Other Web Sites Links

The Nipomo Water Facts website is at: http://www.nipomowaterfacts.com/

The website is designed for two purposes:
To provide fact-checking on technical issues related to the groundwater under the Nipomo Mesa
To provide a resource to learn about the science of groundwater

The Mesa Community Alliance website is at: http://mesacommunityalliance.com/

Our “mission” statement is simply:
To preserve the quality of life on the Mesa
To provide a voice on issues of common interest to Mesa residents
To build influence through development of relationships with local officials and regulatory agencies
To build “community” through increased awareness, information gathering and communication
If you are interested in the reliability of our water supply, browse through the water-related pages, read comments from others, and post your own comments.
If you are interested in the air quality on the Nipomo Mesa, browse the air-quality pages, read and post comments.

The Orcutt Water website is at: http://www.OrcuttWater.com/

A website for Orcutt water ratepayers by a rate payer

The No Mesa Road Sewer website is at: http://www.NoMesaRoadSewer.com/

This site is dedicated to keeping the Nipomo Community Services District sewer facility where it is currently located and preventing it from expanding to a second location at 776 Mesa Road in Nipomo.

The Nipomo News website is at: http://nipomonews.org/

All the Nipomo News fit to blog, read, comment, and ponder.

The Superior Courts, Santa Maria Groundwater Litigation Cases CV770214, CV784900, CV784921, CV784926, CV785509, CV785511, CV785515, CV785522, CV785936, CV786971, CV787150, CV787151, CV787152, CV790597, CV790599, CV790741, CV790803, 990738, 990739 are located on the website at: http://www.sccomplex.org/

The California Appellate Courts, 6th Appellate District Cases H035056, H021401, H027639, H033544, H034362 for the appeal of the Santa Maria Groundwater Litigation caseare located on the website at: http://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search.cfm?dist=6

The Supreme Courts Cases S127066, H027639, CV770214, are located on the website at: http://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search.cfm?dist=0

The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors website is at: http://www.slocounty.ca.gov/bos.htm

The San Luis Obispo Flood Control and Water Conservation District (SLOFC & WCD) website is at: http://www.slocountywater.org/site/Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zones/index.htm

The San Luis Obispo County Water Agency website is at: http://www.slocountywater.org/

The San Luis Obispo County Assessor Mapping, Parcel Maps on Line website is at: hhttp://www.slocounty.ca.gov/Assessor/Mapping.htm

The San Luis Obispo County Water Resources Advisory Committee or WRAC website is at: http://www.slocountywater.org/site/Water Resources/Advisory Committee/

The South County Advisory Council website is at: http://scac.ca.gov/

The Notes and Critiques Relative to PUC Application 06-02-026 by GSWC, G. Trimble   is at: http://personal.linkline.com/trimble/water/Stipulation/

The California Public Utilities Commision or (CPUC) or (PUC) website is at: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/puc/

The California Public Utilities Commision (CPUC) or (PUC) documents are at: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/PUC/documents/

The California Public Utilities Commision (CPUC) or (PUC) department of RatePayer Advocates are at: http://www.dra.ca.gov/dra/

The United States Geological Survey(USGS) National Water Information System: Mapper website is at: http://wdr.water.usgs.gov/nwisgmap/

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) website is at: http://www.dwr.water.ca.gov/

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Water Data website is at: http://www.water.ca.gov/waterdatalibrary/

The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Groundwater Ambient Monitoring & Assessment Program (GAMA) website is at: http://wdr.water.usgs.gov/nwisgmap/

The Santa Maria Valley Water Conservation District (SMVWCD) website is at: http://smvwcd.org/

The Central Coast Water Authority (CCWA) website is at: http://www.ccwa.com/

The Nipomo Community Services District or NCSD’s website is located at:  http://ncsd.ca.gov/

The City of Santa Maria (SM) website is at: http://www.ci.santa-maria.ca.us/

The City of Guadalupe website is at: http://www.ci.guadalupe.ca.us/

The City of Grover Beach (GB) website is at: http://www.grover.org/

The Oceano Community Services District website is at: http://oceanocsd.org/main/

The City of Pismo Beach (Pismo) website is at: http://www.pismobeach.org/

The City of Arroyo Grande website is at: http://www.arroyogrande.org/

Audio and some Video of board meetings for Arroyo Grande, Pismo Beach, Oceano Community Services District and Grover Beach can be found at: http://www.slo-span.org/media.php?slo=3

The Golden State Water Company (GSWC) was California Cities Water Company (CCWC) website is at: http://www.gswater.com/csa_homepages/santa_maria.html

The Rural Water Company (RWC) or (RW) & Cypress Ridge Sewer website is at: http://ruralwatercompany.com/

The Woodlands Mutual Water Company (WMWC) website is at: http://woodlandsmwc.com/

The Cypress Ridge Owners Association (served by RWC) website is at: http://cypressridgeoa.org/

The BlackLake Village Managment Association (served by NCSD) website is at: http://www.blacklakevillage.com/

The County of Santa Barbara website is at: http://www.countyofsb.org/

The County of Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors website is at: http://www.countyofsb.org/bos/default.aspx?id=404#current

The Santa Barbara County Public Works Department website is at: http://www.countyofsb.org/pwd/pwhome.aspx

The Santa Barbara County Enterprise Geographic Information System (GIS), website site is at: http://www.countyofsb.org/itd/gis/

The California Department of Fish and Game, Guadalupe Oil Field Contamination website is at: http://www.dfg.ca.gov/ospr/NRDA/guadalupe.aspx


The Nipomo Hills Alliance website is at: http://stoplaetitia.com/home.html

The Nipomo Hills Alliance is an organization made up of residents of the Dana Foothill and Upper Los Berros communities, who are concerned about overdevelopment of the Nipomo Hills. Our goal is to protect and preserve not only the rural beauty of our surroundings, but also to secure the availability of water, both now and for many generations to follow.