2011 NMMA TG Report

The Nipomo Mesa Management Area Technical Group Report for 2011 was released on 5/2/12


2011 Nipomo Mesa Management Area Technical Group Annual Report, NMMA TG

2011 Nipomo Mesa Management Area Technical Group Annual Report

The Key Wells Index was shown as falling.

However the trend is in the opposite direction of the NCSD Groundwater Index for the Spring and the Fall for 2011, as reported by one of the NMMA TG members Brad Newton. As reported in the 2011 Fall Groundwater in storage (Index) for NCSD. The NCSD report no longer shows groundwater contours that can be compared to the NMMA TG report.

Please see the 2011 Fall Groundwater in storage (Index) for NCSD chart with the 2011 Key Well Index line added:



Red line is taken from the2011 Nipomo Mesa Management Area Technical Group Annual Report shown below:
