz to read the highlighted portion of the agreement between NCSD and Mr
ce c Resource Management System being presented to the Board of Supervisors d Tour of drainage basins next week with staff e Memorandum of Understanding with County still unresolved f Increased density within District boundaries should be subject to Supplemental Water There was no need to go into Closed Session ADJOURN President Winn adjourned the meeting at 12 20 p m The next regular Board meeting will be December 17 2003 Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
rict's response to such restrictions are contested and litigated A LAFCo might well point out the need or advisability of securing other sources of water but does a LAFCo have the authority to set the timeframe for achieving such to mandate how much Supplemental Water is to be acquired or to deny all annexations to a District that is making a good faith effort to comply 4 The Study needs to employ consistent terminology throughout I e the Nipomo Hydrologic Sub Area in each chapter should be followed by H
Board reviewed the changes incorporated into this version The following members of the public spoke Ed Eby NCSD resident commented on several parts of the Plan 1.3 Public participation page 13 Figure 6 off Mesa water subtotal does not add up also Supplemental Water 170 AFY supplies need to identified Page 14 Fig 7 Blacklake Supplemental Water in 2005 source should be identified Page 16 5.1 Land use densification Land use current plan should have date Page 19 Asked if District has proof that wastewater
ion Committee Directors Wirsing and Winn met Monday January 12 The survey results are attached I DIRECTORS COMMENTS Director Wirsing asked about the odor from the Blacklake sewer area last Friday She stated that she would like a workshop concerning Supplemental Water rates Director Trotter asked about the status for the new manager and the status of the Lyn Road annexation Director Vierheilig asked about the status Maria Vista development fire flow surge study He also asked about the possibility of wind tu
sel reviewed the process to set rates using a hypothetical District The following members of the public spoke Homer Fox NCSD resident asked the Board why this report was being presented He also asked if the existing ratepayers would have to pay for Supplemental Water There was no action on this item E OTHER BUSINESS None F CONSENT AGENDA The following items are considered routine and non controversial by staff and may be approved by one motion if no member of the Board wishes an item be removed If discussi
UWMP provides that the District will not supply water delivery to increased density until one of two things occur 1 Judge rules that the groundwater basin is not in overdraft so there is plenty of water to distribute or 2 That the District acquires Supplemental Water The proposed amendment to the General Plan contradicts District policy If the Board does not comment the District’s position will not be heard by the Planning Commission The County’s rule is not to approve a dry sub division President Winn ask
Director Vierheilig opposes the use of water on the East side of Nipomo and the proposed well test Director Wirsing opposes the well test The Urban Water Management Plan states that the water on the East side is unreliable The project could wait for Supplemental Water President Winn reviewed a printed statement handed out to the Board attached to Minutes Upon motion by Director Wirsing and seconded by Director Blair the Board unanimously agreed not to proceed in the testing of the Nipomo Hills LP well Vote
Wirsing the Board unanimously agreed to direct staff to review the conservation measures with an explanation of each Vote 4 0 Director Wirsing would like more information on the water rate structure possibilities depending on water conservation and Supplemental Water etc Perhaps an algorithm could be developed using different scenarios E OTHER BUSINESS E 1 TELEVISING BOARD MEETINGS Review status of televising Board meetings The Board discussed the possibility of televising District Board meetings Director
the Board approved the Consent Agenda Vote 5 0 G MANAGER'S REPORT Rate increase water conservation notice in bills Doug Jones District General Manager presented copies of the mailers to be inserted in the next set of water bills He also said that a supplemental EIR is being prepared for the Guadalupe Oil Field Remediation and Abandonment Project President Winn stated his desire to have the conservation notes put in newspaper etc H COMMITTEE REPORTS Directors Trotter and Winn met Monday to looked at the app
hinks NCSD should seek own source of water Director Blair stated his agreement with the need to seek water Director Wirsing stated that the Board should pursue the search for water President Winn stated that the Board is currently negotiating for Supplemental Water The need for water outweighs the need for housing As far as growth Nipomo has taken 41 of all the growth in San Luis Obispo County Nipomo is taking 3 times as much low income housing than the number two area He repeats the same ideas as in the
or third Thursday in May Thursday March 25 EIR for Summit Station area April 23 2004 Local CSDA Meeting to be held in Oceano H COMMITTEE REPORTS There was no committee report I DIRECTORS COMMENTS Director Vierheilig requested a monthly report on the Supplemental Water status He would like monthly well depth mapping data of production and consumption He also stated that he plans to abstain from future requests for Intent to Serve letters for services so the project will come back to the Board Director Blair
at he planned to read at the SLO County Board of Supervisors meeting today A copy is attached Director Wirsing stated her thanks to Donna Mills for supporting Nipomo at the meeting last night Director Vierheilig stated that the Board needs to pursue Supplemental Water He suggested starting a fund for a desalination plant Director Blair stated that he will go along with Director Trotter for a moratorium He also thanked Donna Mills for her support President Winn stated that there will be a WRAC meeting this a
s the right to comment on any item on the Special Meeting Agenda Comments are limited to 3 minutes or otherwise at the discretion of the Chair Ed Eby NCSD Customer hopes that there are contingency funds in the budget for litigation if NCSD brings in Supplemental Water He suspects there would be legal challenges by the same people who started the original lawsuit in Santa Maria STUDY SESSION REVIEW NCSD DRAFT BUDGET 2004 2005 Staff reviewed the NCSD Draft Budget for fiscal year 2004 2005 Modifications to the
r in the process and not later Staff would have to know how to administer before it goes to the County form approval Mr Seitz explained that everyone involved would be made aware of the meaning of this proposed ordinance Director Wirsing stated that Supplemental Water should be obtained before Will Serve letters are issued Director Trotter suggested the District be careful in taking water from the east side A list of proposed changes concerning secondary dwellings was delivered to the Board There was more d
iscussion Director Blair made a motion to send the entire list above to staff to prepare the proposed ordinance Director Vierheilig seconded the motion Director Trotter stated that he is against all Will Serve letters until Supplemental Water is in place Vote 4 1 with Director Wirsing abstaining Director Wirsing asked that it be made clear that this abstention did not mean yes or no using the By Laws current policy D 3 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO 1 Review draft of engineerin
NCSD MINUTES MAY 26 2004 PAGE FIVE J DIRECTORS COMMENTS continued It is necessary to get supplemental on tap RRM Design firm appealed to LAFCo to extend Area 3 but it had no support from LAFCo We can choose an engineer to implement the Urban Water Management Plan Next month June 26th there will be a Patriotic Street Fair Director Trotter asked abou
tem until the project can be taken to the NCAC and the District sees the report The motion failed due to the lack of a second President Winn said that NCAC does not report to NCSD Director Wirsing stated that she could not support this project until Supplemental Water to the District is in place Director Vierheilig made a motion to approve an Intent to Serve letter with the conditions as outlined in the Board letter plus the water conservation measures to be implemented by the District in the future Preside
nt Winn seconded the motion Director Trotter stated that we are in an overdraft Director Wirsing read from the water quality report and is concerned about sodium increase in the water and the lack of water until Supplemental Water to the District is in place The motion failed with a 2 3 vote with Directors Wirsing and Trotter voting no and Director Blair abstaining a no vote Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel suggested to refrain from placing requests for service on the
MO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT REQUESTING THEIR BIENNIAL ELECTION BE CONSOLIDATED WITH THE NOVEMBER 2 2004 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTON G MANAGER'S REPORT Doug Jones General Manager presented information on the following G 1 WILLOW ROAD INTERCHANGE SUPPLEMENTAL EIR G 2 STATUS RECRUITMENT OF GENERAL MANAGER The Board set a Special Meeting for June 28 2004 9 00 a m to interview the candidates for the General Manager position H COMMITTEE REPORTS The Personnel Committee Director Trotter and President Winn me
hievable The following members of the public spoke Ed Eby NCSD resident Commented about the NCSD report a 10 year seawater incursion when did the decade start He described other places that have that occurring now b Cannot predict court decision c Supplemental Water there is no date or evidence that it is available d Ad hoc committee should have a mix of professionals and it is urgent Terry Flatley developer asked Mr Garing if the numbers were an average for a residential unit and how the number is figu
eceived specifically the findings the Superior Court's determination of safe yield and management is pending The true production capacity of the Nipomo Valley wells are not verified the District has not entered into an agreement for the delivery of Supplemental Water and those basic findings contained in the staff report with reference to the various reports referred to and that these rules are being enacted and actions are being taken on an interim basis for the health safety and welfare of the District r
received specifically the findings the Superior Court's determination of safe yield and management is pending The true production capacity of the Nipomo Valley wells are not verified The District has not entered into an agreement for the delivery of Supplemental Water and those basic findings contained in the staff report with reference to the various reports referred to and that these rules are being enacted and actions are being taken on an interim basis for the health safety and welfare of the District r
trict boundary President Winn stated that NCSD had reservations as Mr Fox stated NCSD has a Memorandum of Understanding with the developers of Woodland project that measures would be addressed if the pumping depression caused problems and would take Supplemental Water from NCSD to balance out that portion of the basin Director Trotter stated that the graphics presented at the high school were excellent Director Blair stated that the SM Times reported that the if the City of Santa Maria drops the law suit
force Placed confidence in the studies that has been made and the data that was collected by the State Would be guided by the rulings of the court The focus was on a much larger picture The District should make conjunctive use of the basin until Supplemental Water is locally available Supported County recommendation to stay at 2.3 annual growth rate and to exempt commercial and mixed use in accordance with County policy Base year should be 2003 Director Vierheilig If the District limits Intent to Ser
there was a pursuit from Santa Maria Identity theft information is available in NCSD office Training available for volunteers to patrol your neighborhood D ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS The following may be discussed and action may be taken by the Board D 1 Supplemental Water SUPPLY MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING MOU Approve MOU between NCSD and City of Santa Maria for Supplemental Water supply Mr Bill Dendy of Dendy Associates reviewed the Memorandum of Understanding MOU between NCSD and the City of Santa Maria H
overdraft and this may prevent seawater intrusion A very important statement in the agreement is as follows In exchange for payment of a reservation fee as provided for in Section 3.1 of this MOU City will reserve for NCSD an exclusive right to the Supplemental Water until such time as NCSD has completed the necessary infrastructure and is able to take delivery of the Supplemental Water Thereafter City shall provide the Supplemental Water to NCSD as provided in the Agreement He went on to summarize the MOU
There are two payment options NCSD may choose He explained the possible rate structure that could be implemented to pay for the increased cost of the Supplemental Water Mr Dendy answered questions from the Board Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
NCSD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 7 2004 PAGE TWO D 1 Supplemental Water SUPPLY MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING MOU CONTINUED The following members of the public spoke Ed Eby NCSD resident stated that he had 3 areas to talk about 1 Environmental determination Who is to do the initial study How long will it take Wil
ores People’s Self Help Housing asked the Board why there was no affordable housing exemption Greg Nester local builder developer and NCSD customer stated that sometimes policies seem to be inconsistent with the County He thanked the Board for the Supplemental Water consideration Ed Eby NCSD resident stated he was concerned about the 2.3 growth rate chosen to allocate water The number should be based on the water supply situation and not State growth John Brantingham outside District stated that the ord
n the waiting list and not apply to the 51 acre feet allotment in the proposed ordinance Vote 3 1 with Director Wirsing voting no D 4 CEQA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Consider consultant service agreement for preparation of environmental documents for the Supplemental Water project Mr LeBrun explained to the Board that an environmental review and CEQA documents need to be prepared for the proposed Supplemental Water project with the City of Santa Maria as agreed upon within the Memorandum of Understanding A propo
the questions Upon motion of Director Vierheilig and seconded by Director Trotter the Board unanimously approved the contract with Douglas Wood and Associates for professional consulting services to prepare the environmental documents supporting the Supplemental Water supply project Vote 4 0 D 5 CINGULAR CELL SITE AGREEMENT Consider an agreement to allow Cingular to install communication antennas and equipment at the Hetrick Tank site The Board discussed the agreement with Cingular to install antennas and e
pply but illegal spot zoning is not under the purview of the NCSD Board Upon motion of Director Blair and seconded by Director Vierheilig the Board agreed to adopt the action as outlined The Board will support granny units but not zone changes with Supplemental Water supply The Board would support lifting of the granny unit restrictions under the terms of the new ordinance The portion of the EIR that says that the County does not have responsibility for the water supply on the Mesa is not acceptable Cou
e The following members of the public spoke Scott Pace owner of Pace Brothers Construction and the project owner made himself available for questions from the Board Director Wirsing stated that she cannot support this project because of the lack of Supplemental Water supply Director Vierheilig stated he was happy to see the minimum 6000 sq ft lot sizes Upon motion of Director Blair and seconded by Director Vierheilig the Board approved the issuance of an Intent to Serve letter for Tract 2658 a 9 lot develo
pment Vote 4 1 with Director Wirsing voting no Director Trotter suggested that the District expedite a Supplemental Water supply E 3 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT Consider letter of support for Americans with disabilities act defense Mr LeBrun explained that the letter originally written to Governor Schwarzenegger concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act
OVEMBER 17 2004 2 Ed Eby NCSD resident stated that in the article in today’s paper talked about a potential shortfall in property taxes that the NCSD depends on for paying outstanding bond debt The possible shortfall could affect the funding of the Supplemental Water pipeline County BoS failing to recognize the Level II Severity could also jeopardize the Supplemental Water pipeline He cautioned the Board to keep in mind the availability of water in whatever decisions it made today concerning water Jesse Hi
th Director Vierheilig to give staff direction to appeal to the BoS and inform the City of Santa Maria The District is in a weakened condition because of the decision of the BoS Director Trotter would like to continue with District efforts to obtain Supplemental Water Director Wirsing would support an appeal to the BoS Upon motion of Director Trotter and seconded by Director Wirsing the Board directed staff to write a letter to the County for reconsideration of a writ of appeal to overturn the decision conc
r the study was explained the District’s budget indicated that expenses were going higher than the revenues There was much Board discussion The Board gave direction to Mr Reed to come back to the next workshop with more information about the cost of Supplemental Water and how that cost will affect the ratepayers He was also directed to include a conservation increment in the rates Adjourn President Winn adjourned the meeting at 4 12 p m Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
There will be communication with the property owners informing them of this problem Investigation into Prop 50 grant money for water resources G COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no committee reports H DIRECTORS COMMENTS Director Eby requested to have a Supplemental Water program on the next agenda He would like his written request to be a part of the minutes Director Wirsing supports Director Eby’s suggestion Director Trotter suggested a letter to Rayne and Culligan in response to the salt problem in Blacklake
President Winn appointed Directors Vierheilig and Eby to an ad hoc committee to attend a meeting at Cannon and Assoc concerning Supplemental Water President Winn stated thaCt ohpye o ef dnojcouymeedn t cfohuandir aint g w wthwe N BoNoeawrWdi p Tax com
ase at 40 billing units that meets the District’s revenue needs Vote 4 1 with Director Winn voting no Additionally the Board directed staff to Proceed with development of a water rate structure for new customers that includes a buy in fee based on Supplemental Water costs and existing infrastructures Proceed with development of a uniform water commodity rate for multi family and non residential customers Develop commercial sewer connection fees based on water meter size versus the current DUE process
commented that the allocation is sending the wrong message to the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors concerning the Level III Severity in allocating service Director Trotter suggests that the District accelerate the process of obtaining the Supplemental Water supply Directors Wirsing and Eby would like to table all activity until the Board of Supervisors hears and moves on the subject of the Level III Severity There was no public comment Director Winn made a motion to commend Staff for the report a
cket There was no public comment G COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Winn reported that the Annexation Ad Hoc Committee met once President Vierheilig and Director Trotter reported that the Finance Committee met Monday President Vierheilig reported that the Supplemental Water Committee met March 28th H DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS Director Wirsing would like to agendize a review of the allocation ordinance in May She would like to have an ad hoc committee formed at the next meeting to discuss commercial use She also stated
that she would like our agenda in the Telegram Tribune Newpaper Director Eby stated that he would like more information about a timetable for the Supplemental Water project Director Winn stated that there is 2 million dollars in Prop 50 money but applying for it may be a full time job and NCSD may want to look seriously into adding staff if it wants to pursue the funds Would like to look more closely at
ing directors were present Director Vierheilig Director Eby Director Winn and Director Wirsing Director Trotter was absent C PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD PUBLIC COMMENT Homer Fox NCSD resident Had a question about what he read in the paper about the mix of Supplemental Water that will come from Santa Maria D CONSENT AGENDA D 1 WARRANTS RECOMMEND APPROVAL D 2 BOARD MEETING MINUTES RECOMMEND APPROVAL D 3 THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION REPORT RECEIVE AND FILE D 4 INVESTMENT PO
pril 27 2005 Nipomo Community Services District MINUTES Page 3 of 6 E 2 PUBLIC HEARING ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING NEW WATER AND SEWER CAPACITY CHARGES FOR NEW CONNECTIONS WITHIN THE BLACKLAKE AND TOWN DIVISIONS INCLUDING CAPACITY CHARGES FOR Supplemental Water District Legal Counsel Jon Seitz stated that NCSD hired rate consultant Robert Reed Mr Reed presented five public workshops and submitted his report to the Board of Directors on April 13 2005 This report has been available for public review an
nd the Times Press Recorder The ordinance will go into effect 60 days after adoption due to AB 1600 The Public Hearing was opened Greg Nester representative from the Home Builders Association stated he is not here to deny NCSD’s ambition to pay for Supplemental Water He believes a quick education is mitigating the financial concerns of the development community Director Eby asked if a separate fund will be set up once we start collection fees The answer is yes and required by AB 1600 Director Wirsing asked
first reading did not make it into the packet Mr Seitz read the corrections to Exhibit A into the record Change the name from Nipomo Sub Area to Nipomo Hydrologic Sub Area and add 3.30.20 B which states The District will only consider transfers of Supplemental Water during the period of time that the District Conveyance Facilities have unused capacity There was no public comments on this item At the introduction of the Ordinance the Board agreed to have the Ordinance read in title only Upon motion of Dire
SB Planning stated that every effort will be made to acquire the easements necessary for looping the line as requested in the proposed Intent to Serve letter Richard DeBlauw owner of project asked if the 13 thousand plus included the 11 thousand Supplemental Water fee Answer yes is does Director Wirsing stated that her property is more than 500 feet past the project Upon motion of Director Wirsing and seconded by Director Winn the Board unanimously approved the Intent to Serve Letter for APN 091 292 00
0 p m H DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS Director Eby gave the Board some information about the West Nile virus There are brochures on the counter in the office At the Board of Supervisors meeting Tuesday it was asked about the structure or the mechanism for the Supplemental Water supply He asked about the Hermreck Well status and the well monitoring network President Vierheilig asked about the salt situation at Blacklake Mr LeBrun stated there were tests taken that were inconclusive and more will be taken later Cañada
ough included in Board packet in office The three things that NCSD was asking for are 1 County certify a Level III 2 Any new GPA’s that increase the water use over the current general plan of May 2002 be required to offset the excess water use with Supplemental Water 3 Any new land divisions be required to offset their water use with Supplemental Water He stated that the District needs to work on ways to reduce the depletion of our groundwater until we hear from the County Director Trotter stated that beca
e Budget will be brought to the Board on June 8th He discussed a letter from a customer requesting relief from a large bill G COMMITTEE REPORTS The Annexation Committee met and presented the applicants with NCSD and LAFCo procedures and talked about Supplemental Water The Conservation Committee was unable to meet H DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS President Vierheilig stated the following Trails Committee will be meeting at the NCSD building today West Tefft Corridor Design meeting here at 6 30 p m Thursday May 26 2005
ill be a working document Director Trotter passed out a notice sent to Blacklake residents and would like it attached to the minutes Director Eby stated we may have to re visit rates sooner than we want to due to the assumptions estimates made on Supplemental Water Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
June 8 2005 Nipomo Community Services District MINUTES Page 5 of 5 F MANAGER’S REPORT General Manager reviewed the written report and supplemental materials with the Board of Directors G COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no committee reports H DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS Director Winn June 24 2005is the Great Patriotic Street Faire in Olde Towne June 8 2005 is the WRAC meeting Creek clean up days will be s
tamatic has some upgrades on their water meter reading system New readers have been installed and the reads are now being tested A meter reading contract is under consideration The Dana Well heads have been fenced G COMMITTEE REPORTS The Santa Maria Supplemental Water Committee Directors Eby and Vierheilig met with developers concerning the Planning Area Standard County Planners seem to want a guaranteed supply of water The Commercial Water Allocation Committee Directors Winn and Trotter met to discuss th
005 1 30 3 00 p m at the SLO County Library talking about Proposition 50 grant monies Water Planning Forum meeting Monday July 18 2005 at 6 30 p m at the NCSD building There seems to be an overlapping of functions of two sub committees Annexation Supplemental Water Perhaps they could be merged Two priority issues need to be addressed NCSD needs to give measured response to the draft EIR for the Growth Management Ordinance The response is due by August 15 2005 Multi use zoning has been added into the plan
West Tefft Corridor Design Plan which is a General Plan Amendment includes doubling of density and should be formally commented on by the District Director Eby stated that a policy is needed for the Supplemental Water supply allocation identifying who will benefit from the Supplemental Water I CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel announced the need to go into Closed Session to discuss the following 1 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL Pe
ems There was no public comment Upon motion of Director Winn and seconded by Director Wirsing the Board agreed to send a letter to Woodlands declining the proposal but that the Board would consider annexation Vote 4 1 with Director Eby voting no E 3 Supplemental Water POLICY DISCUSSION The Board discussed the objective of the Supplemental Water Program and formation of policy governing the program The following members of the public spoke Steve Cool developer of Tract 2513 and spokesman for Mr Newdoll Trac
the Board letter There was no Board action At 11 00 a m the Board took a short break At 11 15 a m the Board reconvened E 4 CONSOLIDATION OF SUB COMMITTEES The Board discussed consolidating present sub committees for Area 1 Annexation and Santa Maria Supplemental Water into one sub committee There was no public comment Upon motion of Director Wirsing and seconded by Director Winn the Board unanimously agreed to consolidate the two committees into one called the Santa Maria Supplemental Water Sub Committee Vo
July 27 2005 Nipomo Community Services District MINUTES Page 3 of 4 I COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Eby reported on the Supplemental Water Committee There may be public grants available for the project SLO County General Plan Amendment will be announced in about two months J DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS Director Trotter Reported that Mr LeBrun did a very nice job meeting with the Blackla
eBrun reported that the student intern is working on records management and truthing the as built system Director Wirsing Suggested having the air vents painted Asked about area septic systems Director Eby explained a flow chart entitled Proposed Supplemental Water Funding Process he gave to the Board A copy is in the office packet The District needs very good informed opinions on how to finance the Supplemental Water project Director Trotter suggested a bond counsel for the project financing Director W
inn Suggested that Staff and Santa Maria Supplemental Water Committee talk about specifying commercial limitations The salt regeneration problem may be eliminated when the Santa Maria water is delivered because the water to be delivered may possibly be softer Monday July 18 2005 Nipomo Water Forum m
sign Group representatives for the Crystal Oaks developers here at District office 1 00 to 3 00 p m President Vierheilig Aug 18 Nipomo Creek Watershed Steering Committee draft Nipomo Creek Watershed Management Plan Board needs to look for sources of Supplemental Water other than the Santa Maria water supply 03 54 06 I CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel announced there was no need to go into Closed Session J PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS N A K ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION N
neral Manager provided information on the following CSDA conference attendance will provide more information later Water softeners at Blacklake NCSD General Manager will speak at the Blacklake community meeting on Tuesday October 18 Santa Maria Supplemental Water report from Cannon Eng was received but not fully reviewed Home Builders Assn is working on a limited liability possibility to wheel water from Santa Maria Grants and loans are possibly available to aid in the construction costs of the pipel
October 12 2005 Nipomo Community Services District MINUTES Page 4 of 5 02 32 07 G COMMITTEE REPORTS Commercial Allocations Directors Winn and Trotter met and drafted some suggestions Supplemental Water Director Eby and President Vierheilig met with Supervisor Achadjian Tuesday October 11 2005 regarding an offer from a property owner for a possible bridge crossing for the Santa Maria water line 02 37 04 H DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS Director Trotter
annexation such as Holloway’s be considered by the Board when Summit Station area property owners are being denied the ability to build granny units Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel responded that the proposed annexation will not take place without Supplemental Water supply in place Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
ve been on the Board I’ve just seen spending water like crazy and now we’re down to this where a property owner has to spend a million dollars just to build twenty homes This is bothersome Director Wirsing left the meeting at 11 37 a m 02 19 03 E 3 Supplemental Water FUNDING PLAN REVIEW Michael LeBrun District General Manager reviewed the District’s current model for funding Supplemental Water infrastructure Director Eby stated that the funds for Supplemental Water are not defined There are too many assump
tions of sources for money Director Trotter stated that the District should request a commitment from other possible Supplemental Water users The following members of the public spoke Greg Nester developer NCSD ratepayer stated that a funding plan needs to be in place The homebuilders group offers its help and will come before the Board with a more formal offer in the near fu
RT Michael LeBrun District General Manager reviewed the items in his report 02 59 00 G COMMITTEE REPORTS Personnel committee met Tuesday November 15th to discuss new Project Management position November 2nd the Finance Committee met with the Auditor Supplemental Water Committee agrees there are milestones to meet Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
not affect current employees He reviewed the Manager’s Report as presented in the Board letter The Board had questions about some of the items There was no public comment 01 59 21 G COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Eby and President Vierheilig Annexation Supplemental Water Committee met with Supervisor Achadjian Mr Holloway and others to discuss the proposed annexation Supervisor Achadjian recommended that Mr Holloway talk to Greg Nester for information on the process 02 03 10 H DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS Director Winn
d Board discussion ensued There was no public comment Upon motion of Director Eby and seconded by Director Winn the Board unanimously agreed on the following action To confirm the recommendations of the President that the two committees Santa Maria Supplemental Water Annexation and Parks will be Standing Committees The others will be Ad Hoc Committees and will be suspended until Board action and will only take action on the direction of the Board Vote 4 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Winn Eby Wirsin
Resources Advisory Committee Michael LeBrun Ed Eby Chamber of Commerce Larry Vierheilig Cliff Trotter West Tefft Corridor Design Committee Larry Vierheilig Parks Recreation Standing Committee Assignments 2 members Chairperson Member Santa Maria Supplemental Water Annexation Ed Eby Michael Winn Parks 2 parcels in Olde Towne Michael Winn Larry Vierheilig Ad Hoc Committee Assignments Finance Audit Larry Vierheilig Ed Eby Water Resources Other Michael Winn Larry Vierheilig Incorporation Conservation Lands
5 NCSD commitment to pay toward Mr Buel's 30 year retirement would be 1 or 2 30th for the two years employed at this District There is a benefit to Mr Buel for working toward his retirement Director Eby stated that time is of an essence with the Supplemental Water project There needs to be someone to get the project moving The process for termination is simple if the Board or Mr LeBrun sees that termination is necessary Upon motion of Director Winn and seconded by Director Trotter the Board approved the
k l r What is in the best interest of our District y 1 The job description to too broad This overlaps with current staff job duties and the new sition of conservation manager 2 As per our conversations the main job description is the Santa Maria Supplemental Water Project the other job descriptions are minor and it is my opinion this does not justify hiring an assistant General Manager 3 What was the plans for overseeing the Santa Maria Supplemental Water Project before Mr Buel became available Are you
saying there were none 4 The Supplemental Water Inter tie pipeline participation in the selection of design and construction bid documentation preparation CEQA process exploring grant funding etc is a 4 5 year project I'm asking why would we only contract for 2 years for 4 5 year project I
5 2006 Board meeting He stated that it was inappropriate for the speakers to speak Director Eby Board of Supervisors meeting February 7 2006 There seems to be differing opinions about the outcome of the meeting with Supervisor Achadjian concerning Supplemental Water fees Language will come out in the March meeting Cypress Ridge was turned down for a proposal to expand the Nipomo Mesa Director Winn WRAC meeting Feb 1 in the Ag Commissioners Auditorium Mr Nall was not at the Copy of document found at www
071 RECOMMEND APPROVAL Re issue an Intent to Serve letter pursuant to District’s updated Policies and Charges for on going 4 way lot split single family residential development project Director Eby asked if the project of Item D 3 is subject to the Supplemental Water fees Michael LeBrun District General Manager answered yes If a project’s fees have not been paid yet then it would be subject to the Supplemental Water fees There was no public comment Upon motion of Director Winn and seconded by Director Eby
d that the Board consider the financial aspect when contracting for additional acre feet The Home Builders Association has been working with Supervisor Achadjian in support of an area wide standard to require all new development to contribute to the Supplemental Water project There was more Board discussion Upon motion of Director Winn and seconded by Director Trotter the Board unanimously agreed to receive staff’s report receive the Ad Hoc Committee’s report discuss relevant policy issues amend the Project
he Board would like to have information back to the Board by April 12th to give the public ample time to comment Vote 5 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Winn Trotter Wirsing Eby and Vierheilig None None President Vierheilig re formed the Ad Hoc Supplemental Water Committee to continue working on this project 01 03 27 E 2 PROJECT UPDATE INTER TIE PIPELINE WITH SANTA MARIA TIMELINE REVIEW Bruce Buel NCSD Projects Assistant presented an update on the status of the Nipomo Community Services District pipel
Upon motion of Director Eby and seconded by Director Winn the Board unanimously approved the Consent Agenda as amended Vote 5 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Trotter Eby Wirsing Winn and Vierheilig None None E ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS 00 12 45 E 1 Supplemental Water PIPELINE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Bruce Buel Projects Assistant provided an update on the Supplemental Water pipeline and gave the Board a proposed timeline regarding the Request for Proposal RFP for the design stage of the project There was Boa
for proposals to various engineering firms and post on the NCSD website Vote 5 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Trotter Eby Wirsing Winn and Vierheilig None None President Vierheilig appointed Director Trotter as chair and Director Eby to the Supplemental Water Ad Hoc Committee to assist in evaluating submittals and make recommendations to the Board 00 43 35 E 2 DISTRICT APPOINTMENT TO WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Board considered nomination of a primary and alternate District representativ
R’S REPORT Michael LeBrun District General Manager reviewed the written report included in the packet He also reported that the SLO Planning Commission will be meeting March 23 He suggests that Board members attend in support of the item regarding a Supplemental Water requirement for all new development on the Mesa Director Trotter asked when NCSD customers would be informed of the impacts of a Level III Severity ruling by the Board of Supervisors Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel suggested that the District
pumping numbers for Rural Water and Golden State Water Bruce Buel Projects Assistant reviewed the Project Update memo presented in the Board packet The Board discussed the various projects 01 52 19 G COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Eby reported that the Supplemental Water Committee met to discuss and finalize proposed project objectives Director Winn reported that the Conservation Committee met Monday March 13th with the General Manager and the Water Conservation Compliance Specialist President Vierheilig state
ent Agenda with amendments There was no public comment Director Winn asks to add Brown Act information to Minutes in E 2 Vote 5 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Winn Trotter Eby Wirsing and Vierheilig None None ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS 00 25 17 E 1 Supplemental Water PROJECT OBJECTIVES Bruce Buel Projects Assistant reviewed the Draft NCSD Waterline Inter tie Project Objectives as presented in the board letter The Board discussed minor changes in 3 adding by reduction of pumping and in 6 adding to avoid
the potential of the use of District and other purveyors Supplemental Water returns to support the water requirements for new development There was no public comment Upon motion of Director Eby and seconded by Director Winn the Board agreed to adopt the waterline inter tie objectives with amendments as discussed Vote
S continued 03 08 15 E 5 CONSIDER COUNTY PLANNING LAND USE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT The Board discussed the meeting for May 9 regarding a proposal by the County of San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors to adopt planning area standards that would require Supplemental Water for General Plan Amendments and land divisions in the Nipomo Mesa Water Conservation Area and The application of low water use landscape requirements and the requirement of specific indoor and outdoor water conservation measures in all new co
nstruction Director Eby objected to another Director and District Staff claiming to speak on behalf of the NCSD Board to the Planning Commission on March 23 2006 regarding a proposed land use ordinance regarding Supplemental Water since the Planning Commission Staff Report was never agendized for formal discussion by the NCSD Board Director Wirsing expressed similar concerns as Director Eby regarding Board representation before the Planning Commission and stated that sh
6 2006 TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ITEMS INCLUDE o Conflict of Interest Code Review o Amendment of District Annexation Policy o 2003 Certificates of Participation Resolution o Holloway Annexation NCSD County Tax Exchange Negotiation o Select Appraiser for Supplemental Water Project Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
jurisdiction provided the matter is not on the Board's agenda or pending before the Board Presentations are limited to three 3 minutes or otherwise at the discretion of the Chair Homer Fox District resident asked for clarification of an item on the Supplemental Water Committee Agenda regarding water meters located on vacant lots The General Manager indicated that Mr Fox had made a public documents request regarding this matter the previous day and that Staff would respond Joy Evans Nipomo resident suggeste
ked why this project is going forward Mr LeBrun stated that this project was listed in the Water and Sewer Master Plan Update 2002 and would help with flow restrictions and improve the water distribution system There was no Board action 01 11 00 E 3 Supplemental Water LAND USE ORDINANCE Mr LeBrun presented a draft letter to San Luis Obispo County outlining the Board’s position on the Land Use Ordinance Amendment The Board suggested grammatical corrections to the letter Director Eby suggested that the word r
April 26 2006 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING Minutes Page 4 of 5 02 30 05 G COMMITTEE REPORTS Bruce Buel Projects Assistant handed out a revised set of minutes for the April 19 2006 Supplemental Water Project Committee Meeting The Finance Committee met with Staff on April 17 to review the draft Budget The Personnel Committee did not meet 02 39 00 H DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS Director Trotter stated that he and Bruce Buel are going to the Valley fo
reconvened Upon motion by Director Eby and seconded by Director Wirsing the Board directed staff to rewrite the Annexation Policy for subsequent Board consideration such that the District would not set meters in any annexation area until sufficient Supplemental Water is available for that area of annexation There was no public comment Vote 3 2 with Director Winn and Vierheilig voting no YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Eby Wirsing and Trotter Winn and Vierheilig None 02 05 57 ADJOURN President Vierheili
e project with the Board Director Winn asked if the 16 homes would be served with septic tanks rather than connecting to a sewer system Ms Florence said yes There was no public comment Director Eby stated that no annexations should be approved until Supplemental Water is in the District system He recommended not authorizing annexation Director Winn supports the annexation Director Wirsing stated that the District should wait for the report from SAIC and would like to table the item Director Trotter and Pres
0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Winn Eby Wirsing and Vierheilig None Director Trotter 02 22 56 ADJOURN President Vierheilig adjourned the meeting at 12 40 p m THE NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING IS MAY 24 2006 TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ITEMS INCLUDE o Supplemental Water EIR Status Report o Supplemental Water Design Firm Selection o Street Sweeping Bids o Standing Committee Recommendation on Supplemental Water funding options Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
Winn Trotter Wirsing Eby and Vierheilig None None 00 35 33 E ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS E 1 RECEIVE WATERLINE INTERTIE PROJECT DRAFT EIR Bruce Buel Projects Manager reviewed the receipt of the Draft EIR for the NCSD Santa Maria Waterline Intertie Project Supplemental Water Douglas Wood of Douglas Wood Associates discussed the review process There was no public comment Director Winn made a motion to accept the receipt of the EIR document and to work with the President staff and Mr Wood to set up a time for a publ
District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 3 of 6 00 51 29 E 2 WATERLINE INTERTIE PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANT SELECTION Bruce Buel Projects Manager reviewed the process of selecting an engineering firm to design NCSD Santa Maria Waterline Intertie Project Supplemental Water Mark Wampler Oceano resident asked if the proposed waterline will be used for only Santa Maria water supply or is there an agreement for it to be used for other water supplies Bruce Buel Projects Manager answered that the pipeline will be NCS
m and reconvened at 10 15 a m 01 02 06 E 3 AMEND DISTRICT ANNEXATION POLICY Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel reviewed the staff report considering revisions to District’s Annexation Policy as directed at the Special Meeting of May 8 2006 related to Supplemental Water and other requirements He explained that the annexation process is a multi agency process The District does not annex property The Local Agency Formation Commission LAFCo is actually the lead agency and the conducting authority Annexation is
CES DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO 2006 981 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NIPOMO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AMENDING AND RESTATING THE DISTRICT’S ANNEXATION POLICY 02 27 52 E 4 RECEIVE WATERLINE INTERTIE PROJECT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FROM Supplemental Water PROJECT COMMITTEE Bruce Buel Projects Manager reviewed the recommendations from the Supplemental Water Project Committee Chairman Eby and member Winn regarding funding options to construct project and revenue sources to pay project debt servi
May 24 2006 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 5 of 6 E 4 RECEIVE WATERLINE INTERTIE PROJECT FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FROM Supplemental Water PROJECT COMMITTEE continued Expedite negotiations with purveyors to detail the respective obligations of each purveyor to pay for the costs of purchasing water and to pay for operations costs Wait to make determinations on the use of proper
t There was no action 03 00 50 F MANAGER’S REPORT Ed Kreins Interim General Manager reviewed his report to the Board Bruce Buel Projects Manager reviewed his report to the Board 03 05 20 G COMMITTEE REPORTS G 1 Receive Draft Minutes from May 10 2006 Supplemental Water Committee Meeting G 2 Receive General Manager recruitment brochure The Board discussed changes for the brochure Director Trotter would like to have the recruitment brochure discuss maintenance of District facilities as part of the operation an
CONSENT AGENDA continued The Board discussed some changes in the Minutes in Item E 1 and a small change in the Resolution in Item D 4 change intends to shall The Board agreed to change the name of the Ad Hoc Committee to NCSD City of Santa Maria Supplemental Water Negotiations Committee There was no public comment Upon motion of Director Eby and seconded by Director Wirsing the Board unanimously approved the Consent Agenda as amended Vote 5 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Eby Wirsing Trotter Winn
ments in the Minutes Vote 5 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Winn Eby Trotter Wirsing and Vierheilig None None D 5 Director Wirsing asked why this item was put on the Consent Agenda She was concerned with the annexation of properties before the Supplemental Water is approved and flowing There was much Board discussion on the finer points of the Craig Annexation agreement Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
g but there has been a lot of preparation for the Closed Session on August 15th 00 31 44 H DIRECTORS COMMENTS Director Wirsing Water pressure seems low on Olympic Way She would like to have on a future agenda the projected cost to ratepayers for the Supplemental Water The Board discussed that an analysis is inevitable but not until more information is known Bruce Buel Projects Administrator explained that the design study will be presented November 1st She asked why there was first class postage on the last
perty negotiators and provided instructions to the property negotiators ADJOURN President Vierheilig adjourned the meeting at 1 33 p m THE NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING IS SEPTEMBER 13 2006 TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ITEMS INCLUDE o Review Options to Treat Supplemental Water o Select Firm to Prepare Water Sewer Master Plan Update Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
SEPTEMBER 27 2006 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 3 of 8 00 44 53 E 2 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF Supplemental Water AGREEMENT WITH THE WOODLANDS FOR APPROXIMATELY 417 ACRE FEET PER YEAR FROM THE NCSD CITY OF SANTA MARIA WATERLINE INTERTIE PROJECT Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel reviewed the agreement between NCSD and the Woodlands Board discussion ensued D
ices District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 4 of 8 E 3 CONSIDER ANNEXATION APPLICATION continued There is no allocation determination for properties outside the District The Board needs to have a policy in place before stacking up obligations The Supplemental Water determinations have not been designated There is no assurance of when Supplemental Water will be delivered Director Eby stated that he could not see any advantages Director Trotter stated that the mechanics of an annexation would be awkward D
just the two parcels The property owners do not have an emergency There is enough water being produced from the existing well to serve two residences Director Wirsing asked about Mr Seitz suggesting that the applicant would have to go out and get a Supplemental Water supply Mr Seitz explained Upon motion of Director Eby and seconded by Director Wirsing the Board agreed to deny the request for annexation without prejudice until the District has an excess Supplemental Water supply policy in place Vote 5 0 Y
king over the design of the sewer He asked that a revision update of the Allocation Policy be put on the next agenda Supply based Discussion of who does what Initiation of developing policy of what is done with the excess of the 3000 acre feet of Supplemental Water SLO Board of Supervisors voted to send Willow Rd project to SCAC on Oct 23 2006 Director Wirsing She would like to have the accounting of water use to add commercial use to allocation figures She stated that our local home based newspaper in S
he waterline design answered questions posed by the Board The following members of the public spoke Greg Nester Nipomo developer stated that when the developers contacted the City of Santa Maria it was known that the cost of the reservation fee for Supplemental Water supply would be 4,000 per acre foot of water Upon motion of Director Winn and seconded by Director Trotter the Board approved payments of to 44,676 to the City of Santa Maria to reimburse the City for Corollo Engineers costs to perform Tasks
e goes below 90 pounds President Vierheilig stated that he Mr Winn and Mr Buel met to discuss the Strategic Plan Workshop as well as to select the facilitator 03 55 52 H DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS Director Wirsing Asked that a discussion about the cost of Supplemental Water to the ratepayers be put on the next agenda Director Eby Asked that opposition to Measure J be put on the next agenda The City of Arroyo Grande just voted to oppose Measure J so it should not be outside our jurisdiction He would like a report
from the General Manager contingency plans to the Santa Maria water line such as Naciemiento Water desalination possibly partnering with Five Cities or independent etc alternative ways to obtain a Supplemental Water supply Director Winn Stated that he agrees with Director Eby in need to pursue desalination as it is our only long term sustainable source He also agrees that the District should join to oppose Measure J He would like a letter of commendation
se Hill NCSD resident stated that the allocation comparison of uses doesn’t seem fair to charge the capacity fees that it should be based on fixture units or flow Bob Blair NCSD resident stated that the half million dollars from the Gray Trust for Supplemental Water fees may price out new construction Director Trotter stated that housing prices are driven by the market and not by development costs He also stated that an allocation policy is in place now Upon motion of Director Trotter and seconded by Dire
to oppose Measure J Board discussion ensued Willow Road extension may be delayed because the State and SLOCOG would be funding the freeway overpass in San Luis Obispo related to the development Other developers could wipe out the requirements for Supplemental Water Overpass may cost 49 million Dalidio’s share is about 3 million Will negatively impact this District Planning by ballot initiative circumvents the CEQA process The following member of the public spoke Bob Blair NCSD resident stated that
ct to go on record as opposing Measure J 06 and publish a press release Vote 5 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Eby Winn Wirsing Trotter and Vierheilig None None Director Trotter left the meeting at 2 15 p m 00 38 06 E 9 RECEIVE STAFF REVIEW OF Supplemental Water SUPPLY PROJECTS AND SET WORKSHOP TO RECEIVE PRESENTATION ON DESALINATION TECHNOLOGY Bruce Buel General Manager reviewed some Supplemental Water supply alternatives as described in the 2001 Kennedy Jenks study The Board discussed the options an
ednesday Nov 1 2006 WRAC will receive Draft Resource Management System Wednesday Nov 15 2006 Edited view of the Draft Resource Management System Thursday Nov 9 2006 PUC meeting in Orcutt The discussion planned will be Can they raise rates for Supplemental Water 01 32 09 ADJOURN President Vierheilig adjourned the meeting at 2 59 p m THE NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING IS NOVEMBER 8 2006 TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ITEMS INCLUDE o Waterline Intertie Project Pre Design Technical Memorandum o FY2005 2006 Audit Cop
the cost estimates Director Eby asked what percentage of the design was complete Mr Nunley explained that about 10 of the design portion of the project is complete President Vierheilig stated that water from Santa Maria was only one alternative to a Supplemental Water supply Other possibilities need to be explored There was no public comment President Vierheilig thanked the presenters Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
uesday November 14 2006 with Koff Associates and the District employees 04 59 27 H DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS Director Wirsing Some Golden State Water Co customers are upset with Nipomo because they think that their water rates will be going up to pay for Supplemental Water Director Eby Sent out press releases about the Flood Forum Thursday November 16 2006 at 7 00 p m Director Winn Thursday November 16 2006 SLO Planning Commission will be looking at the West Tefft Corridor Plan Friday November 17 2006 Economic S
d in the Technical Memoranda Jesse Hill NCSD resident stated that it is wise to do a model as suggested He also stated that geology needs to be considered He does not agree with the numbers provided in the reports NCSD needs to continue to pursue a Supplemental Water supply There was more Board discussion The Board agreed that the District needs to continue pursuing a Supplemental Water supply President Vierheilig thanked Dr Newton for his presentation The Board took a break at 11 35 a m and returned at 11
San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors concerning potential revisions to the Resource Capacity Study regarding water supply for the Nipomo Mesa Area There was no public comment The Board discussed the possible revisions Remind the County about Supplemental Water that the District is not ready New information that the costs and the date of receiving Supplemental Water supply has changed since Level III Severity was declared The District has on going activity seeking other sources of supplemental wate
language describing the scope of supply for NCSD Golden State Woodlands and Rural Water Company Page 34 leaves out storage capacity information for NCSD Should say that the other major water suppliers have made commitments to share the costs of a Supplemental Water supply Chart on page 41 needs to be changed from Level II to Level III Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
copy of the letter will be in the office copy of the board packet There was much Board discussion How these fees would be paid or guaranteed How has the County responded to this type of request Today’s fees of 14,000 could be near 60,000 after Supplemental Water is ready Should not defer without a policy change Would need to apply to anyone who requests a deferment Could the modified policy cause fees to be paid upon sale of the property If payment of fees were deferred when would the clock start
ave costs to absorb the water system He had planned to charge the new property owners capacity fees He requests the District pay SLO Trio Properties those capacity fees The Board discussed the following Subdivision was created by clustering County Supplemental Water fees SLO Trio fees Is this well connected with agreement with Woodlands Infrastructure payment Is service to these properties postponed until Supplemental Water supply is resolved Advantages obtaining a well and keeping other customers o
f 7 H DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS Director Trotter Blacklake Committee George Billinger chair will be meeting to discuss the possibility of connecting Blacklake water with the Town Division Director Wirsing Asked to agendize televising special meetings for Supplemental Water and other very important issues Thanked the Board for the flowers and card Congratulations to Jim Harrison on being elected to the Board Director Eby Agrees with Director Wirsing to again bring up televising meetings Director Winn Possibly ask
ble annexation forward Director Eby asked Mr Hill if he had received a letter from LAFCo denying the appeal because the project was outside the statute of limitations Mr Hill stated that he did receive such a letter not allowing the annexation until Supplemental Water comes through Ed Jones TCG project management company for the Maria Vista Estates handed the Board a packet of information a copy is in the office He reviewed the outline He thanked the Board for its time Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel ask
s the entire project George Newman project developer answered that the project will not be bigger Director Eby asked if Mr Newman is aware that the fees are based on the old Capacity Fee schedule for the 6 million previously projected costs of the Supplemental Water project and not the higher cost Supplemental Water project Mr Newman Yes He commented that the trend occurring is the increasing District fees and service improvements and County road improvements He asked that the Board consider a broader ba
se for funding the Supplemental Water project Director Trotter stated that the costs must be borne by the developers and not the ratepayers There was no public comment Upon motion of Director Winn and seconded by Director Trotter the Board unanimously agreed to direct staff to iss
conditions as outlined in the Board letter Vote 5 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Winn Trotter Eby Harrison and Vierheilig None None 01 24 12 E 3 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH BOYLE ENGINEERING REGARDING DEVELOPMENT OF AN EVALUATION OF Supplemental Water ALTERNATIVES Bruce Buel General Manager informed the Board of the draft Scope of Work proposed by Boyle Engineering to perform a Water Supply Alternatives Evaluation Mike Nunley Boyle Engineering handed the Board the proposed Scope of Work a
DECEMBER 13 2006 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 5 of 8 E 3 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH BOYLE ENGINEERING REGARDING DEVELOPMENT OF AN EVALUATION OF Supplemental Water ALTERNATIVES continued o If a project being considered is not feasible the Board suggested not to spend too much time on it o Consider recycle wastewater return flow rights o Would like more meetings to inform the public more thoroughly o Sea
meting for other NCSD Board members to attend because the RMS will be discussed He met with President Vierheilig and Supervisor Achadjian on December 3rd A meeting is scheduled with Jon Seitz also on January 3rd to talk about the RMS probably about Supplemental Water issues and parks Saturday January 13th County CSDA in Templeton I CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel announced the following items to be discussed in Closed Session Mr Seitz had nothing to report for Items 3 and 5 1
onservation Director of the SLO Land Conservancy presented information to the Board by showing slides A copy of the slides is available for viewing in the District office Herb Kandel asked the Board to consider recharge of the basin when considering Supplemental Water as enhancements to the watershed help recharge the basin He suggested a field trip to the Port San Luis Lighthouse which has two basins about 24 feet deep to collect rainwater He thanked the Board for hearing their report Director Winn asked i
to have the Holloway project put on the next agenda for a possible Outside User Agreement He would like to have a demand calculation for the Water Management Area James Christiansen NCSD resident commented to the Board about the growth traffic and Supplemental Water Mike Riley Nipomo resident asked several questions What would be an estimate of collecting run off and funneling it into a reservoir rather than water running to the ocean Who is responsible for issuing building permits Are there salinatio
n groundwater basin Will be intensely scrutinized by the monitoring group Director Trotter stated that District representatives went before the SLO Board of Supervisors to comment on the impact of the Woodlands project Woodlands is obligated to buy Supplemental Water Director Harrison suggested that Mr Christiansen and Mr Riley attend the meetings of the SCAC that advises the County Board of Supervisors 01 09 01 D CONSENT AGENDA D 1 WARRANTS D 2 BOARD MEETING MINUTES RECOMMEND APPROVAL Approve Minutes of
G COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Bruce Buel General Manager explained the process to elect members of the standing committees Upon motion of Director Vierheilig and seconded by Director Harrison the Board unanimously approved the following standing committees Supplemental Water Project Design Construction Finance Audit Personnel Parks There was no public comment Vote 5 0 Director Vierheilig nominated Director Trotter to Chair the Supplemental Water Project Design Construction Standing Committee There were no other
nominations There was no public comment Upon motion of Director Winn and seconded by Director Harrison the Board unanimously agreed to close the nominations Voice vote 5 0 Director Trotter nominated Director Eby as member to the Supplemental Water Project Design Construction Standing Committee There were no other nominations There was no public comment Upon motion of Director Vierheilig and seconded by Director Winn the Board unanimously agreed to close the nominations Voice vote 5 0 D
Parks Standing Committee There was no public comment Upon motion of Director Eby and seconded by Director Vierheilig the Board unanimously agreed to close the nominations Voice vote 5 0 The assignments are as follows Standing Committees Chair Member Supplemental Water Project Design Construction Director Trotter Director Eby Finance Audit Personnel Director Vierheilig Director Trotter Parks Director Winn Director Harrison 01 40 E 4 RECEIVE RECOMMENDATION FROM PARKS COMMITTEE REGARDING PROPOSED SURVEY AND A
circumstances but the basic format would be similar Director Eby stated that the District is setting a precedent with this action He stated that it seems the District is trying to circumvent the LAFCo agreement that is in place taking water before a Supplemental Water supply is at hand The District wells are already overcommitted The applicant does not need the District water for his development Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
R OUTSIDE SERVICE AREA AGREEMENT continued Upon motion of Director Vierheilig and seconded by Director Harrison the Board authorized negotiation of a draft agreement with Carl Holloway and that the Agreement obligate annexation of the property once Supplemental Water is available and that the property owner be charged with constructing and dedicating utilities to District Standards Vote 4 1 with Director Eby voting no YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Vierheilig Harrison Trotter and Winn Director Eby Non
ff will come back with a separate resolution with the agreements and rates Upon motion of Director Eby and seconded by Director Vierheilig the Board unanimously agreed to the concept of suspending processing of subsequent annexation requests until a Supplemental Water project is completed and direct legal counsel to bring back a resolution suspending the processing of new annexation applications The following members of the public spoke Jesse Hill representative for Holloway project stated that it is not i
nity expressed their concerns RFP for survey was completed for mailing 03 16 15 H DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS Director Vierheilig asked how the Willow Rd extension and the Community Facilities District fees may affect the District’s seeking funding for the Supplemental Water project Director Eby stated that the fees will come from vacant land Attended the Board of Supervisors meeting Tuesday January 23 2007 It can be viewed on the Board of Supervisors website The part concerning the RMS for this District starts at
Comments could be heard at the beginning of the meeting as well as at the end 03 39 19 ADJOURN President Winn adjourned the meeting at 2 16 p m THE NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING IS FEBRUARY 14 2007 TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ITEMS INCLUDE o Bylaws Update o Supplemental Water Alternatives Presentation o Discussion of Allocation and Annexation Issues THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL BOARD MEETING IS FEBRUARY 21 2007 TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ITEMS INCLUDE o Southland WWTF Master Plan o Water and Sewer Master Plan o General Manage
s The following members of the public spoke Pam Jardini from Planning Solutions and representative for Mike Allshouse discussed the project with the Board The Board discussed the fact that the when fees for the project were originally estimated the Supplemental Water supply project was estimated to be 6 million The fees for this multi family project will probably increase proportionately The developer should know that the final fee will be due before a meter is set to serve the project Upon motion of Dire
07 TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ITEMS INCLUDE o Southland WWTF Master Plan o Water and Sewer Master Plan o General Manager Performance Review THE NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING IS FEBRUARY 28 2007 TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ITEMS INCLUDE o Bylaws Update Approval o Supplemental Water Alternatives Progress Report o Holloway Outside User Agreement o Annexation Policy Review o Blacklake Water Booster Station Options o Receive Legal Opinion on Fee Deferral Issue Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
ARD OF SUPERVISORS Bruce Buel General Manager explained that certification of Level of Severity III for the Nipomo Mesa Management Area is the valid descriptor of actual conditions and that such a designation underscores the importance of developing supplemental supply The Board discussed the matter Director Trotter stated that this proposition seems to be in conflict with Item E 4 above Director Eby stated that the District is sending the SLO Board of Supervisors the wrong message The directors agreed that
the Craig Outside User Agreement would be the last approval of a request for outside District water until a Supplemental Water supply is flowing Upon motion of Director Eby and seconded by Director Trotter the Board unanimously adopted Resolution 2007 1007 as amended Vote 5 0 RESOLUTION NO 2007 1007 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NIPOMO COMMUNITY SERVIC
acing the culvert on Mallagh and Sea for flood control 02 48 29 G COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 RECEIVE 3 7 07 FINANCE AUDIT PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Director Vierheilig reviewed the minutes from the meeting 02 54 25 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS There were no special requests from the directors Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
from the agenda Director Eby asked to pull Items D 4 and D 6 for separate consideration The following member of the public spoke John Snyder Nipomo resident stated that perhaps the Board should rethink dismissing the Nacimiento water project for a Supplemental Water supply Upon motion of Director Eby and seconded by Director Harrison the Board unanimously approved Items D 1 D 2 and D 3 of the Consent Agenda Vote 4 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Eby Harrison Trotter and Winn None Director Vierheilig
the last reach of the NWP could be upgraded to provide up to 6,000 AFY of additional capacity if an interested agency paid for design and construction revisions Director Eby asked that the report show exactly why the NWP was eliminated as a possible Supplemental Water supply for NCSD Upon motion of Director Eby and seconded by Director Trotter the Board agreed to adopt staff’s recommendation to determine that the NWP is not suitable for further consideration and to advise the County accordingly Vote 3 1 wit
TION OF RESOLUTION SUSPENDING PROCESSING OF FURTHER ANNEXATION APPLICATIONS AND REVIEW ANNEXATION POLICY ISSUES Bruce Buel General Manager reviewed the Board’s previous discussions for suspending processing of subsequent annexation requests until a Supplemental Water project is completed and the agreement to discuss the benefits and detriments of new mutual water companies BEING formed Mr Buel explained the draft resolution prepared by District Legal Counsel Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel explained the p
olicy issue being considered Paul Hood LAFCo Executive Officer spoke to the regarding LAFCo policies and procedures When the Sphere of Influence was set by LAFCo almost three years ago it was determined that there would be no annexations until a Supplemental Water supply was determined The Board discussed the matter with Mr Hood and staff How Outside User Agreements fit in with LAFCo’s policy Mr Hood answered that the Outside User Agreement is seen as a bridge to annexations until a Supplemental Water
w mutual water companies is detrimental to NCSD providing water to a project within the SOI Help would be needed from the County to not approve developments outside the SOI that would rely on mutual water companies How to answer developers until a Supplemental Water supply is available Mr Hood stated that it would not be prudent for NCSD to provide water when it is in an overdraft situation The County needs to take its Level III Severity into consideration when approving subdivisions If the District pas
y voting no YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Trotter Harrison and Winn Director Eby Director Vierheilig Next the Board discussed tracking of annexation water allocations Mr Seitz stated that there would be no annexations approved by LAFCo until a Supplemental Water supply is available Outside users will be allocated Upon motion of Director Trotter and seconded by Director Eby the Board agreed to direct staff to develop a mechanism to include any annexation including the two pending annexations Holloway
on agreement is approved Vote 4 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Trotter Eby Harrison and Winn None Director Vierheilig Director Trotter stated he was frustrated that mutual are not obligated to help overcome the overdraft and to participate in Supplemental Water He asked if there was a mechanism to help protect the groundwater basin Mr Hood stated that LAFCo is not notified when a mutual water company is formed David Church LAFCo Deputy Executive Officer stated that the County has a broad conditionin
ison the Board unanimously agreed to direct staff to proceed with equipping Black Lake Well 4 and the transfer pump Vote 4 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Trotter Harrison Eby and Winn None Director Vierheilig E 2 AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO BOYLE Supplemental Water OPTIONS EVALUATION AGREEMENT Bruce Buel General Manager reviewed the research into potential Supplemental Water project options An eighth alternative is the potential purchase of surplus water from CCWA or one or more CCWA members Mike Nunley
Boyle Engineering’s Supplemental Water Supply Project Manager explained the budget revision request Upon motion of Director Eby and seconded by Director Harrison the Board unanimously agreed to authorize the President to execute the amendment to Boyle Supplemental Water Project Opt
March 28 2007 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 8 of 8 00 25 14 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn asked for a list of signatories for the stipulated judgment Should we agendize the Draft EIR for Santa Margarita cultural residential cluster development supplement to the Santa Margarita Ranch Project issues with WRAC and wha
ng to order at 9 00 a m and led the flag salute 00 00 15 B ROLL CALL At Roll Call all Board members were present 00 00 49 C PRESENTATIONS AND PUBLIC COMMENT C 1 MIKE NUNLEY OF BOYLE ENGINEERING Mike Nunley Boyle Engineering's Project Manager for the Supplemental Water Alternatives Analysis provided an update for the project At the March 28 2007 Board meeting the Board amended the contract to give more evaluation to the CCWA pipeline alternative Water quality data has been gathered Alternatives include Nacim
n Committee Directors Winn and Vierheilig met with Mr Buel Monday April 9 2007 The Committee worked on a draft of conservation measures Information will be circulated to entire Board before action is taken 03 41 31 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby Level III will be discussed at the SLO County Board of Supervisors in June He stated that SAIC needs to redo the study as of April 2007 to take to the Board of Supervisors meeting in June SCAC has on its agenda in May to take po
he draft budget Minutes of the meeting were given to the Board today available for viewing in the District office The Parks Committee Directors Winn and Harrison will meet Monday April 30 2007 at 1 00 p m 03 22 21 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby stated that he will be on the oral board for hiring Pat Beck's replacement He also asked about the matter of where people would go for emergency water Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel stated that the Emergency Response Team of S
District office There was no public comment The Board thanked Battalion Chief Fisher for his presentation 00 05 38 C 4 MIKE NUNLEY OF BOYLE ENGINEERING This item was taken before C 3 Mike Nunley Boyle Engineering's Project Manager for the District's Supplemental Water Project gave the Board an update on the progress evaluation of water supply alternatives He stated that the Technical Memorandum 1 constraints analysis of the various Supplemental Water supply alternatives is on track and will be submitted i
SS STATE OF CALIFORNIA PHASE II PROPOSITION 50 GRANT COMPETITION continued Upon motion by Director Eby and seconded by Director Vierheilig the Board unanimously agreed to direct the President and the General Manager to argue for inclusion of NCSD's Supplemental Water project in the submittal with the following criteria Should request some funding from the Phase II Grant Will not oppose County submittal Request consideration for inclusion in the Prop 84 1A round There was no public comment Vote 4 0 YES V
TS 1 April 18 2007 Finance Audit Personnel Committee Meeting 2 April 30 2007 Parks Committee Meeting 3 May 2 2007 Finance Audit Personnel Committee Meeting The Committee Reports were accepted as presented 03 51 01 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby explained the process for choosing the replacement for Pat Beck the Deputy Director for Planning There were four candidates The results will be revealed Friday May 11 2007 ADJOURN President Winn adjourned the meeting at 3 03 p m
public to comment on each item 00 00 43 B RECEIVE PRESENTATION FROM BOYLE ENGINEERING REGARDING DESALINATION TECHNOLOGIES Bruce Buel General Manager introduced Mike Nunley and Ernie Kartinen from Boyle Engineering Mike Nunley Project Manager for the Supplemental Water supply project introduced the presentation Ernie Kartinen reviewed the information in the power point presentation The Board asked questions regarding the information presented The following members of the public spoke Bill Denneen Nipomo resi
ewed the agreement Carol Florence representative for Vintage Homes LLC asked the Board for favorable consideration to approve the agreement The Board discussed the agreement The Board agreed that this was the last outside user to be approved until a Supplemental Water supply is delivered Mr Seitz explained that the agreement runs with the land for any future buyers of the project The perceived benefit to the District approving this agreement includes that no mutual water company would be formed that may dra
w water from the same groundwater basin that currently supplies the District Also the owners would be paying fees that include annexation fees and Supplemental Water capacity fees The water users would be under the same terms and conditions including conservation measures as other water customers within the District Until the annexation is complete the water customers within the project will pay 1.5 times
the bi monthly rates and charges as other District customers pay Director Eby stated that the rest of the District is being put at risk Mr Seitz explained that a mutual water company is not bound to pay Supplemental Water fees Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
ing a study of air quality impacts from off road vehicle activity at the Oceano Dunes State Vehicle Recreation Area There was some Board discussion 03 45 44 G COMMITTEE REPORTS There was no committee report 03 46 02 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig He stated that the Consumer Confidence Report contains out of date data Mr Buel explained that for certain constituents we are on a five year testing cycle for some three year for some annual for some and weekly for othe
MAY 23 2007 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 7 of 7 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS continued Director Trotter He stated that while the District was connecting the Black Lake water system to the Town system several things went wrong but it is working now Director Eby There was water taken from a fire hydrant with a tanker
nt Mr Buel reminded the directors that nominees for the Parks Citizens Advisory Committee need to be in the office by June 20 2007 Chamber of Commerce Breakfast would like a good count of those attending 02 18 01 G COMMITTEE REPORTS There will be a Supplemental Water Committee meeting Monday June 18 2007 Director Winn reported that the Conservation Committee met Monday June 11 2007 The next meeting will be Tuesday June 19 2007 3 30 a m 02 23 31 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Directo
pdate on the items listed above and gave instructions to staff There was no reportable action ADJOURN President Winn adjourned the meeting at 12 28 p m THE FOLLOWING REGULAR BOARD MEETING IS JUNE 27 2007 TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ITEMS INCLUDE o Review Supplemental Water Project Fatal Flaw Analysis o Award Black Lake WWTF Liner Replacement Bid o Appoint Parks Citizen Advisory Sub Committee Members THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL BOARD MEETING IS JUNE 20 2007 TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ITEMS INCLUDE FY07 08 Budget Adoption
nd Jeff Spannbauer who assisted in the project Mr Spannbauer reviewed the proposed water system improvement projects listed in order of priority He reviewed how recommendations were based He reviewed the existing water system He talked about how the Supplemental Water supply will come into the NCSD system and some options The Board discussed many of the projects The Board took a break at 11 58 a m and returned at 12 09 p m Director Trotter left the meeting Mr Spannbauer described alternatives to the water s
ystem projects Mike Nunley Project Manager for the Supplemental Water Project added information about the alternatives The Board set August 15 2007 Special Meeting as a workshop to discuss the Draft Master Plan including the sewer projects discussed on May 16 2007 the water projects discussed at this meeting and
311 016 CYR RESOLUTION NO 2007 1026 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NIPOMO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT ACCEPTING THE WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR CO 03 0089 HONEY GROVE IV NEWDOLL 00 20 11 E ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS E 1 REVIEW DRAFT Supplemental Water PROJECT CONSTRAINTS ANALYSIS Mike Nunley Boyle Engineering Project Manager for the Supplemental Water Evaluation Project gave a summary of the first steps taken to obtain a Supplemental Water supply He introduced Malcom McEwen who reviewed the
presentation of the Evaluation of Supplemental Water Alternatives A copy of the slide presentation is available for viewing in the District office Mike Nunley answered questions from the Board The following members of the public spoke Kevin Beauchamp local business owner asked about the 10 mi
JUNE 27 2007 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 3 of 6 E 1 REVIEW DRAFT Supplemental Water PROJECT CONSTRAINTS ANALYSIS continued Mr Beauchamp stated that he would be in favor of a desalination solution because the other solutions would have a reliability issue If we could make it 8 10 years then he supports using only desalination
for the Supplemental Water supply rather than any of the other proposed sources Mr McEwen answered Mr Beauchamp's questions Most of the difference in the 3,000 to 6,000 AFY is the cost of energy The CCWA pipeline and the Intertie Project estimated costs are similar beca
a solution He would like the Board to consider desalination so as not to be dependent on somebody else's good will Upon motion by Director Trotter and seconded by Director Eby the Board unanimously agreed to 1 Direct Boyle Engineering to revise the Supplemental Water Project Agreement Scope of Work to refocus the remaining funding on development of short term water at the Nipomo turnout via an agreement with the City of Santa Maria to buy a portion of the City’s CCWA Allotment and on development of long te
rm water using desalination technology with a phase in of the two projects over time and 2 Direct Cannon Associates to revise its evaluation of Supplemental Water Projects in the Water and Sewer Master Plan to cost out the system upgrades related to the short term and long term projects described above Vote 5 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Trotter Eby Vierheilig Harrison and Winn None None The Bo
residents President Winn directed a Special Meeting to be held July 2 2007 at 2 00 p m concerning the Maria Vista Estates development Bruce Buel General Manager will be on vacation July 5th through July 17 2007 02 41 28 G COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 6 18 07 Supplemental Water Committee Meeting The Minutes are included in the Board packet The Water Conservation Sub Committee met June 19 2007 July 3 2007 Water Conservation Committee meeting at 2 00 p m July 18 2007 Parks Committee meeting at 1 00 p m July 23 2007 Sou
thland Wastewater Treatment Facility Committee meeting at 2 00 p m 02 47 00 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS None 02 47 13 I CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel announced the following items to be discussed in Closed Session There was no public present 1 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL PENDING LITIGATION GC 54956.9 SMVWCD V
Y 25 2007 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 8 of 8 05 02 11 G COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 7 18 07 Parks Committee Meeting The Board discussed the results of the Parks Committee meeting 05 06 20 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig Finance Audit Personnel Committee will meet August 13 2007 9 00 a m August 29 2007 Water and Sewer Master Plan meeting Rate Study Workshop tentatively scheduled for August 15 2007 Director Winn Adam Hill is running for t
ll be discussing an analysis that may trigger emergency water supply phases Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel added that SLO County has adopted Ordinance 3090 which is a prohibition on land use ordinance amendments that could increase density until a Supplemental Water supply is available on the Mesa The ordinance also addresses the Supplemental Water Impact Fee The NCSD Board has adopted an ordinance addressing water allocations which allows development plans using only 34.3 acre feet per year The NCSD also
implemented a Supplemental Water Impact Fee that all development must pay to provide revenue for the Supplemental Water project Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
mitation on general land amendments that put an increase of non ag water The new proposed densities would increase the existing water demands on the property Ordinance 3090 puts a prohibition on non ag water increased densities until the delivery of Supplemental Water On July 26 2007 the Board of Supervisors certified a Level of Severity III There was no public comment The Board discussed the report The Board agreed that there are inconsistencies and incorrect statements throughout the document It is not co
incomplete and outdated SLO's Ordinance 3090 specifies that there will be no general plan amendments until there is wet water in the NCSD system The NCSD Urban Water Management Plan has not planned for the new density proposed by this report The Supplemental Water Project was planned for current use and does not provide for the increased demand Level of Severity III certification Upon motion by Director Eby and seconded by Director Vierheilig the Board unanimously agreed to authorize President Winn to
County will allow an addendum after the bids are opened The bidders will include the extra work for NCSD The Board asked questions There was no public present to comment G COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 7 23 07 Southland WWTF Upgrade Project Committee Meeting Supplemental Water Committee will meet Thursday August 9 2007 1 00 p m The Finance Audit Personnel Committee will meet Monday August 13 2007 9 00 a m H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby He sent an email concerning conservation He
s to conserve Perhaps NCSD could offer a water audit service to customers Mr Buel answered that a comprehensive conservation program will be presented soon Director Eby also commented about the water softening costs may be less because of the softer Supplemental Water Mr Buel answered that Sorrel Marks insisted that a salt management program will be mandatory Director Winn He asked if it would pay NCSD to create a water conditioning division Mr Buel answered that perhaps an ordinance could be passed to disc
AUGUST 8 2007 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 8 of 8 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS CONTINUED Director Winn He stated that he was pleased with the work staff did on the Negative Declaration on the Ortiz project Evaluation forms for the General Manager are still being received He met with the Nipomo Valley Mutual Water Comp
any Board Wednesday August 8 2007 about Supplemental Water and the possible use of their turnout John Wallace and Associates did the engineering for their turnout The Wallace Group as it is now called will be sending copies of some of the engineering paperwork done on the project 03 38 08 ADJOURN Pre
oting no YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Eby Vierheilig and Trotter Directors Harrison and Winn None Bruce Buel General Manager asked the Board to address whether the 2.5 million should be borrowed from the equipment replacement fund to fund the Supplemental Water project D REVIEW RATE STRUCTURE PRESENTATION PROPOSE A COMBINED WATER USER FEE RATE STRUCTURE AND DIRECT THE REED GROUP TO INCORPORATE THE PROPOSED RATE STRUCTURE INTO THE RATE REPORT continued Lisa Bognuda Assistant General Manager stated th
None Director Trotter 02 46 26 F MANAGER’S REPORT Bruce Buel General Manager stated that there were no additions to the written material in the Board letter The Board asked questions There was no public comment 02 52 25 G COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 8 9 07 Supplemental Water Committee Meeting 2 8 13 07 Finance Audit and Personnel Committee Meeting The Board accepted the minutes to the committee meetings as written There was no public comment 02 52 53 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director
nager explained that this item is for the Board to discuss the options presented by Cannon Associates and edit the proposed listings The Board also needs to discuss the costs set forth in the listing to determine which projects should be included as Supplemental Water cost in the 2008 2012 Combined Water System Financial Plan Larry Kraemer and Jeff Spannbauer from Cannon Associates presented information with a slide presentation They discussed the production from the existing wells and the future delivery a
Supplemental Water supply The Board asked Mr Kraemer and Mr Spannbauer questions about the report They explained that the computer model was prepared using existing information in the GIS the SLO County maps showing current and future land use and the sphere of
clarify what items should be left in the Master Plan and which items need to be forwarded for Mr Reed to complete the rate study The Board discussed which items would remain in the Master Plan The Board agreed that the items to be designated for the Supplemental Water project are the line items on page 1 Lines 8 24 thru 28 and 31 thru 36 The Board agreed that the following items be removed from the Master Plan Page 3 Lines 7 8 9 13 partial 14 16 18 19 The final items to be sent to Mr Reed for the supplemen
Stated it was the worst study in terms of scientific quality that ignores geology and average specific yield Jon Seitz stated the Judge in Phase II of the trial determined the boundaries of the basin C 4 MIKE NUNLEY OF BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORATION Supplemental Water Mike Nunley discussed the development of a short term water supply revolving around state water by acquiring a portion of County of San Luis Obispo’s unused entitlement This requires meeting with all of the agencies involved Additional time wi
mmented that the Blacklake motors Agenda Item D10 are not scrap and should be surplused because motors have value 00 27 00 E ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS E 1 CONSIDER EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH MARLOWE AND COMPANY TO ASSIST IN SECURING FEDERAL FUNDING FOR Supplemental Water PROJECT Bruce Buel General Manager stated that four requests for proposals were sent out and three proposals were received The proposed contract is for fourteen months beginning November 2007 to December 2008 NCSD will try to secure STAG Stat
MANAGER’S REPORT Bruce Buel General Manager stated that there were no additions to the written material in the Board letter The Board asked questions There was no public comment 01 20 00 G COMMITTEE REPORTS The FAPC will reschedule their meeting The Supplemental Water Committee will meet on October 8 The Parks Committee needs to schedule a meeting The Water Conservation Committee will meet on September 17 01 21 00 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby would like to see a compre
ay notice for an adoption hearing to be held on January 23 2008 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Vierheilig Eby Trotter Harrison and Winn None None 3 Director Eby made a motion to keep the 2008 2009 rates in effect at least until we know what the Supplemental Water costs will be Director Eby withdrew the motion Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
Director Trotter the Board agreed to direct staff to work with Mr Reed to come back with an analysis of the rate structure for multi family which includes keeping the other rates at 2008 2009 level or until we get a better handle on the costs of the Supplemental Water project Vote 4 1 with Director Harrison voting no YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Eby Trotter Vierheilig and Winn Director Harrison None 5 No motion on this item The Board took a break at 11 38 p m 02 39 49 E 2 AWARD BID FOR CONSTRUCTION O
OPS 02 59 00 G COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 9 19 07 Parks Citizens Advisory Sub Committee Meeting There was a change in the Minutes Item 3 change Julie Steiner to Donna Mills The Board accepted the report as amended 03 00 00 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig asked about the Blacklake Wastewater Treatment Facility and planning for upgrading to meet State Regional Water Quality Control permit requirements Also the Southland WWTF needs an action plan to meet requirements Directo
ly approved the Consent Agenda Vote 5 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Eby Vierheilig Trotter Harrison and Winn None None E ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS 00 24 47 E 1 RECEIVE BOYLE TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM REGARDING DEVELOPMENT OF A DESALINATION PROJECT FOR Supplemental Water SUPPLY Bruce Buel General Manager introduced the item He also introduced Mr Mike Nunley Mr Malcom McEwen and Ernie Kartinen Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
OCTOBER 10 2007 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 3 of 7 E 1 RECEIVE BOYLE TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM REGARDING DEVELOPMENT OF A DESALINATION PROJECT FOR Supplemental Water SUPPLY continued Mike Nunley Boyle Engineering project manager for the desalination project explained the progress of the development of the research for the report Malcolm McEwen Boyle Engineering reviewed the slide presentation copy availa
ollowing member of the public spoke Ian Wallace NCSD resident Blacklake asked that since brackish water is less expensive to treat with reverse osmosis than salt water has the engineer looked at using the brackish lakes Mr McEwen answered that the Supplemental Water supply that NCSD must obtain needs to be outside the Nipomo Mesa groundwater area The Board discussed the presentation Brackish water taken from west of the NMMA must not adversely affect the NMMA users It was asked where the fresh water sea w
t the report Mr Buel explained When asked about the Utility Superintendent Mr Buel explained that the filing deadline is November 28 2007 He will be advertising at the American Water Works Association conference Nov 22nd 02 06 12 G COMMITTEE REPORTS Supplemental Water Design Committee scheduled October 15 2007 Director Vierheilig Finance Audit and Personnel Committee meeting was October 9 2007 Draft audit report looked good New format takes some getting used to Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
OCTOBER 10 2007 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 7 of 7 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby Asked about the hearing October 24th with Holanda as a result of appeal Mr Buel stated that the appeal hearing is yet to be scheduled Director Winn Planning Commission will be meeting October 11 2007 Some confusion in the agenda
ENTATIONS AND PUBLIC COMMENT C 1 GREG BURNS OF MARLOWE AND COMPANY Greg Burns of Marlowe and Company introduced himself and Josh Gabaton and gave an overview of the process the firm will be following to help the District obtain Federal funding for a Supplemental Water supply project Mr Burns answered questions from the Board The Board thanked Mr Burns for his presentation C 2 ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER LISA BOGNUDA Lisa Bognuda Assistant General Manager reviewed the Quarterly Financial Report There were no b
n would like to see the District have a role in the plan The plan is due for completion in January 2008 C Santa Margarita Draft EIR is supposed to come out by the end of October A precedent could be set on how native water is evaluated as opposed to Supplemental Water D The Paso Robles Basin Banking Feasibility Study has been started to see if the 17,000 acre feet of water at Polonial Pass can be banked in North County E The State Water Board has a grant program for non point source implementation The grant
sed the Sphere of Influence lines and the Urban Reserve Line in relation to the property Questions of the hardness of the water in the area water demand for the proposed project whether or not the water supplied from the property would be considered Supplemental Water and if the well could produce 44 acre feet of water were also discussed The following members of the public spoke Bob Russ Falcon Crest Builders stated that the property is in escrow When the Board asked him if Spike Wheeler is involved with
the current owner he answered yes John Snyder Nipomo resident stated that the District cannot consider the water from the property being discussed as Supplemental Water according to the water rights litigation Donna Mehslchau Nipomo resident read a statement she had handed to the Board The final question included What right does NCSD have to take water from Nipomo Valley She stated that this is a similar sc
itional treatment at the wastewater treatment facility 03 03 30 G COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 SWPD CC Meeting of 10 8 07 2 FAPC Meeting of 10 9 07 3 PCAS Meeting of 10 15 07 The Board accepted the Committee Reports 03 07 55 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Trotter would like compensation for committee meetings to be put on a future agenda Director Vierheilig would like for Director Trotter and himself to review the funded replacement Also prior to the next strategic planning session h
ment on the Minutes of the Parks Committee meeting There will be a Water Conservation Committee meeting Monday November 26th at 2 00 p m A red lined version of the water shortage ordinance will be presented 03 26 22 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby Recommended that the Conservation Committee consider looking into using treated wastewater for the parks Director Harrison Nipomo Incorporation Committee for Education NICE meeting November 27 2007 6 00 p m at the Library Chamb
sa wide coined by the county as Nipomo Mesa Conservation Area The Blacklake development was operated under CSA 1 E Blacklake was never an appropriator Blacklake did not have overlying water rights Mr Buel stated that all NCSD water customers pay for Supplemental Water Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
e 04 17 18 F MANAGER’S REPORT Bruce Buel General Manager presented his report as written The Board asked questions about the Craig Annexation Mr Buel answered that LAFCo had approved the annexation in error and also withdrew it The Board asked about Supplemental Water and also about fees Mr Shapiro will need to pay Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
tee Meeting of 11 9 07 The Minutes are as published There were no corrections Water Conservation Committee met again November 26 2007 and will meet again December 19 2007 Southland Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade Committee will meet Dec 3 2007 Supplemental Water Committee will meet December 10th Parks Committee will meet December 17 2007 04 26 36 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn A gross well production spreadsheet from Lisa was found helpful Lisa provide a list of
State for SLO County There are approx 4900 homes and approx 1300 for the unincorporated areas Nipomo being a large portion Director Vierheilig stated budgeting needs to be better Director Eby asked about the Draft Emergency Water Storage He asked if Supplemental Water will be on the next meeting ADJOURN President Winn adjourned the meeting at 2 41 p m THE NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING IS DECEMBER 12 2007 TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ITEMS INCLUDE o Report on Supplemental Water Development o Draft Emergency Water Sho
ted for Director Harrison On a vote of 3 2 Director Harrison was voted Vice President for 2008 00 46 33 E 1 RECEIVE DRAFT BOYLE TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM REGARDING WATER SUPPLY FROM CCWA STATE WATER PIPELINE AND PROVIDE POLICY DIRECTION ON DEVELOPMENT OF Supplemental Water Mike Nunley and Malcolm McEwen of Boyle Engineering presented Technical Memorandum No 3 Implementation of Water Supply from CCWA State Water Pipeline Desalination has the highest cost but needs to be developed for the long term CCWA or the int
DECEMBER 12 2007 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 4 of 8 E 1 RECEIVE DRAFT BOYLE TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM REGARDING WATER SUPPLY FROM CCWA STATE WATER PIPELINE AND PROVIDE POLICY DIRECTION ON DEVELOPMENT OF Supplemental Water continued Director Winn would like engineering legal issues and policy political ramifications reviewed for all options Rick Sweet Utility Director of City of Santa Maria stated that the City of Santa Maria has a valuable asset in its ownersh
on today’s information Bill Petrick NCSD Customer expressed his concern on how much the District is spending on studies and the amount of missing information John Snyder Nipomo Resident stated that Golden State Water is not going to participate in Supplemental Water and has hoodwinked NCSD Motion 1 Upon motion of Director Eby and seconded by Director Vierheilig the Board of Directors unanimously agreed to proceed with all deliberate speed as described for desalination and to explore the Santa Barbara desa
DECEMBER 12 2007 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 5 of 8 E 1 RECEIVE DRAFT BOYLE TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM REGARDING WATER SUPPLY FROM CCWA STATE WATER PIPELINE AND PROVIDE POLICY DIRECTION ON DEVELOPMENT OF Supplemental Water continued Director Winn concluded the item by stating he would like a document to provide to the public to explain the due diligence taken in this matter including political and legal analysis Mr Nunley of Boyle Engineering stated these issue
ee Meeting of 12 3 07 There was no public comment The Park Committee will meet on Monday December 17 2008 at 1 00 p m and the Water Conservation Committee will meet on Wednesday December 19 2008 at 2 00 p m 04 59 00 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby asked when we would be revisiting the Supplemental Water Capacity Fees Mr Buel stated that a proposal from The Reed Group would be presented at the January 9 2008 Board Meeting 05 02 00 ADJOURN Vice President Vierheilig adjourne
JANUARY 9 2008 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 5 of 7 01 56 57 D 4 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AMENDMENT OF EXISTING AGREEMENT WITH THE REED GROUP TO PREPARE WATER SYSTEM FINANCIAL PLAN INCORPORATING THE PROPOSED Supplemental Water PROJECTS AND AMEND FY07 08 BUDGET At 11 10 a m the Board discussed Item D 4 Bruce Buel General Manager explained that work proposed for The Reed Group He stated that once the Capacity Charge is paid the District cannot raise the charge but it
ther than rainfall is the best for determining water shortages Mr Seitz stated the Stipulated Judgment requires the Technical Group to develop conservation regulations NCSD is taking a leadership role in developing policy Director Eby stated we need Supplemental Water as soon as possible Mr Seitz reviewed the Water Conservation recommendations Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
tion ponds on Mesa Road The 3 areas are on a map in Appendix J of the Water and Sewer Master Plan Drill tests have been done to determine soil profiles Visual and odor impacts would be addressed in an EIR The water issues are being addressed The Supplemental Water Committee meets on January 22 2008 The repair of the existing WWTF is being looked at by Fugro Inc and their findings will be presented at the February 4 2008 Committee Meeting Upon motion by Director Eby and Seconded by Director Trotter the
ruce Buel General Manager was available to answer questions There was no public comment and no questions from the Board of Directors G COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no committee reports and no public comment 03 59 18 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig requested Staff to publish the calendar of events in the Manager’s Report Director Eby handed out a letter Intent to Serve Moratorium and asked for this item to be placed on the Board Agenda I CLOSED SESSION was heard at
by stated that the reason for the request was precipitated by the January 6 2008 SAIC memo predicting a catastrophic groundwater in storage condition in 12 to 14 years namely seawater intrusion in regional areas possibly sooner With the search for a Supplemental Water supply taking longer than originally planned it seems that the District does not need to continue supplying water to new development The District needs to show that we have done our part to solve the problem The following members of the public
12 months Also about conditional Intent to Serve letters he would not like to give anyone false hopes to receive water when there may not be any available Director Vierheilig stated that the time to lift a moratorium would be when the design of the Supplemental Water supply is complete when the funding is secured an EIR is certified Director Harrison stated that a moratorium is short sighted and premature The Emergency Water Shortage Regulations will handle the situation Director Trotter stated that the Di
JANUARY 23 2008 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 10 of 10 G COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 Jan 4 2008 Water Conservation Committee Meeting 2 Jan 14 2008 Parks Committee Meeting Director Eby noted that there was a Supplemental Water Committee meeting January 22 2008 The desalination project could have a three year schedule The next meeting will be February 25 2008 at 1 00 p m 04 15 35 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig asked for the
ctions Bill Petrick stated that the information presented in speculative There is no universal model He showed a slide with data and drew different conclusions He stated that the trigger points are meaningless Sharon Petrick asked what happened to Supplemental Water We paid 750,000 for the MOU We are being punished by NCSD's failures Mark Westfall asked for a 15 voluntary conservation Conservation is not a difficult thing for adults to do Terry Stenson stated that he is a landscape engineer The biggest
e its rainfall falling solely within that yellow line He stated that the information on the chart is incorrect Harry Eby stated that we are in an overdraft because we have over built He is against spending more money on research Stop building until Supplemental Water Jeanne Taylor read a statement asking where the water emergency is She read some figures that concluded in the past 53 years there has been no overdraft Bill Larsen also read a statement saying NCSD needs to cease the scare tactics He stated
n The yellow line as referenced before is approx the Nipomo Conservation Area adopted by the SLO County Board of Supervisors The District had SLO County pass Ordinance 3090 that there would be no more General Plan Amendments within the NMMA until a Supplemental Water supply is on the mesa to serve the proposed project Ord 3090 also says that no subdivision authorized at the current general plan can subdivide without paying a Supplemental Water fee The District imposed large Supplemental Water capacity fee
s Developers are paying toward finding a Supplemental Water supply The District has a water allocation policy that limits the number of Intent to Serve letters per year Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
vation we will run out of water in 12 14 years There may be some errors in the reports but it seems to be the best information available The reports do show a trend Conservation alone will not solve the problem The District is looking into getting a Supplemental Water supply quickly Director Vierheilig He stated that he is on the Water Conservation Committee The proposed regulations are not palatable Conserving water is necessary Director Trotter He stated that he is pleased with the turn out to the meeting
all 343 1949 if you wish to attend Speaker Johnny Branquino a rancher in Santa Barbara County area Rotary Club Annual Fundraiser March 16 2008 at St Joseph's 4 00 p m Director Winn February 4 2008 8 45 a m SLO County Planning Commission considering supplemental EIR of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance Members of the public speaking at the meetings have been helpful The EIR for the proposed ordinance including items that were withdrawn from circulation the environmental review could be finalized These are seri
rs on the mesa will adhere to the District's harsh regulations He handed a map to the Board titled Area of Use Vs Areas of Supply Water that falls on the District should be available for District customers He asked why NCSD customers should pay for Supplemental Water from Santa Maria when they could buy it from the farmers for 15 per acre foot Mike Milton Lucia Mar Unified School District Operations Manager stated that he did not attend the Jan 30th meeting but would like special consideration for the Sc
ING FOR ADOPTION OF USER RATES FOR BLACKLAKE WATER CUSTOMERS OR TAKE ALTERNATE ACTION continued Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel explained that Town Division capacity fees are charged to the developers to buy into the existing system and to pay for Supplemental Water The fees did not take serving Blacklake into account The developers also pay for specific projects The equity surcharge helps cover the costs for the existing Town system President Winn disagreed with each of the Blacklake Positions set forth
R’S REPORT Bruce Buel General Manager stated that the Manager's Report is submitted as written Mr Buel answered some clarification questions from the Board 05 01 00 G COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 Jan 30 2008 Water Conservation Committee Meeting 2 Jan 22 2008 Supplemental Water Project Committee Meeting 3 Feb 4 2008 Southland WWTF Upgrade Committee Meeting 4 Jan 28 2008 Ad Hoc Blacklake Communications Committee Meeting 5 Feb 6 2008 Educational Tour of Morro Bay Desalination Facility The Committee Reports stand as sub
mitted The Board asked for a little clarification 05 01 55 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn stated that we may receive a Sphere of Influence reduction in the next LAFCo SOI update He stated that the District must protest the Biorn EIR because they are storing crushed asphalt in a flood plain It will wash into the Sant
for Planning The Board of Supervisors on February 26th passed contract for an EIR for some inclusionary housing ordinances He and Mr Buel will be leaving Wednesday March 5th to meet with government officials in Washington D C concerning funding the Supplemental Water project Wed March 5th Water Resources Advisory Committee will be meeting to discuss the draft EIR for Santa Margarita Ranch proposal It could set a precedent if approved Director Eby will be attending as NCSD's representative C 5 PUBLIC COMMEN
paid to Boyle Engineering for the Waterline Intertie Project Mr Buel explained that Boyle had been commissioned to do preliminary research for the waterline intertie project already in process Boyle will be presenting a report on the project to the Supplemental Water Project Committee April 14 2008 at 1 00 p m at the NCSD office Upon motion by Director Trotter and seconded by Director Eby the Board unanimously approved the Warrants Vote 4 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Trotter Eby Harrison and Winn
roved by the Board There were some concerns about financial backing He asked that the Board consider approving the project again The Board discussed that in January 2008 SAIC told the District that it would be out of water in 12 14 years The interim Supplemental Water project may take 3 years to complete The Board is looking for 1 a Memorandum of Understanding 2 purchase of land for the pipeline and 3 a formal agreement with the City of Santa Maria that they will sell us the water Upon motion by Director
of Page 7 BACKGROUND Staff has determined that the Bartelson Ranch is within the Northern Cities Management Area and the Stipulated Judgment limits development of its water RECOMMENDATION No additional action is recommended 1B1 Communicate Cost of Supplemental Water Bottom of Page 7 BACKGROUND Staff published an article on Supplemental Water in the January District News attached and expects to publish more detailed information as it becomes available Boyle is scheduled to publish their revised project
report in April including cost estimates for the expected project phases See Recommendation 5B below regarding the quarterly newsletter RECOMMENDATION Staff strongly supports maximum public disclosure on the cost of developing Supplemental Water 1B2 Interact with Media on NCSD Issues Bottom of Page 7 BACKGROUND Staff supplies agendas to the media responds to inquiries issues press releases and participates in interviews RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends continued outreach 1B3 Promote
he South County Sanitary Service The Board asked questions An item regarding South County Sanitary Service will be on the March 12 2008 agenda 03 21 50 G COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 Feb 11 2008 Ad Hoc Blacklake Communications Committee Meeting 2 Feb 25 2008 Supplemental Water Standing Committee Meeting Directors Eby and Trotter gave a brief overview of the meeting Minutes to the meeting will be in the next Board Packet Mr Buel expounded on a statement made by David Gardener that our groundwater basin has a very sha
derneath the ocean floor there is a tremendous amount of fresh water that is flowing out under the bed of the ocean Trying to effectively capture ocean water may be more difficult than we previously thought 03 29 27 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn stated that he will be attending the San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission meeting Thursday February 28 2008 He asked about the Public Comment Period at the beginning of each meeting He would like to have the written staff
G continued The Board discussed the issue The District cannot move in parallel until the County approves the property negotiations Director Eby stated his reservation with using property taxes for the park until the District finds the money for the Supplemental Water Upon motion by Director Harrison and seconded by Director Vierheilig the Board unanimously approved staff's recommendation to authorize the submittal of a formal request to SLO County to transfer the property and to negotiate a Memorandum of U
itz assumes the information from SAIC is factual Mr Petrick stated that the Papadopoulos Report and the DWR Report are wrong Negotiations made in private may be violating the Brown Act He also stated that Mr Seitz report says the delivery date for a Supplemental Water supply is targeted for March 2011 He stated that the facts are that groundwater in storage is 87,500 acre feet Since 2001 the level has been above the average value and does not look like a steady decline The health of the aquifer is up to the
MARCH 12 2008 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 9 of 9 03 10 36 G COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 Feb 25 2008 Supplemental Water Project Committee Meeting 2 March 3 2008 Finance Audit Committee Meeting The Committee Reports stand as written Members of the Finance Committee will have a phone conference March 20 2008 to discuss employee benefits The committee will meet a
gain on April 10 2008 9 00 a m The Supplemental Water Project Committee 03 12 11 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn stated he would like a letter to SLO Planning and SLO Public Health concerning residential wells potable wells and also to make sure there is a backflow device Staff agreed to bring this item back to the Board on April 9 2008 H
iginally planned Rob Marinai part owner and applicant stated that with the current economic conditions the project needs to move forward now Director Eby made a motion to continue the Intent to Serve letter without prejudice until the District finds Supplemental Water Director Trotter seconded the motion Vote 2 3 with Directors Vierheilig Harrison and Winn voting no YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Eby and Trotter Directors Harrison Vierheilig and Winn None Upon motion by Director Harrison and seconded b
MARCH 26 2008 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 9 of 9 04 30 24 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig He asked that the letter sent by Ms Barbara Ojena become a part of the minutes It is attached hereto The letter protests construction costs of the proposed Miller Park in Nipomo being paid by NCSD Conservation news flyer
blic Director Vierheilig stated that the Blacklake sewer rates should be resolved first and the Blacklake water system merger can be dealt with afterward Director Winn He stated that Steve Bachman should be invited to the NCSD Board meeting when the Supplemental Water is also being discussed ADJOURN President Winn adjourned the meeting at 3 08 p m THE NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING IS APRIL 9 2008 TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ITEMS INCLUDE o Sanitary Sewer Overflow Submittals o Initiation of Landscape Maintenance Dis
of Miller Park that cannot be developed through grants and or donations I'm assuming that if the board is willing to spend any or all of these tax reserves on a park for one of our citizens memorial for her husband Peg Miller that we have all the Supplemental Water that we need for our present and future needs If that's not the case I find it unconscionable that you would OK with the tax paying public to use our water money in this manner I'm sure Jim Miller was an upstanding member of society in Nipomo
review the draft budget Native Sons Nursery April 11 2008 10 2 30 US Wildlife holding a workshop on endangered species Nipomo Native Garden Strategic Planning Workshop April 12 2008 Nipomo Library Director Eby April 17th LAFCo meeting canceled Supplemental Water Committee April 14 2008 1 00 p m Save The Mesa is sponsoring a forum for District 3 candidates It will be taped by AGP Video to air on cable television It can also be viewed at SLOSPAN org The candidates Lenthall and Hill will be speaking to
ut a letter from Cal Fire regarding transitioning coordination of the Annual Nipomo Area Greenwaste Chipping Event Monday April 14 2008 9 00 a m Special Board Meeting concerning the Oakglen Specific Plan Monday April 14 2008 1 00 p m there will be a Supplemental Water Committee meeting G COMMITTEE REPORT There was no committee report H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn stated that South County Sanitary is requesting a phone call one week in advance for large items to be pick
could be available Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel explained that not all of the area within the Specific Plan is within the Nipomo Community Services District That would involve LAFCo issues There could possibly be a Sphere of Influence conflict A Supplemental Water supply would be necessary to serve the area The area to be developed would need to be sewered therefore the NCSD sewer facility would impacted NCSD does not know what the future will bring with the City of Santa Maria The District is discussin
ated that it would be part of the specific plan process Director Winn asked Mr Seitz to explain Ordinance 3090 Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel explained that in Ordinance 3090 There are General Plan Amendments GPAs that won't be considered unless Supplemental Water is available to support the increase in non agricultural water use that would be attributed to the GPA The current General Plan allows for subdivisions within the planning area The County has yet to determine the Supplemental Water supply fee
net gain in water use for the South Oakglen area The development should reflect what Nipomo wants to see Director Trotter left the meeting at 11 04 a m Director Eby stated that not all the area in the plan shown is within the NMMA The Court says the Supplemental Water supply must be used within the NMMA He said that increasing the density in addition was mission creep The original mission was to provide access to South Oakglen He asked if the overpass is being installed to increase the density Copy of docu
to get the infrastructure done later has not worked well for us here A more solid way is to have bridge built curbs put in etc and not in lieu fees collected Discomfort in changing a TDC program that has community support District needs to obtain Supplemental Water for existing residences and there is no Supplemental Water for new development E ADJOURNMENT President Winn adjourned the meeting at 11 46 a m Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
the slide presentation The slides included the following Need for Water o Prevent overdraft of NMMA o Urban Water Management Plan o Settlement o Salt management wastewater Previous WIP Reports 2006 Draft Memorandum 2006 Unknowns Evaluation of Supplemental Water Alternatives Constraints Summary Costs Summary Board Direction o Pursue Waterline Intertie Project and Desalination o Investigate State Water and Aquifer storage recovery with State Water or City Water Santa Maria's Distribution System Ni
ral Manager presented the Manager's Report as written in the Board Packet There was no public comment 05 28 25 G COMMITTEE REPORT 1 April 7 2008 Water Conservation Committee Meeting 2 April 10 2008 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting 3 April 14 2008 Supplemental Water Project Committee Meeting 4 April 21 2008 Supplemental Water Project Committee Meeting Bruce Buel General Manager reviewed the presentation of the minutes for the various meetings Director Vierheilig stated that the Finance and Audit Committee
l and Boyle replacement models Monday May 5 2008 the Southland Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade Project Committee will meet at 10 00 a m to discuss the Regional Water Quality Control Board's disposal options 05 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby He asked if the water levels report will be due in June Mr Buel answered that he expects the report from Mr Ken Hubbs to arrive in late May or early June SAIC Report on groundwater supply above mean sea level probably will arriv
APRIL 30 2008 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 12 of 12 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn He stated that he and staff met with members of the Planning Department about the Oakglen Specific Plan and Transfer Development Credits TDCs The District's position was understood so as not to undermine the District's resourc
5 PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA The following members of the public spoke Christine Burtness owner of a mixed use project on Dana Street asked the board about modifying the development plan to omit the landscaping meter to save water and the Supplemental Water fee She stated that drought tolerant plants would be installed and would be watered with the domestic meter until established The Board suggested Ms Burtness submit a variance form to the District office Greg Nester developer asked why his pro
TTEE REPORT 1 April 29 2008 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting 2 May 5 2008 Southland WWTF Upgrade Project Committee Meeting The Report is presented as submitted in the Board packet There were no questions 01 22 30 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig The newsletter which was very good was received after one event advertised had occurred Director Trotter ACWA trip was very informative Director Winn Asked if the wording on the agenda could change to silence cell phones
ed on Agenda Items A CALL TO ORDER FLAG SALUTE AND ROLL CALL President Winn called the meeting to order at 9 00 a m and led the flag salute At Roll Call all members were present B PRESENTATION BY GREG BURNS OF MARLOWE COMPANY ON FEDERAL FUNDING FOR Supplemental Water The Board continued this item until Mr Burns arrived At his arrival Mr Burns gave an update on the firm’s lobby efforts on NCSD’s behalf The Board of Directors asked questions There was no public comment There was no Board action C APPROVE WAR
MAY 28 2008 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 7 of 7 President Winn returned at 11 59 a m and presided for the remainder of the meeting 02 42 15 G COMMITTEE REPORT 1 May 19 2008 Supplemental Water Project Committee Meeting The minutes were presented as written Next meeting will be June 16 2008 The Safety Committee met and will bring the issue to the June 11th meeting 02 44 11 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Direct
OF INTENT TO SERVE LETTER PROCESSING SUSPENSION AND EMERGENCY WATER SHORTAGE REGULATIONS IN LIGHT OF SPRING 2008 STORAGE CALCULATIONS Bruce Buel General Manager reviewed the Board letter in the packet The Board discussed the expected timeline of the Supplemental Water Project including the EIR and the rights of way A formal agreement with Santa Maria is anticipated in August 2009 The following members of the public spoke Bill Kengel builder developer of Teddy Bear Homes stated that he has an affordablehousi
conditions that must be met by the developer and not NCSD The District has an existing Intent to Serve letter allocation policy and issues allocation pursuant to a stringent policy When Director Eby asked if NCSD could put a condition of delivery of Supplemental Water Mr Seitz answered that the County may not acknowledge a conditioned Intent to Serve letter When asked if Santa Maria has the ability to reduce the supply to NCSD if drought conditions continue Mr Buel stated that Santa Maria can only reduce it
asked about money collected and spent for Blacklake maintenance Ms Bognuda will send the information to Mr Harrison Ms Bognuda was also asked about the salary range change for the promotions in Maintenance 03 52 20 G COMMITTEE REPORT There will be a Supplemental Water Project Design and Construction Committee meeting at 1 00 p m Monday June 16 2008 Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
June 11 2008 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 9 of 9 03 53 16 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig asked about water rates Mr Buel answered that he met with Mr Reed about water rates in light of the Supplemental Water project Director Harrison asked about the forum at Blacklake Mr Buel said it would be at 2 00 p m June
it is possible Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel asked if the scope of work sufficient to take the project from preliminary design through final design Mr Nunley answered yes There was no public comment Board comments Director Trotter stated that the Supplemental Water Committee has discussed the project There are very many unknowns It is difficult to determine exact numbers Director Eby stated that during the evaluation process for the proposals Boyle Engineering received the highest scoring with the lowest
delines require the District to make an environmental determination on nonexempt discretionary projects There was no public comment Douglas Wood of Douglas Wood Associates stated that an Initial Study has been completed and reviewed by staff and the Supplemental Water supply committee Mr Wood's staff will be assisting the District in the preparation of the EIR An Environmental Impact Review EIR fully informs the public what the project entails The Initial Study will assist in the preparation of an EIR to f
lar concerns Mr Wood stated the Initial Study addresses issues of potential growth inducement within the Nipomo area There will be a detailed assessment of the potential impacts to the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin as a result of the purchase of the Supplemental Water Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel stated that the Nipomo groundwater basin is no longer referred to as a sub basin but one groundwater basin that is subject to separate management areas The stipulating parties are committed to support this proj
ienced during the week of June 15th to June 23rd The usage exceeds the District Code Section 3.42 concerning mandatory conservation measures The Board directed Mr Buel to put the item on a subsequent agenda 03 48 43 G COMMITTEE REPORT 1 June 16 2008 Supplemental Water Project Committee Meeting The Minutes to the Supplemental Water Project Committee Meeting were presented The Board discussed the usage of the water from the Southland Wastewater Treatment Facility 03 54 35 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUP
held at St Joseph's Church on Father's Day The Board thanked Battalion Chief Fisher for his report C 3 HOWARD MARLOWE OF MARLOWE COMPANY Howard Marlowe of Marlowe and Company gave an update on the lobbying efforts to secure federal funding for the Supplemental Water project Another member of the firm Dennis Kern was in the audience to answer any questions from the Board Mr Marlowe stated that it will probably be next March before there is much federal funding action on the project The Board thanked Mr Mar
have another set of engineer's eyes review the plans for constructability and cost savings analysis Upon motion by Director Eby and seconded by Director Vierheilig the Board authorized staff to circulate the request for proposals and work with the Supplemental Water Project Committee to recommend the firm to be selected for subsequent Board consideration There was no public comment on this item Vote 4 1 with Director Harrison voting no YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Eby Vierheilig Trotter and Winn Di
as a two tiered rate structure where the second tier is 100 units of water Director Winn would like to convince them to make the second tier 70 or 80 units Supervisor Achadjian is trying to set up a meeting for August 02 19 11 G COMMITTEE REPORT The Supplemental Water Committee will be meeting August 11 2008 Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
July 9 2008 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 6 of 6 02 19 30 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig He asked if the District objected to one digging up the water meter box on one's property and installing aluminum screening to deter gophers from filling up the meter boxes He asked if the District could re visit the Wate
lowing members of the public spoke Bill Petrick NCSD customer read a portion of a written statement Mrs Petrick read the remainder He listed eleven questions for consideration if a written agreement with Santa Maria exists that defines the source of Supplemental Water and the conditions under which that water is made available to NCSD If the written agreement does not exist then all the design work draft EIRs etc is premature and should be suspended until an agreement is in place that meets the Stipulation
Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel explained that the final agreement with the City of Santa Maria will not be entered into until after the project is defined and CEQA certification has occurred Director Vierheilig stated that the stipulation defines Supplemental Water Director Eby asked how the comments received will be used As an example of how the issues will be treated in the EIR Mr Wood used the question posed why not pump the water directly out of Nipomo since we are all one big basin Mr Wood stated t
requiring the removal of AC pipe Director Winn suggested that the District communicate with Public Works G COMMITTEE REPORT President Winn reviewed the list presented in the Board letter There was no public comment H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby He stated that he might like to revisit the Intent to Serve letter policy He found on the County website Candidates for the Los Osos CSD are Marshall Ochylski David Duggan Maria Kelly and Burke Vanderhoef H DIRECTORS REQUESTS
TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig He stated that he will not be at the August 27 2008 meeting Director Winn He stated that the Planning Commission will be meeting July 24 2008 At 8 45 a m the Commission will consider the Santa Margarita Ranch Ag cluster
t his daughter will be a C 1 in the California Conservation Corp ADJOURN President Winn adjourned the meeting at 2 29 p m THE NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING IS AUGUST 13 2008 TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ITEMS INCLUDE o Blacklake Sewer Fund Financial Report o Supplemental Water Capacity Charges Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
RE POTENTIAL INCREASES IN TOWN WATER CAPACITY CHARGES FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT’S SHARE OF WATERLINE INTERTIE PROJECT AND SET ADOPTION HEARING Bruce Buel General Manager explained that an analysis of the capacity charges for the Town water system and for Supplemental Water was requested by the Board Bob Reed of The Reed Group Inc prepared the analysis in a report entitled Capacity Charges for Town Water System and for Supplemental Water He presented a series of slides Water Capacity Charges o Town water syste
m distribution system buy in capacity charge o Supplemental Water capacity charge Santa Maria MOU water supply Nipomo waterline intertie project Desalinization project Town Buy In Capacity Charge o New customers buy in to the capacity in the existing water distribution system Value of existing system N
MINUTES Page 8 of 12 E 5 RECEIVE PRESENTATION FROM RATE CONSULTANT RE POTENTIAL INCREASES IN TOWN WATER CAPACITY CHARGES FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT’S SHARE OF WATERLINE INTERTIE PROJECT AND SET ADOPTION HEARING continued Buy In Capacity Charge Schedule Supplemental Water Capacity Charge o New customers pay for Supplemental Water capacity Cost of System Expansion No of new customers o Calculation includes estimated cost of future Supplemental Water supply projects No Impact Supply Mix o 44 of groundwater an
d 56 Supplemental Water results in no net impact to groundwater basin Supplemental Water Projects o Santa Maria MOU and Nipomo Intertie Pipeline o Up to 3000 AF annually o 1,250 per AF for water O M and capital o 31.7 million for Intertie Pipeline and related improvements Desalinization Project o Up to 6,300 AF annually o 88.
6 million for desalinization plant Current and Future Demand Supplemental Water Needs Supplemental Water Capacity Charge Supplemental Water Capacity Charge Schedule There was no public comment The Board discussed portions of the report Upon motion by Director Eby and seconded by Director Vierheilig the Board unanimously agreed to set a hearing for September 10 2008 and directed st
t Meeting 3 8 5 08 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting The Committee Reports are as presented in the Board packet The minutes to the August 11 2008 Finance and Audit Committee meeting will be in the next meeting's packet Director Eby stated that the Supplemental Water Committee reviewed the construction management proposals at their August 11 2008 meeting H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Director Vierheilig The members of the Olde Towne Nipomo Association are looking for a representativ
e to talk with the Board of Supervisors concerning the Jim O Miller Park Director Winn stated that he will be meeting with Supervisor Achadjian Friday August 15 2008 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Director Eby He stated that he read the minutes of the January 23 2008 meeting concerning the Boyle Report about the disposal of effluent from Wastewater Treatment Facility The Mesa site was not completely ruled out Cambria had a 3 year dro
The CCC does not get clearance permits Even though we do not have drainage powers the District needs to coordinate with the County for waste removal Who can get the creek clearance accomplished He stated that the City of Santa Maria may not sell us Supplemental Water beyond the initial 3,000 afy if we oppose the Perrett detachment He would like staff to confirm that there will actually be an October Festival Director Harrison stated that the information he received confirmed it The Conservation Sub Commi
rontage to Sandydale under the freeway at Sandydale and up Melschau to Foothill Rd The District would not be affected whether or not the County builds the interchange 00 56 09 G COMMITTEE REPORT 1 8 8 08 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting 2 8 11 08 Supplemental Water Project Committee Meeting Bruce Buel General Manager presented the minutes to the two meetings listed above The Supplemental Water Design Committee will meet September 8 2008 The Ad Hoc Blacklake Sewer Committee will probably meet next week Di
AUGUST 27 2008 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING Minutes Page 11 of 11 00 57 03 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby Groundwater storage readings when will the District receive the next report Mr Buel stated it probably would be in January 2009 or late December 2008 Director Trotter He asked if the District would consider purchasing fax machi
ty Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 5 of 12 MINUTES SUBJECT TO BOARD APPROVAL The Board took a break at 10 19 a m and returned at 10 32 a m E ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS 01 19 01 E 1 PUBLIC HEARING ADOPT TOWN WATER SYSTEM CAPACITY CHARGES AND Supplemental Water CAPACITY CHARGES Bruce Buel General Manager explained that The Reed Group was retained to evaluate Town Water System Capacity Charges and Supplemental Water Capacity Charges The Public Hearing was opened Mr Bob Reed presented information in a
slide presentation Water Capacity Charges o Town water system distribution system buy in capacity charge o Supplemental Water capacity charge Santa Maria MOU water supply Nipomo waterline intertie project Desalinization project Town Buy In Capacity Charge o New customers buy in to the capacity in the existing water distribution system Value of existing system N
o of existing customers o Calculation includes depreciated replacement cost of existing assets capital reserves and adjustments for outstanding debt o Calculation excludes water supply facilities Buy In Capacity Charge Schedule Supplemental Water Capacity Charge o New customers pay for Supplemental Water capacity Cost of System Expansion No of new customers o Calculation includes estimated cost of future Supplemental Water supply projects No Impact Supply Mix o 44 of groundwater an
d 56 Supplemental Water results in no net impact to groundwater basin Supplemental Water Projects o Santa Maria MOU and Nipomo Intertie Pipeline o Up to 3,000 AF annually o 1,250 per AF for water O M and capital o 31.7 million for Intertie Pipeline and related improvements Desalinization Project o Up to 6,300 AF annually o 88
.6 million for desalinization plant Current and Future Demand based on FY 06 07 water sales Supplemental Water Needs Supplemental Water Capacity Charge Supplemental Water Capacity Charge Schedule The Board discussed the concepts presented An asterisk needs to be added to say the capacity charge is subject to change The following member of the public spoke Greg Nester local builder developer stated that the Dist
SEPTEMBER 10 2008 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 6 of 12 MINUTES SUBJECT TO BOARD APPROVAL E 1 PUBLIC HEARING ADOPT TOWN WATER SYSTEM CAPACITY CHARGES AND Supplemental Water CAPACITY CHARGES CONTINUED Director Winn stated desal water is a sustainable supply Santa Maria is not in control of State Water If Santa Maria goes back to groundwater it will have the same chloride issues as Nipomo without the soft water A
00 in fees from this project Director Eby stated his feelings for this request as well as the following two requests The Board should not obligate water approve any more Intent to Serve letters until the District has reached three milestones in the Supplemental Water project o Certification of the EIR o Acquisition of rights of way o Signed agreement with the City of Santa Maria Funding for Supplemental Water is critical and depends on customer approval Director Trotter agreed with Director Eby and added t
ITTEE REPORT 1 9 1 08 Ad Hoc Blacklake Sewer Rate Adjustment Committee Meeting 2 9 3 08 Ad Hoc Blacklake Sewer Rate Adjustment Committee Meeting The Water Conservation Committee met Monday 9 8 08 Informal minutes have been forwarded to the Board The Supplemental Water Committee met Monday 9 8 08 The minutes for that meeting will be forwarded to the Board The Finance and Audit Committee will meet September 26 2008 at 9 00 a m A Supplemental Water Project Committee is planned for October 20 2008 The Southland
Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade Project Committee meeting will be planned soon H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Trotter again suggested fax machines for the Board members but only one of the other Board members desired having one loaned to them The subject was dropped Director Eby stated that the District needs to track well levels on a month
SEPTEMBER 10 2008 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 12 of 12 MINUTES SUBJECT TO BOARD APPROVAL H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS CONTINUED Director Winn He gave staff a list of County projects he would like shared with the other Board members Nearly all the projects on the list will affect the District directly A bio solids draft ordinance is being pushed through E
ect Engineer for the design phase of the Waterline Intertie Project reviewed the progress to date He distributed a new Design Schedule dated 9 22 08 The planned milestones are being reached The Project Team completed the following o Participation in Supplemental Water Committee meeting o Ground control and aerial photography of the project corridor o Site visits to wells and proposed tank and pump station sites o Field meeting with California Department of Fish and Game o Concept Design Report The design bu
ng the third Friday every other month The next meeting will be November 21st Even though Supervisor Achadjian and the District disagreed about the Perrett detachment Supervisor Achadjian is still very supportive in the District's efforts to obtain a Supplemental Water supply He even suggested a possible sale of the unused water at Polonio Pass The Board took a break at 10 43 a m and returned at 10 57 a m D CONSENT AGENDA Bruce Buel General Manager disclosed that he had no participation in Item D 7 Director
per lot He stated that the applicant is asking for additional time over and above the original time allowed When this project was originally approved the District did not have the information from SAIC about the worsening water condition There is no Supplemental Water supply available Granting additional time seems to encourage speculation Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel stated this project was originally proposed to LAFCo that it needed an outside user agreement to prevent a mutual water company Ted Elder
he area Peter Sevcik District Engineer stated that the levels will be reported during his monthly report to the Board The next report will be presented October 8 2008 04 44 45 G COMMITTEE REPORT 1 9 8 08 Water Conservation Committee Meeting 2 9 8 08 Supplemental Water Project Committee Meeting The Board had questions on the Woodlands intertie Mr Buel will investigate further Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
SEPTEMBER 24 2008 Nipomo Community Services District MINUTES Page 10 of 10 04 47 41 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig He would like a copy of the committee assignments Luncheon at Woodlands Thursday September 25 2008 Director Winn He would like a date when Cachuma RCD is going to reassess water in Nipomo Park Cachuma will do it at no cos
250 incentive 8 or 9 SRWS were removed but they had trouble getting information from NCSD to determine if this made a difference James Pelky NCSD resident asked if he could use the SRWS since he is on septc does potassium chloride work better and if Supplemental Water is high in salts what would be the impact on landscaping Mark Westfall NCSD resident stated the report didn’t consider the mix of well water with town water supply and the Fairway Homeowners Association Rules and Regulations prohibit SRWS but
OCTOBER 8 2008 Nipomo Community Services District MINUTES Page 4 of 8 E 3 CONSIDER DRAFT SALTS MANAGEMENT REPORT AND DISCUSS OPTIONS TO MINIMIZE SALT DISCHARGE INTO TOWN AND BLACKLAKE SEWER SYSTEMS cont Supplemental Water is lower in salt not higher in salt The Boyle report did not address the mixing of water since the potential merger has not occurred The salts violations occurred prior to the intertie being installed Enforcement such as the Country Club mod
Economy of scale and the avoidance of rebuilding the Blacklake booster station are advantageous to both divisions Mr Reed stated that since his analysis did not show a rate increase he didn’t look at the surcharge Mr Reed stated that the delivery of Supplemental Water was added to the analysis and he used estimates for delivery in year 2011 Director Eby confirmed that the Reed Report did not reflect his proposal in the staff report Director Eby stated the current operating reserve per account at Blacklake i
the money could be used in the merged system Would there be no restrictions Bill Petrick NCSD resident agrees with Mr Reed that no surcharge is required but he is worried about the basis for future rates including factors such as water conservation Supplemental Water and cost controls Ian Wallace NCSD resident stated if Board should proceed he has lingering concerns about undisclosed costs in the Town system He would like Staff and the President to state to the best of their knowledge that there are no und
G COMMITTEE REPORT 1 9 26 08 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting The SWP Committee meeting planned for October 20 2008 has been canceled A Water Conservation Committee meeting is planned for October 17 2008 03 43 00 H DIRECTOR REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Would like a follow up report on the Clean Up Week from South County Sanitary Would like a follow up report on Creek Day The County will be holding two kinds of meetings to introduce a full range of planning The first meetin
E NIPOMO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT ACCEPTING WATER IMPROVEMENTS FOR CO 05 0113 DAVID D 7 AUTHORIZE SUBMITTAL OF LETTER TO CPUC SUPPORTING PROPOSED REVISION TO GOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY’S RATE STRUCTURE D 8 REVISE 2008 BOARD MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS TO Supplemental Water COMMITTEE Director Vierheilig asked to pull item D 7 for a separate vote Director Trotter asked to discuss item D 8 It was pulled for a separate vote Upon motion by Director Eby and seconded by Director Vierheilig the Board unanimously approve
Vote 4 1 with Director Harrison voting no YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Trotter Eby Vierheilig and Winn Director Harrison None ITEM D 8 Director Trotter stated that there was a procedural glitch in attempting to replace him as a member on the Supplemental Water Committee He stated that he did not wish to be off the committee President Winn apologized for the misunderstanding He thought Director Trotter had expressed a desire to cut down some activities due to his health Director Harrison stated that
inden to Frontage o Bio Solids Disposal o Amendment of the Standard Specifications o Sundale Well and o Office Structural Repairs In addition the District Engineer currently spends a substantial amount of his time assisting in the development of the Supplemental Water Project In the near future the District will be administering the installation of the Willow Road waterline the Southland Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade Project and the Supplemental Water Project The District Engineer is now fully alloc
ssible funding for infrastructure He has hopes that the District would be eligible for some funding 02 34 12 G COMMITTEE REPORTS The Committee Report was included in the packet There was no action necessary 02 35 22 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Trotter There was a meeting with the Blacklake Management Association yesterday October 21 2008 Ian Wallace presented a concept of a stand alone system Director Eby A report from the federal government of the precipitation probabili
OCTOBER 22 2008 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 9 of 10 not voting for a moratorium He tried to explain to the supervisor that the Supplemental Water supply project is to make up for bad pumping in the past not for new water for annexations and such He suggested that when the calculations are made for the Sundale Well do not include the expenditures for fitting the other wells using the ge
ormation concerning the Oakglen Specific Plan TDC program is in a holding pattern The downturn of the economy has affected the budget The County has had to curtail some services Benefits from program postponed The Board asked Mr Stevenson about how Supplemental Water affects TDCs The Board thanked Mr Stevenson for the update C 4 DISTRICT ENGINEER PETER SEVCIK Update re District Engineer Activities District Engineer Peter Sevcik gave an update of recent activities He reviewed the outline in the Board packet
more than most other places In order to fund the pipeline to Santa Maria the District needs support from others Director Trotter stated that the letter is self serving Director Eby asked if Golden State is supporting the District in its efforts for Supplemental Water and to conserve water The Board discussed edits to the proposed letter to the CPUC Upon motion of Director Harrison and seconded by Director Vierheilig the Board approved sending the letter to the CPUC Vote 3 2 with Directors Eby and Trotter v
Surcharge Committee Meeting 3 11 3 08 Southland WWTF Upgrade Project Committee Meeting The reports are presented as written There will be a Waterline Intertie Project Committee November 29 2008 at 1 00 p m 03 31 44 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig Asked about the status of the replacement study Mr Buel explained that the Board accepted the study He will provide Director Vierheilig with minutes of that meeting He asked about Mr Petrick's emails and which funds are r
NOVEMBER 12 2008 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 10 of 10 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Planning Commission will be considering a project 8 warehouses on Callender Garrett The water is to be supplied by Woodland Park Mutual Water Co There is no restriction on what kind of businesses will be inside the warehouses
ll NCSD be paying all the costs and asked if Woodlands and Golden State are required to participate Mr Buel stated that this item is a discussion of capital cost and not O M costs Director Trotter stated that it is critical that all participants in Supplemental Water be identified and then analyze the impact of the water itself Director Harrison asked how an assessment is cheaper than putting the costs onto the water bills Mr Buel explained that on page 9 of the Assessment Report there is an explanation of
for the Blacklake Sewer Fund loan If there is no majority protest on December 10th it will be addressed at that point 01 27 56 G COMMITTEE REPORTS The Committee Reports are as submitted in the Board letter 01 28 08 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig He would like to have a rate study of other water purveyors distributed to the directors on an annual basis Director Eby He would like a copy of the SOI Update questionnaire information that will be sent to LAFCO distribu
ed that Director Vierheilig would be Vice President in 2009 05 54 53 F MANAGER’S REPORT Bruce Buel General Manager added a few points to the submitted Manager's Report The podium now has a new microphone stand Monday December 15 2008 there will be a Supplemental Water Project Committee meeting A packet has been placed in the directors mailboxes Director Eby asked when the agreement will be finalized Mr Buel stated that a red lined version will be sent to the City and the Board A series of meetings will be h
DECEMBER 10 2008 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 13 of 13 05 57 56 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig He asked about the status of the Miller Park NCSD has followed all the steps necessary Christmas in Nipomo will be Saturday December 13th at the Catholic Church Director Harrison He asked the other Board members to let hi
g along well LAFCO Special Districts Selection Committee will be held February 20th at the SLO Library Director Harrison will vote January 15th there will be a LAFCo meeting Nine comments have been received on the Environmental Impact Report for the Supplemental Water project Supplemental Water Project Design Construction Committee meeting will be January 26th at 1 00 p m Miller Park a draft MOU was received from the County and will be brought to the Board January 28th The Board asked when the final EIR i
many buildings were there supposed to be on the Hill Street project It will be checked 04 27 42 G COMMITTEE REPORT 1 12 15 08 SWP Committee Meeting Mr Buel stated that the Committee Report is as submitted 04 30 34 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Water Resources Advisory Committee meeting with the Board of Supervisors Meeting with Supervisor Achadjian January 15 2009 at 2 30 p m Director Winn cannot attend Water rates need to be discussed Mutual water companies need to
ob Blair NCSD resident stated that his zip code is 93420 Arroyo Grande and not 93444 Nipomo Mr Blair stated that when Summit Station was annexed there was an agreement to provide water for all future development and that did not include paying for Supplemental Water Mr Blair then left the meeting before Staff could respond Bill Petrick NCSD resident had a question for Tina and Bruce What preventive maintenance has been done to BL water and wastewater systems in the past six months Mr Seitz District Legal
asked where the water is coming from to serve this project Anna Lise Thuse asked how the District can consider setting more water meters and allocating more water to these projects Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel stated that this project will pay a Supplemental Water capacity charge to help pay for Supplemental Water Director Eby stated he would vote no because new allotments should not be allowed until the Supplemental Water project EIR is certified Upon motion of Director Winn and seconded by Director Vi
JANUARY 28 2009 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 8 of 8 03 42 50 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby Would like ideas on how we can measure the effectiveness of our water conservation program Director Winn Look at the reimbursement agreement policy at a future date Closed Session item on the negotiations with the City of Santa
vey from Brent Ives back as soon as possible He had an excellent meeting with Curt Batson 05 34 10 G COMMITTEE REPORT 1 1 26 08 SWP Committee Meeting Mr Buel stated that the Committee Report is as submitted 05 33 40 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig He will be meeting with Chairperson Gibson Supervisor Hill and Supervisor Patterson on the Wednesday Feb 18th regarding Miller Park Director Eby NMMA meeting 19th would like to be there Mr Buel stated that only two Board
ral Manager stated that the Manager's Report is as submitted He answered some questions from the Board 03 24 53 G COMMITTEE REPORT Bruce Buel General Manager stated that the Committee Report is as submitted 03 26 19 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Vision for Strategic Growth held at Cal Poly this morning Wednesday Feb 25 2009 The graduate students are working on two projects one of which includes Nipomo Director Winn would like staff to keep abreast of the information He
and Vierheilig None Director Harrison D 5 ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT TO HOLLOWAY OUTSIDE USER AGREEMENT Director Eby explained that he could not support this resolution for several reasons one being that the District has not yet obtained a Supplemental Water supply Another reason is that extending this Intent to Serve letter to four years is setting a precedent The Board discussed that the concept was approved by a 4 1 vote at the February 25 2009 meeting and clarified the distinction between an o
ON The Board came back into Open Session at 1 04 p m Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel reported the following The Board heard an update on the items listed above There was no reportable action 02 47 57 E 4 PROVIDE DIRECTION REGARDING RE INVESTMENT OF Supplemental Water PROJECT RESIDUAL COP PROCEEDS Bruce Buel General Manager explained that the District has a balance of the COP proceeds in a six month Certificate of Deposit at Rabobank The Board had previously asked for more research that would provide FDIC i
MARCH 11 2009 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 8 of 9 E 4 PROVIDE DIRECTION REGARDING RE INVESTMENT OF Supplemental Water PROJECT RESIDUAL COP PROCEEDS CONTINUED Upon motion by Director Winn and seconded by Director Eby the Board unanimously agreed to authorize staff to deposit money in a CDARS program for such length of time as they calculate as prudent and neg
EE REPORT 1 2 23 09 Water Conservation Committee Meeting 2 3 2 09 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting The report is as submitted There were no questions from the Board There was no public present to comment 04 09 38 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby He asked if the three tiered water rate adjustment consideration could be held off until after the assessment vote Mr Buel stated that the March 25th item will be to request to send out Requests for Proposals for a rate study He
UNCEMENTS OF DISTRICT COMMUNITY INTEREST Receive Announcements from Directors Items of District Community Interest Director Trotter He is concerned about the money spent on desalination and would like the manager to comment Mr Buel stated that the Supplemental Water Committee is planning to talk about that in April and will forward recommendations at that time Director Vierheilig Nipomo Incorporation Committee for Education N I C E meeting will be held April 20 2009 at 9 00 a m in the Avila Room at Woodl
on for Agriculture The only incumbent opposed was Dan Gaddis who was re elected Dan Gaddis was elected to the chair There are still three seats open The weather prediction shows an even chance of the average rainfall for April Director Winn Monday's Supplemental Water sub committee was excellent Assessment work by Wallace does not look at impacts by TDC's He distributed EIR CD's at the SCAC meeting Park Master Plan on the Consent Agenda Morro Group is asking for 200,000 more to complete the EIR The April 2
on in response to the request from George Newman representative for Nipomo Business Park LP developer of Tract 2652 for phasing payment of fees for the project Peter Sevcik District Engineer described the proposed language that would delay 50 of the Supplemental Water capacity charges Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
ing Miller Park will be an item on the April 8th meeting Mr Buel answered questions from the Board 04 48 08 G COMMITTEE REPORT 1 March 16 2009 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting The Committee Report is as submitted Director Eby reported that at the Supplemental Water Committee held Monday March 23 2009 new concerns were discussed Real estate acquisition cost not in the report Mitigation costs Crossing of levee could be a coordination problem as the new levee design and construction could conflict with
the pipeline project Peter Sevcik District Engineer stated that the Santa Barbara Flood Control District is coordinating with our District 04 53 41 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn He suggested that in the future evaluation of conservation program surveys should be followed up by telephone calls Now that the MOU is approved for the proposed park what are the next steps the District should be taking Loo
MARCH 25 2009 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 9 of 9 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn What is the water counsel schedule to discuss water problems Mr Buel stated that it is tentatively scheduled for April 29th when it is planned to have other items discussed as well Clean Up Day was supposed to be two times pe
ve been overwhelming The rankings were supposed to be released but have been postponed until April G COMMITTEE REPORT 1 3 23 09 SWP Committee Meeting The Committee Report is as submitted There was no public comment H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig Would like to get an update of the Investment Policy delivered Design for the Willow Road extension interchange design must be completed by September Peter Sevcik District Engineer stated that the District is working with
Carol Trotter stood to next to Director Trotter as he received his plaque Director Trotter thanked everyone and pictures were and Audit Committee be merged and the members of the Finance and Audit Committee remain as members Mr Buel recommended the Supplemental Water and Southland WWTF Committee be temporarily combined into one committee called the Infrastructure Upon motion of Director Eby and seconded by Director Winn the Board of Directors Directors Eb Winn VierheiJi Trotter and Harrison None Presiden
April 13 2009 Finance and Audit Committee Meeting The Committee Report is as submitted There was no public comment The Water Conservation Committee will meet on May 4,2009 at 9 00 a m The Infrastructure 18 2009 2 00 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Would like to agendize a consideration of the proposed county wide vector control assessment President Harrison adjourned the meeting at 1 38 p m Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com Nipomo Community Services District
ct REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 7 of 7 04 04 45 F MANAGER’S REPORT Bruce Buel General Manager reviewed the May 8th meeting Mr Buel answered comments and questions from the Board There was no public comment 04 19 28 G COMMITTEE REPORT 1 April 20 2009 Supplemental Water Project Committee Meeting 2 May 4 2009 Water Conservation Committee Meeting Bruce Buel General Manager stated that the report is as submitted There was no public comment 04 19 38 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director
flag salute B REVIEW THE BASIS OF ASSESSMENT FOR FINANCING THE CAPITAL COST OF WATERLINE INTERTIE PROJECT BOARD ACTION REQUESTED Provide Policy Guidance Mr Buel General Manager presented the third research report to raise the capital portion of the Supplemental Water intertie project The Infrastructure Committee met on Monday May 18 2009 and recommended approval of Staff recommendations 1 and 2 and requested Board additional information and input on Staff recommendations 3 and 4 A letter from the Home
on of Director Winn and seconded by Director Vierheilig the Board of Directors unanimously approved staff’s recommendation Vote 4 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Winn Vierheilig Eby and Harrison None None Recommendation 4 How much should the Supplemental Water Capacity Charge be reduced Mr Buel stated that his computation was an estimate and that with any AB 1600 fee an Engineering Study would have to be completed to determine the exact amount Mr Buel would recommend that Wallace Group perform that
study when the time comes The remaining Supplemental Water Capacity Charge would be contributed to the desalination project There was no public comment Upon motion of Director Harrison and seconded by Director Winn the Board of Directors directed the General Manager to request bids to prepare an engin
eering report to determine the new Supplemental Water Capacity Charge Vote 4 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Harrison Winn Vierheilig and Eby None None Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
included in the packet with a no sooner than schedule There were no public comments G COMMITTEE REPORT 1 May 18 2009 Infrastructure Project Committee Meeting The report is as submitted There were no public comments H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Asked that NCSD track the Distributed Power District formation ADJOURN President Harrison adjourned the meeting at 4 04 p m Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
es Division's report Peter Sevcik District Engineer answered some questions about groundwater rules 03 57 46 G COMMITTEE REPORT Bruce Buel General Manager answered questions from the Board about the Committee Report H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Would like to find lab testing costs for testing pharmaceuticals at the wastewater treatment facility Would like to add a counter for the number of hits to various sections of the NCSD website Received information that the APCD
presented the report as published He added that Olde Towne Association would like to have a meeting to discuss configuration of the proposed park The Parks Committee agreed to meet August 7 2009 at 1 30 p m 00 48 27 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Spoke with Paavo Ogren on the Willow Road funding update The District efforts will be complete before the funding for the Willow Rd comes up for a vote WRAC staff commented about monitoring wells It was approved in the budget C
MA Technical Group Tuesday July 7 2009 Mr Buel reviewed the information presented in the packet Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel explained that the judgment requires the purveyors to develop a well management plan where there is a water shortage and Supplemental Water is not available The well management plan must include a water conservation plan The Board discussed the proposed Conservation Measures Director Eby provided copies of some rainfall facts for staff the public and the other directors The Board
posed park Director Winn stated there was a page number mistake in the WRAC Subcommittee report He stated page notation 10.17 should be 10.20 03 33 05 G COMMITTEE REPORT The Committee Report is as submitted 03 34 04 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn See what kind of intertie the conventional water systems have in Woodlands and Blacklake with their golf course watering CEQA global climate change What is the status of the JPA structure bond Consider forum outdoor water poli
