Stipulation Technical Group documents

Technical Groups Reports status:

2010 NMMA TG comments on Supplemental Water, NOT filed to web site, but NOT Superior Court approved or accepted

2010 NMMA TG report, filed to web site, but NOT requested to be approved or accepted by the Superior Court
2009 NMMA TG report, filed to web site, but NOT requested to be approved or accepted by the Superior Court
2008 NMMA TG report, filed to web site, but NOT requested to be approved or accepted by the Superior Court
2008 NMMA TG response plan, filled to web site, Superior Court "hereby approves the Nipomo Mesa Management Area Technical Group's Water Shortage Conditions and Response Plan.", Superior Court "Approval" Appealed

2010 TMA TG report, filed to web sit, "The Superior Court accepts the Annual Report"
2009 TMA TG report, filed to web sit, "The Superior Court accepts the Annual Report"
2008 TMA TG report and Monitoring program, filed to web sit, "Motion for Superior Court Approval of Groundwater Monitoring Program; Notice of Hearing Re Annual Report and Request for Acceptance of Annual Report is hereby granted.", Superior Court "Approval" Appealed

2010 NCMA TG report, filed to web site, but NOT requested to be approved or accepted by the Superior Court
2009 NCMA TG report, filed to web site, but NOT requested to be approved or accepted by the Superior Court
2008 NCMA TG report, filed to web site, but NOT requested to be approved or accepted by the Superior Court

When the "Superior Court accepts the Annual Report" it only asks if any of the stipulating parties want to comment or object to the report. If there are no comments or objections the court "accepts" the Annual Report. The court does not look at any of the details of the report.

The court has not been asked to look at or read any reports except the 2008 NMMA TG report and 2008 TMA TG report.

There is no record of any "direction" by the court.

There is no record of any "mandates" by the court.

The court has not "approved" or "accepted" the 2009 NCMA TG report, with the sample high chloride numbers.

Any court “approvals” have been appealed and are stayed pending appeal.

NCSD's motion on 4/28/09 to approve the "Response plan" states:

Page 2 Line 22-26
" While the Annual Report does not require Court approval, the Stipulation further provides that the NMMA Tech Group is to develop criteria for declaring the existence of potentially severe water shortage conditions and the existence of severe water shortage conditions. Pursuant to the terms of the Stipulation, these water shortage criteria are to be approved by this Court. (Stipulation at p. 25, 11. 5-7.)"

The Technical Group reports do not have any "heightened evidentiary weight" in real court hearings

Stipulation page 31: line 10-12

"The Court shall exercise de novo review in all proceedings.  The actions or decisions of any Party, the Monitoring Parties, the TMA, or the Management Area Engineer shall have no heightened evidentiary weight in any proceedings before the Court."

Court approval is just a reflection of the settling parties having Pre-agreed that the court will approve the NMMA TG response plan and that it will be come part of the settlement

Stipulation page 25: line 20-22

"These criteria shall be approved by the Court and entered as a modification to this Stipulation or the judgment to be entered based upon this Stipulation."

When the Court has "approved" something to be part of the settlement it has been appealed

2008 NMMA TG response plan Superior Court "Approval" Appealed

2008 TMA TG response plan Superior Court "Approval" Appealed



Nipomo Mesa Management Area Technical Group Documents (NMMA TG) (Nipomo area)

The NMMA TG is not a public agency. The only people allowed to attend a Nipomo Mesa Management Area Technical Group meeting (TG) must sign the settlement. The settlement also requires anyone who sign to support the Water Intertie project (WIP). (See stipulation and operating rules) Agenda's only are posted to the "Nipomo Community" no minutes are available to the public. There is no required compliance with the "Brown Act" , "Bagley-Keene Act", "California Public Records Act" or any "conflict of interest" requirements. The settlement requires the yearly report be posted to the court website but there is NO public hearing required by the settlement and there has been only an optional public presentation each year.

The 2010 report was posted to the court website but was not requested to be "approved" or "accepted"

The 2009 report was posted to the court website and was requested to be "approved" or "accepted"

___2011_0915_NMMA_TG_WIP Review______________________________________0.9__mb




Nipomo Mesa Management Area Technical Group meeting (NMMA TG) (Nipomo area) Agendas and Notices

The settlement requires the NMMA TG agendas be posted to the email group:

The first numbers listed are the date in YEAR_MMDD format.


Twitchell Management Authority Technical Group (TMA TG) (Santa Maria Valley area)

There are no public agendas or minutes available or posted for the Twitchell Management Authority Technical Group (TMA TG). The settlement requires the report be posted to the court website and have a hearing each year

The first numbers listed are the date in YEAR_MMDD format.




Northern Cities Management Area Technical Group (NCMA TG)) (Pismo, Grover Beach, Arroyo Grande, Oceano area)

There are no public agendas or minutes available or posted for the Northern Cities Management Area Technical Group (NCMA TG). The settlement requires the report be posted to the court website and there is NO hearing required each year by the settlement

The first numbers listed are the date in YEAR_MMDD format.



Court posted documents related to the Technical Groups:



