News Articles 2014


11/12/14 SMT, Protesting water costs

11/07/14 Adobe, 11.7 Bits and Pieces of Nipomo

10/24/14 Calcoast, Nipomo CSD grants water to development despite city protests

10/23/14 Adobe, Watering plan for the future

05/03/13 Adobe, Nipomo CSD approves pipeline funding plan

Nipomo CSD approves pipeline funding plan
MAY 02, 2013 12:00 AM • BY ADOBE STAFF

..............The total cost, including preliminary work already done, is expected to hit $17.5 million.

However, customer rates will not rise to pay for the project, noted Michael LeBrun, district general manager ........

09/29/14 Adobe, NCSD supplemental water rates

NCSD supplemental water rates


Nipomo Community Services District customers will soon receive ballots for proposed supplemental water rates after NCSD directors approved a rate study and authorized a Proposition 218 vote last week.

In addition to approving the study prepared by Tuckfield and Associates, the board authorized the staff to prepare Prop. 218 ballots and scheduled Friday, Nov. 21, for a public hearing on the new rates.

If more than 50 percent of the district’s property owners and customers do not file written protests over the proposed rates, NCSD could institute the new rates to cover the cost of supplemental water purchased from Santa Maria and the cost of building a pipeline system to deliver

10/23/14 Santa Maria Times, Protest water rate increase

10/21/14 Tribune, Cities call on Nipomo water district to be more aggressive about conserving

09/29/14 Adobe, NCSD supplemental water rates

09/26/14 SMT NCSD expected to approve supplemental water rates

09/26/14 SMT Supplementa,l water contract

09/20/14 Tribune, Nipomo board eyeing 30 percent water rate hike to pay for pipeline

09/08/14 Tribune, Event to celebrate upgrade in Nipomo

08/28/14 Atlantic, California's Underground Water War

08/21/14 Santa Maria Times, Santa Maria City Council adopts water conservation measures

07/22/14 Santa Maria Sun, A basin situation: Nipomo water issues are coming to a boil

" LeBrun said the NCSD would like to bring in 3,000 acre-feet in supplemental water through the pipeline every year, but funding challenges have postponed that goal. He added that the NCSD is committed to meeting the area’s supplemental water mandate."

07/11/14 Adobe, NCSD ramps up efforts to encourage water conservation

07/09/14 Santa Maria Sun, South SLO County's water conservation plans are kicking into high gear

05/22/14 Adobe, NCSD denies requests to sell water

05/08/14 Santa Maria Times, Santa Maria City Council adopts water conservation measures

05/08/14 Adobe, NCSD talks about water rate increases

04/17/14 Adobe, Tiered drought rates would hit water gluttons

04/17/14 Adobe, NCSD considers ‘drought rates’

02/27/14 Adobe, Dive into dos and don’ts of coping with the drought