urveyors on the Mesa Director Winn had a list of questions for consideration which will be submitted in writing 02 01 39 G COMMITTEE REPORT There were no committee meetings held since the last Board meeting 02 02 06 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig Asked to put on a future agenda for further discussion Is our current lobbying effort effective and should we be lobbying Sacramento also Director Winn Asked for specs on the tractors being surplussed Would like to have
es Instead of per capita the report should state per connection There was no public comment 03 24 04 G COMMITTEE REPORT Bruce Buel General Manager reviewed the Committee Report There was no public comment 03 26 50 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn o Can a ratepayer provide water to another customer or business off of their parcel Mr Buel answered no Mr Winn stated that it is being done and needs to be stopped o Asked Mr Seitz what circumstance a board member is required
d at 6 30 not 7 p m The Fall Clean Up will be held September 21 25 2009 Mr Buel answered questions from the Board There was no public comment 03 45 00 G COMMITTEE REPORT The Committee Report is as submitted 03 46 00 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby Asked staff to put on agenda suggestions to LAFCo for Sphere of Influence MSR issue Director Nelson Asked if Mr Buel planned to have him attend the Olde Towne meeting Mr Buel answered yes Director Harrison Asked to get informati
SET DATE FOR INTRODUCTION CONT The following members of the public spoke Vince McCarthy NCSD resident stated that the engineer can certify but cannot guarantee 15 reduction of an unknown amount of water The District needs redirection protection if Supplemental Water doesn't come through John Belsher representative for Mr Kengel stated that multi family should be 0.30 AFY and gave the Board some information Upon motion by Director Winn and seconded by Director Vierheilig the Board unanimously agreed to bri
AFCO MUNICIPAL SERVICE REVIEW AND CONSIDER PLACING ITEM ON SUBSEQUENT AGENDA Director Eby suggested that NCSD recommend to LAFCo shrink the Sphere of Influence in order that NCSD can accommodate existing water users with the existing water even when Supplemental Water arrives E 7 DISCUSS REQUEST TO RECONSIDER POSITION ON SPHERE OF INFLUENCE DEFINITION FOR LAFCO MUNICIPAL SERVICE REVIEW AND CONSIDER PLACING ITEM ON SUBSEQUENT AGENDA CONT There was Board discussion The Sphere of Influence is not about having
Committee meeting Friday October 16 2009 Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel noted the bankruptcy pleadings for Maria Vista 06 04 11 G COMMITTEE REPORT The Committee Report is as submitted in the Board packet 06 04 20 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby Would like information on AB2882 water rate structure Director Vierheilig Would like to see the imCoppay cotf doofc uCmAenLt fPouEnRd aSt w mwwo dNiofNieedw WraiptTea xs ceotmting formula on retirement benefits
SEPT 9 2009 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 9 of 9 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Harrison Would like to know how much money NCSD lost to the State Director Winn Would like to agendize report on negotiations with John Scardino at Woodlands for the Waterline Intertie Project Would like more information on the Re
EGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 6 of 6 03 17 00 COMMITTEE REPORT The Infrastructure Committee did not meet on September 28 2009 and the next meeting will be Monday October 26 2009 at 2 00 p m There was no public comment H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Would like to know how much gas was lost due to Sundale fire Would like to know when County will conclude In Lieu Fee for Supplemental Water Would like to agendize a Board resolution commending BLMA for their turf removal an
ct submitted a request to Supervisor Achadjian to authorize the County and the County Flood Control District to proceed with the development of a Joint Powers Agreement JPA to facilitate the creation of one or more assessment districts to finance a Supplemental Water project for the delivery of water to various water companies with the Nipomo Mesa Water Conservation Area The Board of Supervisors discussed the matter September 22 2009 Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel discussed some edits in the proposed JPA
the memo Mr Sevcik answered questions from the Board There was no public comment 05 26 00 G COMMITTEE REPORT The Water Conservation Committee meeting will not be held Friday October 23 as previously planned 05 26 36 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Nelson He would like a report using new conservation software that shows water used on the Blacklake community meters Mr Buel stated that a report will be coming at the Nov 18th meeting Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
Oct 28 2009 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 8 of 8 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS CONTINUED Director Vierheilig He would like to look at custodial credit risks in LAIF Look at current billing system capabilities Received several phone calls regarding the fixed charge for Arroyo Grande in our draft rate study People i
son None None 02 43 40 F MANAGER’S REPORT Lisa Bognuda Acting General Manager stated that the Manager's Report is as presented G COMMITTEE REPORT There were no committee meetings held since the last meeting 02 46 55 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Would like more information about letters written to Rural Water Co and the County about permitting of wells and transfer of water out of the NMMA and out of the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin Coastal sentry wells status Agendiz
December 9 2009 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 9 of 9 G COMMITTEE REPORT There was no committee report 06 35 32 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Water Conservation Subcommittee Meeting Friday December 18 2009 Director Eby Asked the General Manager to respond to the Notice of Preparation for the park that is due by December 23rd Please address the availability of water f
rector Eby the Board unanimously approved the Warrants presented There was no public comment Vote 5 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Winn Eby Nelson Vierheilig and Harrison None None 01 37 03 E ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS E 1 DISCUSS THE COLLECTION OF Supplemental Water CAPACITY CHARGES FOR MULTIPLE USE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Michael LeBrun Interim General Manager introduced the item designed to provide the Directors with an opportunity to review and discuss District procedures for collecting Supplemental Water
of the Home Builders Association discussed the financial challenges occurring at this time in relation to borrowing money for developments He stated that he appreciates the Board's consideration for developing property E 1 DISCUSS THE COLLECTION OF Supplemental Water CAPACITY CHARGES FOR MULTIPLE USE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS CONTINUED Mr Seitz reviewed the direction from the Board to look into preparing a uniform policy for all kinds of development ADJOURN President Harrison adjourned the meeting at 11 43 a m
as needed basis There was no public comment Upon motion by Director Winn and seconded by Director Eby the Board unanimously approved the following assignments as modified and to send a letter to WRAC explaining the general manager situation Vote 5 0 Supplemental Water Project Design Construction Ed Eby Jim Harrison Finance and Audit Larry Vierheilig Ed Eby Parks Jim Harrison Bill Nelson Southland Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade Michael Winn Jim Harrison Water Conservation Michael Winn Larry Vierheili
preciation to NCSD and to Olde Towne for efforts to beautify downtown Nipomo She asked that the Board continue its efforts and not give up The Board discussed different aspects of continuing efforts for the park in some way possibly postponing until Supplemental Water is resolved until the voters can be asked why they voted as they did finding about property taxes and checking on the time limits involved Director Harrison would like to continue with the park project Copy of document found at www NipomoWater
the Regional Board's authority responsibilities goals etc There will be a Waterline Intertie all hands meeting January 19th G COMMITTEE REPORT The Minutes of the Parks Committee are in the Manager's Report 04 05 01 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Asked staff to check into Water Master Plan for San Luis Obispo County Planning Area 13 The Northern Cities Management Area is a critical member of the Santa Maria Groundwater Settlement but will not be a separate management ar
January 27 2010 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 8 of 8 04 48 00 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Nelson Would like an update on the ConserveTrack software purchased Director Vierheilig Rate payers have been asking what went into the rate study Would like to have more clarity of the numbers for the COP amounts Mr LeBrun stated t
on at 12 00 p m and gave direction to staff on Item 1 2 Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel announced that the Board heard an update on Item 3 above There was no reportable action taken Items 4 5 above were not heard H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS There was no direction to staff ADJOURN President Harrison adjourned the meeting at 12 03 p m Next Regular Board Meeting is February 24 2010 Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
r reviewed the report as presented in the Board letter and answered questions from the Board There was no public present to comment G COMMITTEE REPORT There was no committee meeting held to present a report 04 53 03 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Asked to have rain totals included in the next Manager's report Asked when the next groundwater capacity study report from SAIC will be issued Dana Adobe Nipomo Amigos asked SCAC for a support letter and will probably be ask
ary survey work in Olde Towne Mr LeBrun answered questions from the Board There was no public comment 04 42 59 G COMMITTEE REPORT March 1 2010 Finance Committee Minutes The Committee Report was as presented 04 43 22 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn The meeting meant for 3 9 10 with Mike Anderson at CCC will be rescheduled Board of Supervisors met 3 9 10 Bio Solids Sludge Ordinance was extended for another three years County staff requested an interpretation of the or
from the Board 01 30 41 G COMMITTEE REPORT 1 March 8 2010 Southland Upgrade Committee 2 March 15 2010 Personnel Committee The Board agreed that the minutes reflect the discussions in both committee meetings 01 32 00 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS There was no Director request 01 32 19 I CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel announced the following items to be considered during Closed Session 1 CONFERENCE WITH DISTRICT LEGAL COUNSEL RE PENDING LITIGATION PURSUA
D's history does not support doing 13 million of capital improvements in one year and should probably be stretched out Also the reserve cap of 500,000 per year seems arbitrary He stated that the costs in the assessment financing table include the supplemental costs 1 million when it may not happen He asked why start charging for something that won't occur for two or three years Michael LeBrun Interim General Manager stated that the latest design is at 90 percent Upon motion by Director Vierheilig and se
April 14 2010 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 6 of 6 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Directors will contact staff with additional requests I CLOSED SESSION Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel announced that the Board would adjourn to Closed Session to continue the items listed earlier Item 4 will not be discussed in this portio
None 00 51 28 E 2 REVIEW DISTRICT’S DEVELOPMENT RELATED FEE COLLECTION POLICY Michael LeBrun Interim General Manager explained that the Board directed staff to provide an opportunity for review and discussion of District procedure for collection of Supplemental Water capacity charges Staff met with representatives of SLO County Home Builders Association to discuss developers financial difficulties due to changes in lending institution practices particular to development projects and particularly with the p
nd seconded by Director Eby the Board agreed to extend the contract for the old rate study to Tuckfield to update the backgrounds using 2008 2009 data keep the same assumptions for replacement costs and also one at 50 present a version that includes Supplemental Water and one that doesn't Vote 4 1 with Director Harrison dissenting YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Winn Eby Vierheilig and Nelson Director Harrison None 03 39 48 E 5 REVIEW MESA AIR QUALITY STUDY Michael LeBrun Interim General Manager provide
Michael LeBrun Interim General Manager reviewed the report as presented in the Board packet and answered questions from the Board There was no public comment G COMMITTEE REPORT There was no committee report 04 04 25 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Summary Statement for the Santa Maria Groundwater Litigation Finance and or Personnel Committee ADJOURN President Harrison adjourned the meeting at 3 35 p m Next Regular Board Meeting is May 12 2010 Copy of document found at w
3 G COMMITTEE REPORT April 12 2010 Southland Upgrade Committee May 4 2010 Finance Committee The Board received the Committee Reports There were no questions concerning the report There was no public comment 02 06 23 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig asked about the water bill at Vista Verde Mr LeBrun will look into it 02 07 11 I CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel announced the following items to be considered during Closed Session 1 CONFERE
MINUTES Page 6 of 7 02 04 55 E 4 FEE COLLECTION POLICY REVIEW DRAFT ORDINANCE Michael LeBrun Interim General Manager explained that the Board directed staff to provide an opportunity for review and discussion of District procedure for collection of Supplemental Water capacity charges On several occasions the Board has discussed fee collection and reviewed the District's schedule of fee collection with consideration for delaying development related fee collection across all categories of development Distric
d for the job No offer has been made He reviewed that an All Hands meeting for the Waterline Intertie Outreach project is scheduled for June 10 2010 04 33 50 G COMMITTEE REPORT There is no Committee Report 04 33 59 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Nelson He asked about the article in the paper concerning salt in the groundwater in Los Osos Mr Seitz gave some information Director Vierheilig He will be having surgery June 2 2010 Director Winn May 20 2010 There was a meeting in
10 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 5 of 5 G COMMITTEE REPORT May 17 2010 Southland Upgrade Committee May 24 2010 WIP Committee There is no Committee Report There was no public comment H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn asked when the Public Outreach Ad Hoc Committee will meet Director Eby asked about the UWMP milestones I CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel announced the following items to be considered during Closed
tz District Legal Counsel announced that the Board heard an update on the items listed above gave instructions to legal counsel but took no reportable action G COMMITTEE REPORT There was no committee report 02 28 05 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby Would like report on groundwater in storage estimate based on April reading Mr Spagnolo stated that he is waiting for SLO County staff to provide the information Mr Seitz stated that the County expects the information to be ava
at the report has not been published yet Staff could not confirm that the data was gathered by the County in April as scheduled There was no public present to comment G COMMITTEE REPORT There was no committee report H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Asked to agendize discussion of use of photo voltaic facilities Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
nce of water theft out at Maria Vista that we need to get a handle on o On October 5 2010 the Board of Supervisors considered a subdivision on South Tejas one lot to be divided into two The project needs to be conditioned to pay the in lieu fees for Supplemental Water Title 22 fee was not in place in time of the approval Such a requirement was assured NCSD when the County settled by creating their Ordinance 3090 Director Eby o As for the public lot presented to the planning commission we need to stress to
gnolo answered questions from the Board There was no public comment The following Board members made the following recommendations during this item Director Winn o We need to get the process going again for the County to institute an In Lieu fee for Supplemental Water o The County is continuing to process a General Plan Amendment for the Jack's Helping Hands Project and we want them to succeed without scuttling County Ordinance 3090 o Look into the water thefts at Maria Vista Copy of document found at www
104 42 371 104 55 001 J04 55 561 OCTOBER 13 2010 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 6 of 6 o Supplemental report on Monday October 4 2010 we had a 4th District Supervisor forum here at NCSD and it was very disappointing Both candidates were weak They didn't understand the following impacts that will affect our District The Water Interline Project Sant
NTEREST Receive Announcements from Directors Items of District Community Interest Director Winn o On Tuesday October 19 2010 the Board of Supervisors did approve the Leal subdivision on South Tejas They didn't require them to pay an in lieu fee for Supplemental Water due to the way the ordinance was written There is no fee in place therefore they aren't going to be required to pay anything However it may be that Leal is in the service area of Golden State Water Company and therefore part of the tax assessm
rom reclaimed water They had no plans no designs and no ideas for funding There clearly was no water for the annexation So without the water there is no project o About a month ago someone gave incorrect information about the upcoming assessment for Supplemental Water to the seniors at the senior center So last week I gave them the correct information about the need for Supplemental Water the assessment process and explained to them that the increase would be based on the size of the property and not just o
r reviewed the report as presented in the Board packet and answered questions from the Board The Board thanked Mr LeBrun for the report There was no public comment G COMMITTEE REPORT There were no Committee reports E DIRECTOR'S REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig o Requested the Board to consider adopting an Ordinance for commercial irrigation systems o Requested a copy of the Annual Financial Report Director Eby o Questioned the assessment report and when the Board will hear it o
rvices District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENT REPORTS Director Gaddis Page 7 of7 o Requested a critical path be on the construction schedule that is more obvious Director Eby o Requested a comparison on how our Supplemental Water rates from the City of Santa Maria will track Santa Maria's Tier I rates are for each year as many years as we know o Questioned why we would be paying any capital costs in our water rates after 30 years Director Winn o Supervisor Paul Teixeir
y 2 2011 WRAC met and the negotiations with CCWA are still on going for the permanent sale of Schedule A water to Santa Barbara County o February 8 2011 Attended the SLO Board of Supervisors meeting and during public comment informed them that the Supplemental Water in lieu fee in County Ordinance 3090 still has not been finalized o Commented on NCSD giving the Board of Supervisors a push to agendize District's nominee to WRAC o February 26 2011 The New Director Orientation Meeting will be held in Templ
Hills project discussion Mr LeBrun continued the Manager's Report The Board thanked Mr LeBrun for the report There was no public comment G COMMITTEE REPORT The reports were as presented There was no public comment H DIRECTOR'S REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn o Requested the original UCLA materials be returned to him after copies are made if desired o Requested District Counsel to review the pros and cons of utilizing NCSD's well site on Riverside Drive o Commented on visiting the H
eritage Ranch water treatment plant Director Eby o Questioned staff on a list of all outstanding intent to serve and will serve letters o Questioned how staff is doing on the comparison on how our Supplemental Water rates from the City of Santa Maria will track Santa Maria's Tier I rates are for each year as many years as we know o Requested a report on when Santa Maria's capital portion of water rate will be retired Copy of document found at www NoNewWip
February 9 2011 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 6 of6 DIRECTOR'S REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Continued Director Gaddis Requested the critical path on the WIP schedule be more pronounced Director Harrison Questioned when Willow Road Phase II will begin ADJOURN President Harrison adjourned the meeting at 2 45 p m Copy of document f
ger reviewed the report as presented in the Board packet Peter Sevcik District Engineer and Mr LeBrun answered questions from the Board There was no public comment G COMMITTEE REPORT There were no committee reports H DIRECTOR'S REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn o Requested the resolution of water conservation data that was sent to LAFCO be folded into the Urban Water Management Plan and sent to San Luis Obispo County Public Works and Planning Departments o Requested staff to look into
verlying user status o Questioned staff on the costs of teleconferencing versus using newer technology o Questioned District Counsel on a potential court hearing in April o Questioned the progress of the District working with the County on the NMWCA Supplemental Water in lieu fee ADJOURN Vice President Vierheilig adjourned the meeting at 3 23 p m Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
105 10 041 March 9 2011 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES H DIRECTOR'S REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby Page 6 of 6 o Requested staff to revisit Solid Waste Franchise Fee How we can use them and what the ramifications would be o Requested a review of the rate increase statute Director Winn o Requested staff to start thinking about
ling a meter at the Intertie o Requested staff to clarify if and when mutual water laws changed to allow them to import water without changing their overlying user status o Questioned the progress of the District working with the County on the NMWCA Supplemental Water in lieu fee ADJOURN President Harrison adjourned to closed session Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
m Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel announced that the Board discussed items one and two listed above for closed session but took no reportable action Item three listed above for closed session will be considered at the foot of the agenda E 4 REVIEW Supplemental Water SUPPLY PROJECT STATUS Michael LeBrun Interim General Manager reviewed the report as presented in the Board packet Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel and Mr LeBrun answered questions from the Board Mr LeBrun took comments from the Board The Board
104 39 171 March 23 2011 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES H DIRECTOR'S REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig o Requested staff to look into getting a CSDA DVD on Ethics training Director Gaddis Page 7 of 7 o Requested staff to look into system integrated software for operations monitoring and management Director Winn o Encourage
102 00 191 102 41 3 April 13 2011 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 5 of 6 E 3 CONSIDER A SCHEDULE AND CONTRACT REVISION WITH Supplemental Water PROJECT OUTREACH CONSULTANT TEAM TRAMUTOLA TRUENORTH TERRAIN IN THE AMOUNT OF 165,000 Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel reviewed the report as presented in the Board Packet Peter Sevcik District Engineer and Mr Seitz answered questions from t
ger reviewed the report as presented in the Board packet Peter Sevcik District Engineer and Mr LeBrun answered questions from the Board There was no public comment G COMMITTEE REPORT There were no committee reports H DIRECTOR'S REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn o Will submit questions to staff on the solar project in the Manager's Report Director Eby o Requested staff to revisit Solid Waste Franchise Fee How we can use them and what the ramifications would be o Requested staff to revi
100 56 061 101 26 011 April 27 2011 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Page 3 of 5 E 1 Supplemental Water PROJECT OUTREACH PROGRAM REVIEW EDIT REVISED SCOPE OF WORK Michael LeBrun Interim General Manager reviewed the report as presented in the Board packet Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel and Mr LeBrun answered questions from the Board There was n
Mr LeBrun answered questions from the Board There was no public comment Upon the motion of Director Winn and seconded by Director Vierheilig the Board approved a schedule to adopt a five year rate study not to include operations and maintenance for Supplemental Water but will implement the 4 tier rate structure the Board previously adopted Vote 3 2 Director Gaddis abstained pursuant to section 2.9 of the NCSD's by laws an abstained vote is counted as a no vote YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Winn Vier
eneral Manager reviewed the report as presented in the Board packet Mr LeBrun answered questions from the Board There was no public comment G COMMITTEE REPORT The report was as presented There was no public comment H DIRECTOR'S REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Vierheilig o Questioned staff on the standards for review and evaluation on the landscape plans o Requested staff to look into replacing the SCADA system with a more reliable system Director Eby o Requested staff to revisit Solid Wa
trict Engineer reviewed the report as presented in the Board packet Mr Sevcik answered questions from the Board The Board thanked Mr Sevcik for the report There was no public comment C 5 BASELINE SURVEY OF PROPERTY OWNER REPORT Receive Survey Report Supplemental Water Polling Conducted February 2011 Michael LeBrun Interim General Manager reviewed the report as presented in the Board packet Mr LeBrun answered questions from the Board The Board thanked Mr LeBrun for the report The following member of the publ
Michael LeBrun Interim General Manager reviewed the report as presented in the Board packet Mr LeBrun answered questions from the Board There was no public comment G COMMITTEE REPORT There were no committee reports H DIRECTOR'S REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn o Requested that staff to track the County's Land Use Element update o Requested staff to track the SLO County Board of Supervisors in reactivating the South Oak Glen Specific Plan o Requested that staff to agendize a discussio
ed the draft UWMP update incorporating some typo edits and set the Public Hearing and Adoption of the 2010 Urban Water Management Plan for June 8 2011 Vote 5 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Eb Winn Vierheili Gaddis and Harrison None None E 2 Supplemental Water PROJECT OUTREACH PROGRAM UPDATE Michael LeBrun Interim General Manager reviewed the report as presented in the Board packet Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel and Mr LeBrun answered questions from the Board The following member of the public spo
P2 26 331 102 37 571 May 25,2011 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES H DIRECTOR'S REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby Page 5 of6 o Requested staff to pursue the feasibility of beginning the Supplemental Water Project using the funds we may get from DWR in addition to using the District's reserve funds To see the feasibility both legally and in terms of engineering practicality of doing this o Requested that staff keep an on going list of all of the
100 59 261 101 29 241 J01 31 351 June 8,2011 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES E 7 Supplemental Water PROJECT OUTREACH PROGRAM UPDATE Page 4 of 6 Michael LeBrun General Manager reviewed the report as presented in the Board packet Mr LeBrun answered questions from the Board There was no public comment Upon the motion of Director Winn and second
1 45 p m Page 6 of 6 Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel announced that the Board discussed the two items listed above in closed session but took no reportable action G COMMITTEE REPORT There were no committee reports H DIRECTOR'S REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby o Requested staff to look into the feasibility of retiring the August 1978 revenue bonds o Requested the progress of staff to pursue the feasibility of beginning the Supplemental Water Project using the funds we may get from DWR
rectors Director Winn The Planning Commission met on June 9 and set precedence on how they will communicate in the future The Board of Supervisors met on June 14 and noted that nothing has happened with the In Lieu Fee An informational meeting about Supplemental Water for the Mesa was held on June 16 at Mesa Middle School The Ad Hoc Committee met on June 17 The Land Use Committee met on June 20 and reported that a number of General Plan Amendments are moving ahead including the Kaminaka and the ConocoPhilli
ps application to expand Some commercial owners did not receive the Supplemental Water informational flyer Director Eby LAFCO met on June 16 and considered an Outside User Agreement for Ground Squirrel Hollow CSD Director Vierheilig Santa Barbara Chapter of CSDA will meet on June 27 at the Marriott in Buellton Kyle Packaham CSDA
F THE NIPOMO COMMUNITY SERVICES ADOPTING THE 2011 2012 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET AND RESOLUTION NO 2011 1228 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NIPOMO COMMUNITY SERVICES DETERMINING THE APPROPRIATIONS LIMITATION FOR THE 2011 2012 FISCAL YEAR E 3 Supplemental Water PROJECT UPDATE NO VOTES ABSENT None None Michael LeBrun General Manager reviewed the report as presented in the Board packet Mr LeBrun answered questions from the Board Director Eby challenged Mr LeBrun to provide the Directors a range of what
11 00 a m to 7 00 p m at the Nipomo Library and the Public Draft EIR for the Excelaron Huasna Valley Oil Exploration and Production Project was received this week There was no public comment G COMMITTEE REPORT None H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Requested NCSD Field Staff be given an orientation for answering questions from the public about the Supplemental Water Project Requested a cost be obtained from the outreach consultants to critique NCSD website Requested the
ineer review Woodlands total number of votes Acknowledged he will work on obtaining the circulation information from The Trib and Santa Maria Times Requested district Counsel provide documentation about Woodlands being entitled to additional future Supplemental Water deliveries Requested information on Prop 84 Grant status Stated County Ordinance 3090 Supplemental Water In Lieu Fee is still outstanding Requested a refresher as to the NCSD well site south of the Mesa being a viable source of supplemental
water Director Eby Requested information on using the grant funds immediately to begin building the first portion of the Supplemental Water project Director Harrison Stated that the owner of 34 lots on the corner of Thompson and Avocado will begin construction soon I CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 CONFERENCE WITH DISTRICT LEGAL COUNSEL RE PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO GC 54956.
R MEETING JUNE 22 2011 REGULAR MEETING There was no public comment Upon motion of Director Winn and seconded by Director Eby the Board unanimously YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT None None Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com 10 471 Opponents of Supplemental Water hold a public meeting July 21 at 3 00 p m at Carriage Homes Community meeting be held on July 21 at 6 30 p m at NCSD Vierhei lig Directors Winn Eb Vierheili Gaddis and Harrison Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com f O 29 4 71 On Sun
day June 26 a reception was held in Nipomo for 3rt District Supervisor Hill The Supervisor Hill supports the Supplemental Water Project SeAC a110 will Communily Director Vierheilig fund raiser Fire Safe Council will meet on July 28 at 9 00 a m D 1 D 2011 2011 approved the Consent Agenda Vote 5 0 Gaddis
stions from the Board There was no public present Upon the motion of Director Eby and seconded by Director Winn the Board made findings that Fulbright Jaworski llP and CM de Crinis Co Inc are currently providing the District similar services for the Supplemental Water Project their fees are competitive and the District wishes to retain the services of these firms for the Southland Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade Project Vote 5 0 YES VOTES Directors Eb Winn Vierheili Gaddis and Harrison F MANAGER'S R
NT Gaddis Upon motion of director Winn and seconded by Director Vierheilig the Board of Directors unanimously agreed to direct Staff to initiate the Prop 218 proceedings Vote 5 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Gaddis Eb H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Field Staff should be trained on how to deal with Supplemental Water Project questions Director Gaddis Requested status of request to staff to look into a program where employees can come forward with ideas that would help the
lar Meeting of July 27 2011 to order at 9 00 a m and led the flag salute B ROLL CALL AND PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA At Roll Call all Board members were present Bill Morrow NCSD customer questioned the source and the blend of the water for Supplemental Water Director Harrison and Michael LeBrun General Manager commented on Mr Morrow's questions C PRESENTATIONS AND PUBLIC COMMENT C 1 REPORT ON JULY 13 2011 REGULAR MEETING CLOSED SESSION Jon Seitz District Legal Counsel announced that the Board had
erheilig the Board unanimously approved scope Amendment 5 with AECOM in the amount of 58,821 and authorized the General Manager to execute the task order Vote 5 0 NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Vierheili Winn Gaddis and Harrison None None E 4 APPROVE Supplemental Water OUTREACH MAILER 2 Michael LeBrun General Manager reviewed the report as presented in the Board packet Mr LeBrun answered questions from the Board
S ABSENT None Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com Nipomo Community Services District Upon the motion of Director Winn and seconded Director Gaddis the Board unanimously approved the mailer and directed staff to publish and mail to property Supplemental Water PROJECT ASSESSMENT PROCEEDINGS Eby by unanimously directed staff to draft a Resolution of Intention to form an Assessment Directors Vierheili Winn Gaddis and Harrison None None unanimously approved 15,000 budget augmentation with Wagner Bon
e report as presented in the Board packet Mr LeBrun answered questions from the Board There was no public comment G COMMITTEE REPORT Director Vierheilig stated that there was a personnel meeting held on July 25 2011 H DIRECTORS REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Requested a set back schedule for the assessment vote Questioned the progress of staff to pursue the feasibility of beginning the Supplemental Water Project using the funds we may get from DWR in addition to using the District's res
103 31 141 August 10 2011 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES H DIRECTOR'S REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Page 6 of 6 o Questioned staff on how far the District can go with the supplemental pipeline using Prop 84 and other moneys in hand Director Vierheilig o Questioned staff on the impact to any permits in this idle time for Supplemental Water Peter Sevcik District Engineer commented on Directors requests to staff ADJOURN Vice Preside
n Sheridan Road was reviewed Their wastewater will require pretreatment if necessary and Woodland Park Mutual is required to install a second well or the Industrial Park will have to install its own well Either way the applicant will voluntarily pay Supplemental Water in lieu fees to NCSD o November 14 and 15 Exposition on Sustainable Ag sponsored by the Paso Robles Wine Country Alliance will be held in Paso Robles Director Eby o September 1 and 2 Director Eby attended the CAL LAFCO Conference in Napa Man
101 48 271 102 16 0 102 29 561 102 44 5ti September 14 2011 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES E 2 Supplemental Water PROJECT UPDATE Page 5 of 6 Michael LeBrun General Manager reviewed the report as presented in the Board packet The NMMA TG unanimously supports the Supplemental Water project The City of Arroyo Grande has written a letter in support of the pro
e listed above for closed session but took no reportable action There was no public comment G COMMITTEE REPORT August 26 2011 Outreach Ad Hoc August 30 2011 Blacklake Management Ad Hoc There was no public comment H DIRECTOR'S REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Eby Asked Staff to find out when Prop 84 grant funds would be available There was no public comment ADJOURN President Harrison adjourned the meeting at 1 1 0 p m MEETING SUMMARY HOURS Regular Meeting 3.20 Closed Session 1.00 TOTAL H
B 293 and send it electronically with a hard copy to follow Vote 5 0 YES VOTES NO VOTES ABSENT Directors Vierheili Gaddis Winn Eb and Harrison None None The Board considered Item E 6 at approximately 1 30 p rn as indicated on the posted agenda E 6 Supplemental Water PROJECT REVIEW RECENT POLLING RESULTS AND CONSIDER SCHEDULE IMPLICATIONS ADDITIONAL OUTREACH EFFORT AND 40,000 BUDGET INCREASE Dr Timothy McLarney True North Research Consultant presented the recent polling results for the Supplemental Water
104 26 271 September 28 2011 Nipomo Community Services District REGULAR MEETING MINUTES H DIRECTOR'S REQUESTS TO STAFF AND SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS Director Winn Page 6 of 6 Requested an electronic copy of the materials presented by the Dana Adobe Amigos Requested staff to distribute copies of the District's Protest Ordinance to the Board Requested to receive a copy of the letter sent a
committee Furness and Small Central Coast Fence is on site today and have started to do some work 8 The consensus of the Board was to authorize Legal Counsel Shaw to contact NARA to obtain approval for the use of the building for a Public Meeting on Supplemental Counsel Stuart Somach is available 9 REQUEST GUEST Sub committee members Directors Small and Mendoza met to discuss this item It was their considered opinion necessary On the motion of Director Small seconded Director Mendoza to have one of the Dire
ttal was O K to order the pump Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com 6 PRESENTATION OF 1989 DRAFT AUDIT BY GLENN BURDETTE PHILLIPS AND BRYSON by item Sub WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 7 REPORT ON STATUS OF FENCING OF RAGS SITE 9 10 REPORT ON Supplemental Water PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING WITH SPECIAL LEGAL COUNSEL STUART L SOMACH Water to be held on Monday June 25 1990 if Legal RE UEST BY CARY GOLDMAN 431 NOPAL FOR WILL SERVE FOR GU ST HOUSE Sub commit tee that a second meter would be neces sary RECO
On the motion of Director Mendoza seconded by Director Gracia to authorize Board President Manriquez to sign and forward the draft letter to Bryce Tingle Acting Planning and Building Department Director Unanimously approved by the Board 8 UPDATE ON Supplemental Water PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING WITH LEGAL COUNSEL STUART L SOMAeR On the motion of Director Mendoza seconded by Director Small the first informational meeting will be held Monday June 25 1990 at the NARA building On the motion of Director Small se
NT Ray President Manriquez called the meeting to order and led the APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1 ADJOURNED MEETING APRIL 25 1990 On the motion of Small seconded BOARD ADMINISTRATION 2 RECOMMENDATION TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF NARA BUILDING RENTAL FEE FOR JUNE Supplemental Water PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING Director Small moved to ratify the payment to NARA 3 MANAGER'S REPORT sidewalk building FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 4 REPORT ON STATUS OF LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND ACCOUNT 5 CLAIMS Copy of document found at www NoNewWi
Director Manriquez stated that at the present time the Supplemental Water sources Also if we don't control will upheld said it MEETING ADJOURNED TO JULY 22 1992 Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com applicants for annexation are asked if they have any suppl emental our water others wil l sell it Mr Booth ag
ved BOARD ADMINISTRATION Upon the motion of Director Small and seconded Director Fairbanks the Board unanimously decided to allow consulting attorney Scott Slater to come back with recommendations of candidates of potential consultants to check into Supplemental Water 3 ISABEL NUNEZ WATER ACCOUNT Review past water leak bill Mr Burt Nunez was not present therefore the matter was tabled 4 DISTRICT WATER PRODUCTION AND SUPPLY Review the District present and future water supply Mr Jones presented a report on Di
rector Mendoza the minutes of the November 3 1993 unanimously approved with Director Fairbanks absent Director Fairbanks arrived at 7 40 p m 2 MR Mr Slater presented list of potential consultants to evaluate the District's possibilities of obtaining Supplemental Water A motion made by Director Small seconded by Director Fairbanks to committee to screen potential applicants was unanimously approved A sub committee consists of Directors Small and Manriquez 3 BEVERLY CHAPMAN Mr Jones presented Ms Chapman's sit
MINUTES JANUARY 5 1993 PAGE TWO 3 SUB COMMITTEE REVIEW OF ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS committee study on Supplemental Water It was the recommendation of the committee to hire Bookman Edmonston Engineering Upon study 4 PROPERTY TAX TRANSFER FOR ANNEXATIONS 12 13 Upon by 94 497 and 94 498 94 APPROVING 12 TO DlSTR1CT DISTRICT 5 DECLARING SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Mr Jones ex
he selected top three engineering firms to do a motion of Director Mendoza and seconded by Director Fairbanks the Board unanimously decided to accept the committee's recommendation and enter into negotiation with Book Edmonston Engineering to do the Supplemental Water study upon the motion of Director Fairbanks and seconded Director Small the Board unanimously passed Resolutions RESOLUTION NO 9 1 497 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NIPOMO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT APPROVlNG AND ACCEPTING TH
e east side of U S Highway 101 Meetings will be set up to discuss situation Director Small asked Director Gracia to be on committee when it is formed Matter was tabled for at least nine weeks until our engineering firm could give us a report about Supplemental Water Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
Mr water to what was presented to the Board at its last Task 1 is evaluation of Supplemental Water supply source Task 2 is evaluation of convenience alternatives Task 3 is evaluation of storage alternatives Task 4 is new and has been added to identify and approval 4 000 000 Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com MINUTES JANUARY 19
1994 PAGE TWO 4 Supplemental Water STUDY AGREEMENT Mr Jones explained that the following agreement between Bookman Edmonston Engineering Inc and Nipomo Community Services District is for services to investigate the possibility of acquiring Supplemental Water The scope of work in this agreement is similar meeting The following Tasks are included in the agreement evaluate financing alternatives Task 5 would be preparation of the final report Each task has a dollar expenditure amount not to be excee
years ago the Nipomo district residents were faced with a decision regarding whether Water because I recognized as the County did in its Coastal Branch EIR which the NCSD endorsed that San Luis Obispo County was in an overdraft situation and that a Supplemental Water supply would be required to meet the demands of the population estimates described in the General Plan The proposed Summit Station annexation become a topic of discussion during the time we were considering the SWP and as we all remember the v
ents wanted me to do 1 To recognize that this County was likely in an overdraft condition 2 to uphold the vote of the people regarding non participation in the State Water Project and 3 vote against large annexations of this kind until an acceptable Supplemental Water supply is identified or a Master Water Use Plan is adopted for our area Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com Board s consideration because so much time has elapsed since the inception of the Summit Station annexation process I feel it
of those that are against the project etc To reiterate my general opposition to the concept of annexing and subsequently extending water services to properties outside current District boundaries until our current water supply is assured and until a Supplemental Water supply that is acceptable to the public is identified and obtained or until a Master Water Use Plan is developed for our area I feel compelled to continue my practice to vote NO on all substantive issues regarding the Summit Station Project S
Cities Water Co and NCSD in the proposed Hazel Lane Annexation 4 Associated with 3 is a letter from Cal Cities Water listing their priorities for the solution of their water services in the proposed Hazel Lane Annexation 5 A progress report on the Supplemental Water study 6 Cypress Ridge Correspondence informal request to join with the District 7 SLO County will be lowering road on Division so our lines will be lowered in the process County will remove pavement and we will go in and lower lines 8 CSDA Me
MINUTES JUNE 15 1994 PAGE THREE 10 MANAGER'S REPORT Mr Jones presented information on the following SUbjects 1 Supplemental Water Study Progress report from Bookman Edmonston Engineers 2 Southland Sewer Collection System State Revolving Fund proposed listing of the Southland project for funding in 1996 3 County Water Resources Advisory Committee Recommendations on Gro
nager to sign the notice FINANCIAL Manager Doug Jones supplied information concerning the following items 1 Grand Jury Reports Abstracts received The District was cleared of charges progress report from Bookman Edmonston Engineering concerning the Supplemental Water study Jocko's restaurant addition Letter from State on the emergency turnout Santa Maria valley Water Conservation District is proceeding to form a ground water management district Eleven month warranty inspection of the one million gallon wa
tion was received today Meeting with SLO County Air Pollution requesting information on the wiring proposed in office building to be wired for high tech They will supply additional information later Mr Beebe from Bookman Edmonston will report on the Supplemental Water study at the next meeting Requesting service to 16 new low cost housing units Director Small moved and Director Mendoza seconded to approve an Intent to Serve letter be sent to owner Dennis Brent with the condition that detail plans of off sit
LL At roll call Director Fairbanks was absent APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1 REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 20 1994 Upon motion of Director Mendoza and seconded by Director Gracia the Board unanimously approved the minutes of the July 20 1994 BOARD ADMINISTRATION 2 Supplemental Water STUDY MR ROBERT BEEBY Bookman Edmonston Engineers Report Mr Robert G Beeby of Bookman Edmonston Engineering Inc Specialists in Water Resources of Glendale California made a verbal presentation of the Water Study report submitted to the Board
n the proposed Utility Billing Ordinance Billing sent to property owners and bi monthly billing were biggest concern of the Board The matter was tabled until further discussion possible committee meeting or next meeting 5 BOOKMAN EDMONSTON ENGINEERS Supplemental Water STUDY Final accounting of their report The final billing from Bookman Edmonston for Supplement Water Supply Study contained an amount of 2,344.31 which was over the approved amount of 50,000 to do this study Director Small moved to choose th
POMO MESA UNDER AB 3030 Status report Mr Jones suggested having Carl Hauge of the California State Department of Water Resources speak at a future Board meeting to explain AB 3030 John Wallace spoke from the audience suggesting to keep the option of Supplemental Water open Upon motion of Director Simon and seconded by Fairbanks the Board in a 4 1 vote approved staff to contact Mr Hauge to set up meeting Blair was the dissenting vote Director to direct Director 7 REIMBURSEMENT FOR DISTRICT INSTALLED FACILITI
hat this was an information only item This matter will be continued at future meetings Bob Newdoll owner of the 5 acre parcel at Hazel Lane Tefft St spoke at the meeting Directors mentioned that they couldn't separate annexation from the need for Supplemental Water This item will be on the SLO County Board of Supervisor's meeting on July 11 1995 No action was taken on this item PUBLIC HEARING tum deposits President Small opened meeting to a Public Hearing Mr Seitz explained some of the changes that were
ication 4 SLO CO POLLUTION AWARDS The District won Honorable Mention 8 DIRECTORS COMMENTS Director Blair commended Lisa for her work in t he audit He made some suggestions about Back flow inspection work He also requested a committee to search for Supplemental Water 9 PUBLIC COMMENTS ADJOURN Donna Melschau commented about AB 3030 Tony Ferrari asked questions about AB 3030 and alternative water and the backflow issue President Small adjourned the meeting at 8 40 p m C W HINUTES M092095 Copy of document
Manager Doug Jones presented information on the following items NEWS CaL aclion 5 Director Blair made the motion and Director Fairbanks seconded to direct staff to put on the next agenda to take all appropriate steps for an Emergency Turn Out for Supplemental Water Members of the public who spoke were Ms Fredericks and Mr Gene Kaye 54956.9 After the Closed Session the Board came back into open session No reportable action was GC c W MINUTES H100495 Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
SLO County Planning for comments on the development of acres by Blair the Board directed staff to write to the County and to EDA with concerns about the proposed subdivision After Agenda Item 5 was complete Mr Dan Lloyd of EDA Mr report Mr meeting 5 Supplemental Water Review possible election for outlet valve in coastal aqueduct Mr Jones explained the reasons for postponing the proposed election for an emergency turn out for possible acquisition of Supplemental Water Upon motion of Director Simon and second
visors concerning the formation of a Planning Commission for the Nipomo Mesa Gene Kaye and Cees Dobbe asked questions and made comments annexation 10 DIRECTORS COMMENTS DIR Mr Blair and Mr Simon gave a report on committee meeting of January 18 1996 Supplemental Water Conclusion Look wherever possible 11 PUBLIC COMMENTS their subconcerning for water Comments were heard from John Snyder Koch California Cees Dobbe All Seasons Flowers Jacqueline Fredericks and Frank Hirsch Counsel Jon Seitz mentioned that t
Scott Slater and Colleen Bundy reporter from the Telegram Tribune Upon motion of Director Blair and seconded by Director Simon the Board unanimously agreed to have a subcommittee meet with NAAG and other like community groups to discuss delivery of Supplemental Water e g emergency turnout in State Water pipeline 6 Jon Seitz gave a report on the CTOC meeting of 22 taken Upon motion of Director Simon and seconded Director Mendoza the Board unanimously approved the Warrants 0 7 MANAGER'S REPORT Mr Jone
y with proposed changes in water supply requirements Discussion Action Mr Jones reviewed the proposed changes to the existing Annexation Policy The changes included the annexation proponet provide a water supply in the form of a well with a pumping Supplemental Water Director Simon the Board unanimously approved Resolution No 96 576 Vote 5 0 5 PROPOSED ANNEXATION NO 15 NEWDOLL Request to annex 7 ac at the intersection of Tefft St Hazel Lane Discussion Action R Mr Newdoll asked for a positive vote for an
oblems but then is too late Groundwater levels will continue to decline with or without the project Based upon chart the basin groundwater is being mined Woodland and Cypress should be considered together instead of separately A contingency plan for supplemental or other water and a timeline in which to accomplish it should be developed 3 MINUTES OF BLACK LAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE 11 DIRECTORS COMMENTS There were none 12 PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr Gene Kaye suggested a need to gather support from other areas Mr Seitz
t Code Jon suggested that these funds can be John Snyder 662 Eucalyptus Rd outside District concerned about Financial Status of NCSD Rates need to cover Operation and Maintenance however may need to have big water rate increase in the future to buy Supplemental Water Upon motion of Director Kaye and seconded by Director Blair the Board unanimously approved the Warrants presented at the May 7 1997 Regular meeting Manager Doug Jones presented information on the following items Director Blair will attend CSDA
unanimously approved the introduction and first reading of Ordinance 98 87 set the next regular meeting for adoption Director Blair asked that an item be placed on the next agenda to discuss a possible surcharge to developers to be used for future Supplemental Water Upon motion of Director Kaye and seconded by Director Fairbanks the Board unanimously approved the Warrants presented at the September 16 1998 meeting There were no public comments Manager Jones presented information on the following subjects
s comments previously made on agenda Item 5 apply to this agenda item as well Upon motion of Director Kaye and seconded by Director Simon the Board unanimously approved Resolution 98 668 as amended to include that the offer of improvements was to 7 Supplemental Water CHARGE Request by Director Blair to discuss sources costs and procedures for acquiring Supplemental Water Supplemental Water supply The methodologies for paying for this could include modifying the Capacity Fee or monthly user charge form an a
which would require a vote and a majority During this agenda item Item 7 the following public spoke John Snyder 662 Eucalyptus Rd commented on NCSD's policy on water Upon the motion of Director Fairbanks and seconded by Director Blair the Board Supplemental Water Director Blair and Director Simon agreed to serve on the subcommittee Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
tend the barbecue meeting where no business had been planned During this agenda item 11 the following person spoke John Snyder 662 Eucalyptus Rd Nipomo asked when the new well would come on line on fine in Director Fairbanks asked about the Future Supplemental Water Committee Directors Blair and ADJOURN President Mendoza adjourned the meeting at 9 08 p m Copy of document found at www NipomoWater com
r to represent the District at the Lucia Mar School District Board High School EIR meeting EIR proposed high school During this agenda item 4 the following members of the public spoke Bill Senna LMUSD Board member by will Director Kaye was absent 5 Supplemental Water Sub Committee report on Supplemental Water Mr Jones reviewed the 4 suggestions from Directors Blair and Simon concerning possible sources of Supplemental Water He added desal and other types Director Fairbanks would like to see more discussion
on funding future projects for Supplemental Water Director Fairbanks made the motion to have this item brought back to the Board within the next six months with emphasis on funding Director Blair seconded Vote 4 0 During this agenda item 5 the following members of the public spoke John Snyde
going bad again President Mendoza would like to have an amendment made to the Board By Laws establishing how a Board member conducts oneself at non District public meeting Directors Simon and Blair gave a report on their committee meeting concerning Supplemental Water They had several ideas where the water could come from such as State Water probably the best Twitchell Reservoir TASCO reclaimed water Director Fairbanks had several questions concerning the Supplemental Water and funding for such District Co