Nipomo News

2/06/2010 San Luis Obispo County 4th District Candidates Speak On Issues At NICE Forum

1/20/2008 Is The NCSD Misleading The Public About Nipomo Water?

8/30/2007 Seawater Intrusion And The Nipomo Aquifer–Or, Whither The Water Crisis II

8/18/2007 Opinions of NCSD Water Expert Robert Beeby, P.E. Or Whither The Water Crisis?

8/3/2007 Nipomo Community Services District Special Meeting Notice 8/9/07

1/31/2007 Coastkeeper Lawsuit Against NCSD Thrown Out

12/28/2006 Nipomo Town Square Moves Forward

12/16/2006 Opinion Of The Adobe Press and TPR On Nipomo’s Water

11/18/2006 The History of Nipomo’s Incorporation Movement

11/10/2006 Nipomo Water Pipeline To Move Forward

11/7/2006 Judge Komar’s Tentative Decision Phase V Santa Maria Water Litigation

11/07/2006 Santa Maria Water Pipeline Costs Skyrocket To $24 Million